CH Committees

CH Committees

(Sarah, the Project Manager, is on all groups)

CHIT Steering: (Cultural Heritage Information Technology)  

Who: Unit Directors and their IT leads, Susan, Rob, Elizabeth, Jeff

Why: Approve strategy, disseminate key information


BARC:  (Bias Awareness and Responsibility Committee)

Who: Rob, Elizabeth plus a collections and data representative from each unit, Hannah Vase (student)

Why: Venue for bias in collections awareness building and remediation strategy


CHITA: (CHIT Architecture)

Who: Technical folks from each unit + ITS + Rob, Kelly

Why: Technical discussions around CHIT projects


CCD: (Cross Collections Discovery)

Who: Collections and IT staff  from each unit + ITS + Rob, Kelly

Why: Tactical level decisions for LUX and projects


Rights WG: 

Who: IPR / Rights specialist from each unit + Rob + Arabella Yip from Office of the General Counsel

Why: Ensure we’re as open as possible, without putting ourselves at risk


Metadata WG

Who: Metadata folks from each unit + ITS + Rob, Kelly

Why: Discuss metadata mapping, transformation


Search and Discovery WG:

Who: Public service/Collections staff from each unit + ITS + Rob 

Why: Discuss search and UI from stakeholder user perspective


User Interface WG:

Who: Public service, UI design and outreach staff from each unit, plus Heather White

Why: Discuss UI / UX requirements and designs, produce non-data content for LUX

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