Equinox Endeavor Mid Sprint Review

Equinox Endeavor Mid Sprint Review

Dec 6, 2023


  1. Ops Dash - Significant work completed for the 12/4 Demo

  2. Ops Dash - Mockup design completed

  3. Ops Dash - Working ahead on issues outside of sprint goals

  4. GHG - Initial work complete, no blockers for work next sprint


  1. Ops Dash - Buildings and Services grouping still not decided by stakeholder

  2. FAS - Initial hours estimates for reports have not been tested - implementation may take longer than expected

  3. Significant work added throughout sprint, including urgent support tasks, Ops Dash work, FMP work, and Defects.


  1. FAS - Managing UAT and QA defects for FAS and focusing on reports. Regular communication between Rosa, Kim, Becki and Netal is necessary to attempt to keep FAS from getting bogged down in new defects and losing sight of core functionality.

  2. FAS - Initial hours estimates for reports have not been tested - implementation may take longer than expected

  3. Ops Dash - Working ahead on CAS Access and Design Gating approval







Ops Dash: UI/UX Integration for alerts and categories before 12/1



Ops Dash: Complete Mockup design of dashboard



Ops Dash: UAT begins

On Track

Rosa working on compiling UAT and will send to George before end of the week.

FAS: Finish Porter and PeopleHub Data Display Dev Work


The Promotion and Reappointment fields are being updated by Jason’s teams and blocked for 1-2 weeks due to PTO on Jason’s team.

FAS: Complete Reports


Unknown worktimes and excessive UAT/QA defects may derail completion of all reports.

SDF: Planning and Initial implementation

On Track


GHG: Set up Project in GitLab and Spinup



Burndown Chart - Time Remaining -


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