Candy Apple Mid-Sprint status report

Candy Apple Mid-Sprint status report

Nov 1, 2023


  1. Ops Dash - Create Hash Secret Project complete!

  2. FAS - Great progress on PeopleHub and Porter integrations!

  3. Ops Dash/Admin - Michael and Kristian time distribution focused primarily on Ops Dash - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/jira/dashboards/12473

Needs input

  1. Ops Dash - Parser for Alerts under-estimated. May want to reconsider goals to focus on Categories secti on.

  2. FAS UAT - May not be able to close out issues due to external dependencies (Linda’s reply)

  3. FAS - Required field “Highest_Term_Date” not currently available on existing API - may need to tweak acceptance criteria for associated user story


  1. Closing FAS issues as UAT is complete

  2. Connecting on Parser for Alerts and agreeing on scope of work for sprint

  3. Making Components mandatory, and reminding of best practices for Ticketing, including

    1. Estimates

    2. Proper status

    3. Proper tags







Ops Dash - Complete Categories Section

In Progress

  • Buttons and Icon functionality complete

Ops Dash - Create Hash Secret Project



Ops Dash - Create Parser with Special Key Words for Alerts

at risk

  • This task requires a great deal of in the moment documentation along with original work

  • May not be completed this sprint

  • Re-prioritize Categories section?

Ops Dash - CAS Access

In Progress

  • CAS Access is working

  • Additional work is being done to add roles and users

Ops Dash - Begin QA Test Case Creation

in progress

  • QA is well under way on creating these test cases

  • Done pending peer review

FAS - Connect Peoplehub and Sync with pages

At Risk

  • Endpoint 1 - Ready for Review

  • Endpoint 2 - Chris working wtih Jason Shuff to get “Highest_Term_Date” exposed to our team - Acceptance Criteria needs to be updated

FAS - Finish testing and UAT for ninths and Grants pages

in progress

  • Awaiting final comments from Linda

  • QA aware of 2 existing notes and comments and will be addressing later today

FMP UTIL - Get an Export of Data for Portfolio

in progress

  • Confirmed that data export will be delivered this sprint

Goals - Present for Community of Practice

in progress

  • Presentation deck complete

  • Presentation on Friday, 11/3

Candy Apple Sprint Metrics Dashboard - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/jira/dashboards/12472



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