Service Now
Service Now
Service Now was somewhat of a straight forward implementation once we realized we had access to the script that generates the SAML 2.0 Authentication Request. Since we allow for anonymous SP authentication we modified two scripts in Service Now to send requests that are acceptable. Here are the diff's for the files we modified.
Modify the Login Script
This modification was made to get rid of the AuthnContext which required username/password authentication, but since we are using RemoteUser for CAS this was asking too much, so I just removed it.
Login script
jjv6@nomad:~/Desktop/service-now$ diff -cBr login.script login.script.orig *** login.script 2011-11-15 09:29:19.938287229 -0500 --- login.script.orig 2011-11-15 09:30:21.798287235 -0500 *************** *** 124,131 **** this.SAML2.createIssuer(elem); this.SAML2.createNameIDPolicy(elem); ! //var rElem = this.SAML2.createRequestedAuthnContext(elem); ! //this.SAML2.createAuthnContextClassRef(rElem); return this.SAML2.getEncodedSAMLRequest(elem); }, --- 124,131 ---- this.SAML2.createIssuer(elem); this.SAML2.createNameIDPolicy(elem); ! var rElem = this.SAML2.createRequestedAuthnContext(elem); ! this.SAML2.createAuthnContextClassRef(rElem); return this.SAML2.getEncodedSAMLRequest(elem); },
Modify the Script Object
This modification removed the SPNameQualifier from the nameID requested. They send a value that is not the entityID and I could no make it work with shib, so I just removed it.
Script Object
jjv6@nomad:~/Desktop/service-now$ diff -cBr script.object.orig script.object *** script.object.orig 2011-11-15 09:31:45.318287245 -0500 --- script.object 2011-11-15 09:28:44.268287225 -0500 *************** *** 99,105 **** var nid = nb.buildObject(); nid.setValue(nameId); nid.setFormat(nameIdPolicy); ! nid.setSPNameQualifier(serviceURL); var nim = new NameIDMarshaller(); return nim.marshall(nid, parentElement); }, --- 99,105 ---- var nid = nb.buildObject(); nid.setValue(nameId); nid.setFormat(nameIdPolicy); ! //nid.setSPNameQualifier(serviceURL); var nim = new NameIDMarshaller(); return nim.marshall(nid, parentElement); }, *************** *** 166,172 **** var nameIdPolicy = nameIdPolicyBuilder.buildObject(); // insist on the emailAddress format to match with our user's email address nameIdPolicy.setFormat(nameIdPolicyStr); ! nameIdPolicy.setSPNameQualifier(serviceURLStr); nameIdPolicy.setAllowCreate(true); var nidm = new NameIDPolicyMarshaller(); return nidm.marshall(nameIdPolicy, parentElement); --- 166,172 ---- var nameIdPolicy = nameIdPolicyBuilder.buildObject(); // insist on the emailAddress format to match with our user's email address nameIdPolicy.setFormat(nameIdPolicyStr); ! //nameIdPolicy.setSPNameQualifier(serviceURLStr); nameIdPolicy.setAllowCreate(true); var nidm = new NameIDPolicyMarshaller(); return nidm.marshall(nameIdPolicy, parentElement);
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