Spinup Server
If you have a Yale Spinup server that you want to install JasperReports Server to:
Log in and go to your server.
Add resource such as a Linux server (RHEL7)
Follow instructions here: http://techconnection.yale.edu/forum/connect-linux-host
I use windows so I installed Putty: http://www.putty.org/
- Note: when using putty to login to your Spinup server you will not see what you type because it's on keyboard interactive mode.
Edit/upload files easily with WinSCP: https://winscp.net/eng/index.php
Upload the Jasper Server installer using WinSCP and then use Putty to run it using ./[installer filer]
Allowing non admins to change their password: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-allow-non-admin-users-change-their-passwords
Fix net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Crosstab bucket/measure limit (100000) exceeded. : http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/524062/having-problem-crosstab-while-filling-data
Copying server to server on Linux: scp -r username@sourceIP: . ie: scp -r dc932@ .