Schema - Assets
The assets table stores a record for every asset (image, video, document, etc). It enforces certain business rules which have been agreed upon by the participating units. This table is populated by each unit, typically as part of the ingest process, though there may be a mass insert during migration (TBD). The unit will update records over time to request ingest or deletion of an asset, or to update image metadata. Traffic manager will monitor this table to know what actions are requested, and will update rows to record the results of transactions related to a given asset.
Change Log
Derived from: Schema - Assets Google doc
Document modified | By | Description |
Tuesday 2017-10-24 | Tim Speevack | Combined sheet and doc, added columns lastmodified, plus all image metadata columns. |
Thursday, 2018-01-18 | Tim Speevack | Added several columns to grid w/best guesses on values (should be reviewed) Added fields: netx_error, preservica_error, cds_error Added netx_folderid column to tell ingest where to put the asset in netx Renamed the netx_updated and preservica_updated columns to netx_ingested and preservica_ingested. since that’s what those datesreally indicate. Removed colormode field |
Friday, 2018-01-26 | Tim Speevack | Split this into two tables: assets and assetstatus. Added hotfolderpath as a new column. |
Wednesday, 2018-01-31 | Tim Speevack | Renamed id column to assetid. Renamed checksum column to uploadchecksum |
Thursday 2018-02-15 | Tim Speevack | Added unit_rank column, removed comment regarding autotask. |
Thursday 2018-04-05 | Tim Speevack | Added imageheight, imagewidth |
Friday 2018-08-03 | Youjun Guo | Add cds_meta_changed |
Friday 2018-08-10 | Youjun Guo | Add date_photo_taken |
Mon 2018-08-20 | Youjun Guo | Add tombstone |
Wed 2024-03-27 | Youjun Guo | Add date_of_source |
Schema Summary
Column Name | Datatype SQL Server | Column Name PostgreSQL | Datatype PostgreSQL | Nullable | Managed by? | Is Netx Attribute? | Required for insert? | NetX Autotask Sync? | TMAN Sync to NetX? |
assetid | int identity(1,1) |
| not null | DB (auto) |
| (auto) |
created | datetime |
| not null | Unit |
| def |
lastmodified | datetime |
| not null | Unit+TMAN | Maybe? | def |
login | nvarchar(40) |
| not null | Unit |
| Yes |
unitcode | nvarchar(4) |
| not null | Unit | R/O | Yes |
filename | nvarchar(100) |
| not null | Unit |
| Yes |
hotfolderpath | nvarchar(512) |
| not null | Unit |
| Yes |
uploadchecksum | nchar(32) |
| not null | Unit |
| Yes |
uuid | nchar(36) |
| null | Unit | R/O |
nativeid | int |
| null | Unit | R/O |
unit_rank | int |
| null | Unit | R/O |
mimetype | nvarchar(80) |
| null | Unit |
cmstype | nchar(4) |
| not null | Unit | R/O | Yes |
cmsid | integer |
| not null | Unit | R/O | Yes |
cdslevel | smallint |
| not null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W CDS Level | Yes | Yes | Yes |
cdsprimary | smallint |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W CDS Primary |
| Yes | Yes |
cdsrank | smallint |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W CDS Rank |
| Yes | Yes |
imagecredit | nvarchar(2048) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W Image Credit |
| Yes | Yes |
imagecaption | nvarchar(max) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W Image Caption |
| Yes | Yes |
imagecopyright | nvarchar(max) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W Image Copyright |
| Yes | Yes |
copyrightinfourl | nvarchar(510) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W Copyright Info URL |
| Yes | Yes |
copyrightstatus | nvarchar(20) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W Copyright Status |
| Yes | Yes |
usageterms | nvarchar(2048) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W Usage Terms |
| Yes | Yes |
imagesource | nvarchar(256) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W Image Source |
| Yes | Yes |
headline | nvarchar(510) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W Headline |
| Yes | Yes |
imagekeywords | nvarchar(max) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W Image Keywords |
| Yes | Yes |
jobidentifier | nvarchar(160) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W Job Identifier |
| Yes | Yes |
creator | nvarchar(256) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W Creator |
| Yes | Yes |
creatorrole | nvarchar(160) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W Creator Role |
| Yes | Yes |
imagetitle | nvarchar(2048) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W Image Title |
| Yes | Yes |
instructions | nvarchar(1000) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W Instructions |
| Yes | Yes |
bitdepth | nvarchar(40) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/O Bit Depth |
| Yes |
colorprofile | nvarchar(100) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/O Color Profile |
| Yes |
imagesupplier | nvarchar(256) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/W Image Supplier |
| Yes | Yes |
lens | nvarchar(80) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/O Lens |
| Yes |
lensmake | nvarchar(80) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/O Lens Make |
| Yes |
lensmodel | nvarchar(80) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/O Lens Model |
| Yes |
serialnumber | nvarchar(80) |
| null | Unit + TMAN + Netx | R/O Serial Number |
| Yes |
imageheight | int |
| null | Unit+TMAN | R/O |
| Yes |
imagewidth | int |
| null | Unit+TMAN | R/O
| No | Yes |
cds_meta_changed | smallint |
| null | Unit+TMAN | R/W |
| No | No |
date_photo_taken | datetime |
| null | Unit | R/O |
| No | No |
tombstone | nvarchar |
| null | Unit+TMAN | R/O |
| No | No |
date_of_source | date |
| null | Unit | R/O |
| No | No |
Schema Column Details
assetid (Primary Key) | |
Datatype | Integer (sql server identity field, automatically populated) |
Nullable | No |
Description | Automatic unique row identity |
Notes | Sequential integer, limited to 2bn. If we need more this could be a bigint. Not used by TMAN or other systems. |
created | |
Datatype | date |
Nullable | No |
Description | Populated during insert, never updated. Stores the original date of creation of the asset. |
Notes | Defaults to sql server getDate(). Not used by TMAN or other systems. |
lastmodified | |
Datatype | date |
Nullable | No |
Description | Used to track when any field is updated. |
Notes | Defaults to sql server getDate(). Updated when any of the fields below are changed. The following processes will update this field:
login | |
Datatype | nvarchar(40) |
Nullable | No |
Description | Text field which is used by the unit to record the creator of the database entry. This may be the name of an automated process or may be the actual netid/login of the user who created the media. |
Notes | Not used by TMAN or other systems. |
Sample value | “auto-ingest”, “tms64”, etc. |
unitcode | |
Datatype | nvarchar(4) |
Nullable | No |
Description | Contains the unit identifier |
Notes | This field, combined with filename will guarantee file name uniqueness within the unit. Will be uniquely index on (unitcode, filename). |
Sample value | “YPM”, “YCBA”, “YUAG” |
filename | |
Datatype | nvarchar(100) |
Nullable | No |
Description | Contains the filename of the asset as assigned by the unit. It is up to the unit to maintain their own naming convention or business rules to ensure uniqueness. |
Notes | This field, combined with unitcode will guarantee file name uniqueness within the unit. Will be uniquely index on (unitcode, filename). |
Sample value | “ag-obj-12345-001-pub.tif” |
MM Mapping | UOIS.MASTER_OBJ_NAME, max length today is 88 characters. |
hotfolderpath | |
Datatype | nvarchar(512) |
Nullable | No |
Description | Contains the relative path underneath the hot folder share. This is a temporary use value, only valid during ingest. After successful ingest the file will have been removed from the hot folder. |
Notes | Normally this will be defined as the unitcode alone, i.e. just “yuag”, which means the file is located under \\someshare\yuag. This allows users to create subpaths for organizing large ingest batches with any number of subfolders. The path separators should be forward slashes. |
Sample value | yuag/bigbatch/123/456 |
MM Mapping | n/a |
uploadchecksum | |
Datatype | nchar(32) |
Nullable | No |
Description | This is the (md5) checksum of the original file, generated by the unit prior to copying to the TMAN hotfolder. This field is used by TMAN to verify that the file was successfully copied and is safe to ingest. This field should not be modifed after insert. |
Notes |
Sample value | “ecd2f922ec7fb3cc7a32b6fabf863612” |
uuid | |
Datatype | nchar(36) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | Optional storage for a type 4 UUID identifier for the media. This will primarily be used by YPM w/EMu, but may be used in the future by other units. This field is uniquely indexed where not NULL |
Notes | This could be used as a location to define a common UUID to be used as the unique identifier in other systems like Preservica and CDS. E.g. TMAN could pass the value in this field to Preservica in the SIP. |
Sample value | “D079DE34-C348-4136-956B-28456117FC4B” |
nativeid | |
Datatype | integer |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | Optional storage for an integer identifier for the media. This is primarily intended for use by YPM to store their media’s integer id from EMu. |
Notes |
Sample value |
unit_rank | |
Datatype | integer |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | Optional field for sorting in reports, other UIs. |
Notes |
Sample value |
mimetype | |
Datatype | nvarchar(80) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | Optional storage for the mime type of the media. |
Notes | This is populated by the unit at the time of ingest and is not necessarily expected to match the mime type stored in NetX or Preservica. It’s primarily intended as a search string for the unit for reporting/dashboard queries. |
Sample value | image/tiff |
cmstype | |
Datatype | nchar(3) |
Nullable | No |
Description | This field is used by the unit to define the relationship to the cms metadata related to the asset. This field is part of the composite foreign key to the cms_metadata_view. |
Notes | Values used in this field will be defined by agreement between the units, but at this time there is no planned restriction on the values, i.e. units could have unique cms types.
This field is only written during ingest and should be considered read-only after that point. |
Sample value | “obj”, “exb”, “evt”, “lec”, “doc”, etc. |
cmsid | |
Datatype | int |
Nullable | No |
Description | This field is used by the unit to define the relationship to the cms metadata related to the asset. This field is part of the composite foreign key to the cms_metadata_view. |
Notes | Values in this field represent the unique identifier in the unit’s cms system(s).
This field is only written during ingest and should be considered read-only after that point. |
Sample value | Values will range into the millions. All current cms systems natively represent these as integers. |
cdslevel | |
Datatype | smallint |
Nullable | No |
Description | Determines what sizes of derivatives will be created by CDS. For details see CDS documentation |
Notes |
Sample value | values from 0 to 21. |
Synced | Yes |
cdsprimary | |
Datatype | smallint |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | Tells CDS to treat the flagged asset as primary (essentially determines how the asset will be sorted when pulling related assets) |
Notes | 0/1 for false/true respectively |
Synced | Yes |
cdsrank | |
Datatype | smallint |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | Determines sort order when pulling related assets from CDS |
Notes | 0/1 for false/true respectively |
Synced | Yes |
imagecredit | |
Datatype | nvarchar(2048) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | |
Notes | exiftool tag: -xmp:credit
NOTE: -credit will be truncated if it exceeds the specification length, xmp:credit will only be populated via adobe tools. The appropriate tag may vary between institutions. |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.IMAGE_CREDIT “Yale University Art Gallery”, “Digital Image: Yale Center for British Art”, “Digital Image: Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History” |
imagecaption | |
Datatype | nvarchar(max) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | |
Notes | exiftool tag: -caption or -Caption-Abstract |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.DESCR_CAP “recto, unframed”, “Opening Gala for Staff” |
Synced | Yes |
imagecopyright | |
Datatype | nvarchar(max) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | |
Notes | exiftool -copyrightnotice |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.COPYRIGHT_IMAGE “Yale University Art Gallery”, “Digital Image: © 2011 Yale Center for British Art”, “Copyright Yale Peabody Museum 2012” |
Synced | Yes |
copyrightinfourl | |
Datatype | nvarchar(510) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | |
Notes | exiftool -webstatement |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.COPYRIGHT_INFO_URL “ ”, “ ”, “” |
Synced | Yes |
copyrightstatus | |
Datatype | nvarchar(20) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | photoshop:Marked or xmp:rightsMarked |
Notes | exiftool -marked False if Public Domain, True otherwise |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.COPYRIGHT_STATUS “false”, “true”, null |
Synced | Yes |
usageterms | |
Datatype | nvarchar(2048) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | |
Notes | exiftool - usageterms |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.RES_IMAGE “ ”, “ ” |
Synced | Yes |
imagesource | |
Datatype | nvarchar(256) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | |
Notes | exiftool -xmp:source
NOTE: -source will be truncated if it exceeds the specification length, xmp:source will only be populated via adobe tools. The appropriate tag may vary between institutions. |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.SOURCE “Yale Center for British Art” |
Synced | Yes |
headline | |
Datatype | nvarchar(510) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | |
Notes | exiftool -headline |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.CONTENT_HEADLINE “Caro: Close Up, an exhibition on view at the Yale Center for British Art, October 18, 2012–December 30, 2012”, “OYAG Renovation 2010” |
Synced | Yes |
imagekeywords | |
Datatype | nvarchar(max) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | |
Notes | exiftool -keywords or -subject |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.KEYWORDS “Rapid Imaging”, “back, endpapers”, “Connecticut, CT, Fossils, Skeleton” |
Synced | Yes |
jobidentifier | |
Datatype | nvarchar(160) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | |
Notes | exiftool -transmissionreference |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.JOB_IDENT “Harvey Weiss archives”, “P&D Scanning Project”, “Legacy Project” |
Synced | Yes |
creator | |
Datatype | nvarchar(256) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | |
Notes | exiftool -by-line |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.CREATOR “Jessica Smolinski”, “J. Utrup, 2015”, “Richard Caspole” |
Synced | Yes |
creatorrole | |
Datatype | nvarchar(160) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | |
Notes | exiftool -by-linetitle |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.CREATOR_ROLE “Photographer”, “Division of Anthropology”, “Senior Photographer” |
Synced | Yes |
imagetitle | |
Datatype | nvarchar(2048) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | dc:title |
Notes | exiftool -title |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.NAME “Family Day”, “VP.001883 Anchisaurus polyzelus”, “ND497.R63 R43 1833” |
Synced | Yes |
instructions | |
Datatype | nvarchar(1000) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | |
Notes | exiftool -instructions |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.INSTRUCTIONS “Input Sharpening: SurfaceBlur Method: Radius 3, Levels 100, opacity 85%”, “Van Otterloo collection”, “May not be reproduced without the permission of the Yale Peabody Museum.”. Current max length is 481 in MM. |
Synced | Yes |
bitdepth | |
Datatype | nvarchar(40) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | Exif:102 BitsPerSample |
Notes | exiftool -BitsPerSample |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.BIT_DEPTH “8”, ”8 8 8”, ”16 16 16” |
Synced | Yes |
colorprofile | |
Datatype | nvarchar(100) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | This is the name of the color profile embedded in the asset, NOT the profile itself. |
Notes | exiftool -icc_profile:profiledescription
Note: this just returns the name of the color profile, which is what we’re proposing to store in the database, NOT the color profile itself, which can be extracted using: exiftool -icc_profile -b -w icc c:\tmp\test.tif (which would extract to c:\tmp\test.icc) |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.COLOR_PROFILE “sRGB IEC61966-2.1”, “eciRGB v2 ICCv4”, “Adobe RGB (1998)” |
Synced | Yes |
imagesupplier | |
Datatype | nvarchar(256) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | |
Notes | exiftool -imagesuppliername |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.IMAGE_SUP “Yale Center for British Art”. |
Synced | Yes |
lens | |
Datatype | nvarchar(80) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | EXIF 0xa432 LensInfo |
Notes | exiftool -lensinfo |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.LENS “5.0-80.0 mm”, “HC 80”, “EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM” |
Synced | Yes |
lensmake | |
Datatype | nvarchar(80) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | EXIF 0xa433 LensMake |
Notes | exiftool - make |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.MAKE “Phase One”, “Canon”, “Hasselblad” |
Synced | Yes |
lensmodel | |
Datatype | nvarchar(80) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | EXIF 0xa434 LensModel |
Notes | exiftool -lensmodel |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.MODEL “DSC-W650”, “LCE-6000”, “Sinarback eVolution 75, Hasselblad” |
Synced | Yes |
serialnumber | |
Datatype | nvarchar(80) |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | EXIF 0xa435 LensSerialNumber |
Notes | exiftool -serialnumber |
Sample value | YALE_IPTC_XMP_EXIF.SER_NUM “320108843”, “NO= 1002d98e“ |
Synced | Yes |
imageheight | |
Datatype | int |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | pixel height of the original image (not the derivative) |
Notes | This value can optionally be provided by the unit, but if not provided TMAN will fill in this value. If the unit sends this value it will save one call in the TMAN processing. |
Synced | Yes |
imagewidth | |
Datatype | int |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | pixel width of the original image (not the derivative) |
Notes | (see imageheight above) |
Synced | Yes |
cds_meta_changed | |
Datatype | smallint |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | Departments turn it to 1 to indicate there are metadate update need to be push to CDS |
Notes | TMAN implement the push and set it back to 0 when finish |
Synced | no |
date_photo_taken | |
Datatype | datetime |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | As named |
Notes | TMAN implement the push during ingest |
Synced | no |
tombstone | |
Datatype | nvarchar |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | content for populate netx “description” field |
Notes | TMAN implement the push during ingest |
Synced | no |
date_of_source | |
Datatype | date |
Nullable | Yes |
Description | As named |
Notes | TMAN implement the push during ingest |
Synced | no |
tag extraction
exiftool -xmp:credit -caption-abstract -copyrightnotice -webstatement -marked -usageterms -xmp:source -headline -keywords -transmissionreference -by-line -by-linetitle -title -instructions -bitspersample -colormode -icc_profile:profiledescription -imagesuppliername -lensinfo -lensmodel -make -serialnumber -imageheight -imagewidth <filename>
NOTE: be aware of the differences in length between IPTC and XMP ‘shared’ fields. In the command above I’ve used -xmp:source and -xmp:credit. These fields are also available as just -source and -credit, but they pull from different locations and have different lengths. My opinion is that we should be using the -xmp tags, but there’s no guarantee that all media will have those fields populated. For YUAG assets these will always be preferred, but if you’re not using photoshop the values might not be automatically shared between these fields.
I suppose one option is to specify both tags in the exiftool command line, then programmatically parse for both and take the longer of the two. For example:
exiftool -f -xmp:source -source -xmp:credit -credit c:\tmp\ag-evt-000727-097-pub.tif
Source : Yale University Art Gallery, Visual Resources Department
Source : Yale University Art Gallery, Vis
Credit : Yale University Art Gallery
Credit : Yale University Art Gallery
(note the wrapping on the first line of the output)