Error Messages

Error Messages

NetID Activation Error Messages

** Messages highlighted in yellow have been changed by the UX team and will need to be updated in the production build** 

CodeError Message
net_id_type.requiredYou must select your relationship with Yale.
dependent_netid.requiredYour Dependent NetID is required.
pin.requiredYou must enter an 8 character PIN.

The first set of 4 characters of the PIN is required.

pin_part_2.requiredThe second set of 4 characters of the PIN is required.
ssn1.requiredThe first 3 numbers of the SSN is required.
ssn2.requiredThe middle 2 numbers of the SSN is required.
ssn3.requiredThe last 4 numbers of the SSN is required.
month.requiredThe month of your birth date is required.
day.requiredThe day of your birth date is required.
year.requiredThe year of your birth date is required.
pin_invalidThe PIN you entered is not a valid PIN.
pin_consumedYou have already activated your NetID at a previous time.

The PIN you entered has expired.


The Eli Account you entered does not have an associated NetID.


The NetID associated with this Eli Account has already been activated.


The Law School Account you entered does not have an associated NetID.


The NetID associated with this Law School Account has already been activated.


The Dependent NetID you specified to be activated is not listed as a Dependent NetID.


The authentication information you supplied did not match what is on file for this PIN.

netid.valid_email_address.requiredThe email address is required.
netid.valid_retype_email_address.requiredYou must retype your email address.
netid.valid_email_address.invalidThe email address you entered is not a properly formatted email address.
netid.valid_retype_email_address.invalidThe retype email address you entered is not a properly formatted email address.
netid.valid_retype_email_address.invalidPlease type the same email address in both address fields.
netid.security_question.requiredYou must select 5 security questions.
netid.security_answer.requiredYou must provide an answer for each security question selected.
netid.security_questions.nonuniqueYou must select and answer 5 different security questions.
netid.new_password.requiredYour new password must be entered in both password fields.
netid.new_passwords.minimum_length.requiredThe new password must be at least 8 characters.
netid.new_passwords.maximum_length.requiredThe new password cannot be longer than 127 characters.
netid.new_passwords.invalid_charactersThe new password cannot contain the characters: < > & \\ , " ' :
netid.new_passwords.required_charactersYou must include at least two letters and two additional numbers or punctuation characters in your new password.
netid.identical_new_passwords.requiredPlease type the same new password in both password fields.
netid.set_password.failureA system error has occurred.  Please try again later.  If the problem persists, contact your help desk.  The password was not set.
Unfortunately, your password contains a word, phrase, or pattern that makes it easily guessable. Please try again with a different password.
netid.failureA system error occurred while activating the account. The NetID was not activated. Please try again later.
netid.unlockUser.failureA system error has occurred.  Please try again later.  If the problem persists, contact your help desk.  The Net Id was not activated.

Change Password Error Messages

** Messages highlighted in yellow have been changed by the UX team and will need to be updated in the production build** 

CodeError Message
change.error.netid.requiredNetID is required.

We could not find your NetID in our system. Re-enter your NetID and try again.

change.error.netid.notactiveThe NetID {0} has not yet been activated, or has been deactivated.

The NetID {0} does not exist, has not yet been activated, or, has been deactivated.


You must enter your new password in the first field.


You must enter your new password in the second field.


Please type the same new password in both password fields.


The new password must be at least 8 characters.


The new password cannot be longer than 127 characters.


The new password cannot contain the characters: < > & \\ , " ' :


You must include at least two letters and two additional numbers or punctuation characters in your new password.


Please type the same new password in both password fields.


A system error occurred while attempting to send the notification email to {0}.


Your password was successfully reset but there an error occurred when updating your security information. Please use the Change Your NetID Security Info function to set this information at a later time.

change.error.password.new_passwords.duplicateThe new password cannot match any of the last 6 passwords or any password used in the last 30 days.

A system error has occurred.  Please try again later.  If the problem persists, contact your help desk.  The password was not reset.


The NetID password was updated, but an error occurred when updating the Active Directory password. Please use the Change Password process again later to synchronize both passwords.

Change Security Information Error Messages

** Messages highlighted in yellow have been changed by the UX team and will need to be updated in the production build** 

CodeError Message


NetID is required.
change.security.error.netid.notfoundWe could not find your NetID in our system. Re-enter your NetID and try again.

The NetID {0} has not yet been activated, or has been deactivated.


The NetID {0} does not exist, has not yet been activated, or, has been deactivated.


Please type the same email address in both address fields.


The email address you entered is not a properly formatted email address.


A system error occurred while attempting to send the notification email to {0}.


You must select 5 security questions.


You must provide an answer for each security question selected.


You must select and answer 5 different security questions.


A system error has occurred.  Please try again later.  If the problem persists, contact your help desk.  The password was not reset.

Find Dependent NetID Error Messages

** Messages highlighted in yellow have been changed by the UX team and will need to be updated in the production build** 

CodeError Message

A system error occurred while retrieving the Dependent NetIDs. Please try again later.

Forgot Password Error Messages

** Messages highlighted in yellow have been changed by the UX team and will need to be updated in the production build** 

CodeError Message

NetID is required.


We could not find your NetID in our system. Re-enter your NetID and try again.


The NetID {0} has not yet been activated, or has been deactivated.

forgot.password.error.netid.no_questionsNo security questions and answers have been recorded for NetID {0}. Please contact ClientAccounts for assistance in resetting your password.

Your new password must be entered in both password fields.


Your new password must be at least 8 characters.


Your new password cannot be longer than 127 characters.


Your new password cannot contain the characters: < > & \\ , " ' :

forgot.password.error.new_passwords.required_charactersYou must include at least two letters and two additional numbers or punctuation characters in your new password

Please type the same new password in both password fields.


You must answer both security questions.


The NetID {0} does not exist, has not yet been activated, or, has been deactivated.


A System error occurred while attempting to send the notification email to {0}.


A system error has occurred.  Please try again later.  If the problem persists, contact your help desk.  The password was not reset.


Your NetID password was updated, but an error occurred when updating the Active Directory password. Please use the Change Password process again later to synchronize both passwords.


Your NetID is currently locked. Please contact your Help Desk or User Accounts for assistance. 


You must correctly answer the security question.


A system error occurred while resetting the NetID password. The password was not reset. Please try again later.

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