Windows Discovery Findings


Mid Server Configuration

Much of this is set by default, but here's the settings that work.

Windows Configuration needed

Adding trusted host for WinRM.  This is a bit of a lazy configuration on my part here, because I don't think I need target and source, and ip and FQDN, but it works.

PS C:\Windows\system32> winrm s winrm/config/client '@{TrustedHosts=",,,"}'

Ran into some issues with reverse DNS lookup.  Might need some more investigation.

High Level Process

  1. Script provided to probe is parsed on mid server

  2. Script is executed via remote session on the target server
  3. Results are picked up from mid server


Note : Tests run on Server 2016 in Spinup environment

  1. Windows - CPU / Memory, which is a WMI Probe is executed.
  2. ECC Entry looks like this.  In this case basically just a list of values it wants.  Executed via mid server at

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><parameters><parameter name="used_by_discovery" value="true"/><parameter name="probe_name" value="Windows - CPU / Memory"/><parameter name="probe" value="b141fd470a0a0ba5001d3c32c7d834fb"/><parameter name="WMI_FetchData" value="Win32_Processor.NumberOfLogicalProcessors,Win32_Processor.NumberOfCores,Win32_PhysicalMemory.BankLabel,Win32_PhysicalMemory.DataWidth,Win32_PhysicalMemory.FormFactor,Win32_PhysicalMemory.DeviceLocator,Win32_PhysicalMemory.Manufacturer,Win32_PhysicalMemory.PartNumber,Win32_PhysicalMemory.SerialNumber,Win32_PhysicalMemory.Speed,Win32_PhysicalMemory.Status,Win32_PhysicalMemory.TotalWidth,Win32_PhysicalMemory.MemoryType,Win32_PhysicalMemory.TypeDetail,Win32_PhysicalMemory.Tag,Win32_PhysicalMemory.Capacity,Win32_Processor.Name,Win32_Processor.MaxClockSpeed,Win32_Processor.Manufacturer"/><parameter name="credential_id" value="a5896eea1366be0057f7b7a66144b0fd"/></parameters>
  3. This input is parsed by scripts on the mid server and executed on the target machine at  Here's some powershell logging showing the execution going against the remote host.

  4. Script is executed as PowerShell.  See the log from the target machine here:
  5. Information is pulled back into the mid server and parsed.  See the output here.
  6. ServiceNow works it's magic to get it into the CMDB.

More Details 

Script Files

Powershell and WinRM scripts are here:

Ecc Queue

One thing that's a bit confusing here is that we see WMI being invoked.  This isn't actually remote WMI as evidenced above and is handled differently based on the protocol being used.


Shows WinRM port 5985 and only 5985 being used.

Powershell log

Further evidenced here is that PowerShell is using the Get-WmiObject cmdlet and not remote WMI

PS>CommandInvocation(Get-WmiObject): "Get-WmiObject"
>> ParameterBinding(Get-WmiObject): name="Class"; value="Win32_ComputerSystem"

Domain              :
Manufacturer        : RDO
Model               : OpenStack Compute
Name                : SPINUP-0005A8
PrimaryOwnerName    : Windows User
TotalPhysicalMemory : 8589373440

Without local admin

Work in progress...

Add user to Remote Admin Group

LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy needs to be set for local account to work