How do I create a space in my partner account?

The following provided steps will only be available if you have gone through Cloud Technologies and requested to have spinup accessible to your partner account. If you have not already done this please reach out via service now and create a ticket with our team and we will reach back out to you about the next steps in this process.

If you have already done this and we have reached back out and said you were all set up follow these steps to get started creating resources in your partner account via Spinup.

Creating a space in your partner account

  1. From the home screen on the right side of the screen click the Create New Space button as shown in the screenshot below

  2. Under the Department section you should now have a new option titled Account (depicted in the below screenshot.

    1. In order to create this new space in your partner account, select the dropdown and change it from Automatically Select to the partner account you wish to create the space in. In this case I will be selecting my partner account called Partner Tassone. Your partner account should be named similarly with the only change being to the part after partner

    2. Once the account has been selected you will notice the COA section has disappeared. This is because all billing for resources in your Partner Account are already tied to the COA you have provided us when initially creating the space.


  3. The next step is to specify your data classification. Please fill out the questionnaire as normal. Once completed it should appear as the following screenshot below with the Create space but now available to be pressed.
    Note: at this time only low risk items are supported in partner accounts. If your data classification comes back as moderate or high risk it will not allow you to create the space in your partner account.


  4. You’re done! You will see the newly created space show up in your spaces list like normal and will now be able to start creating resources, add users to the space for access, share it with teams and many other things you are able to do in your normal spinup spaces.