Simple structured redesign

Simple structured redesign


Currently the simple structured design isn't that user friendly.  When a simple structured request comes in, it creates the usual request -> request item -> request task structure.  The problem is that the descriptive information that users have entered is buried in the variables making it difficult to report on.  It also makes managing the queue of this a bit challenging as tasks need to be opened and altered one by one to update them to reflect the real work.

Current workflow

Proposed solution

  • Update the workflow generated request item to reflect the short description and description that the requester entered
  • Don't automatically generate a catalog task
  • Require that at least one task be created and closed in order for the item and request to be considered complete
  • Assignment group would need to be set at the item level and shown on the form
  • Update notifications, probably special ones for simple structured request

Proposed workflow

Form Changes

  • Assignment group and assigned to would need to be added to the item form when the item is simple structured

  • Display short description and description on the form for simple structured items

  • Work notes field on the item as well?


We would need new notifications for the assignment of items to groups and individuals.  They would include the information that the customer entered.

Other Considerations

  • Additionally training will be needed
    • How to report
    • The necessity of creating task(s) to complete the item and request
  • We need to look at how these will show up in the work queues
    • If this assigned to or assignment group it set it will show as normal
  • Does this fit into the ITIL framework?
  • Should we take a different path if any of the tasks are closed incomplete?
  • SLAS?