Scripted Steps
This is now a scheduled job. Move this into VCS when you get a chance
// // bw - 20120416 - adapted from // // keep pseudo-globals in object namespace to avoid name collisions var common = {}; var dev = {}; var tst = {}; var trn = {}; var pre = {}; var prd = {}; // // use to hash datasource names + urls dev.dataSources = new Array(); tst.dataSources = new Array(); trn.dataSources = new Array(); pre.dataSources = new Array(); prd.dataSources = new Array(); // // other canon (common to all but desirable here anyway) common.SMTPServer = ""; common.SMTPPort = 587; common.SMTPTLS = true; common.SMTPAuth = true; common.POP3Server = ""; common.POP3Secure = true; // // get this instance's name common.instance = gs.getProperty("instance_name"); // // here's where you should set all instance-specific values dev.longName = "yaledevelopment"; dev.shortName = "dev"; = "IT Service Management Suite (DEVELOPMENT)"; dev.color = "rgb(255, 0, 0)"; dev.admins = ["db692-admin","ekt6-admin","allen.doering","ss2326-admin","mp576-admin","al28-admin","ml34-admin","hp269-admin","james.woodford","michael.hale","df336-admin"]; dev.actors = []; dev.SMTPUser = ""; dev.POP3User = ""; dev.SMTPActive = true; dev.testRcpt = ""; dev.dataSources["IST-User"] = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://,cn=oracleContext,dc=world"; dev.dataSources["DW - Manager"] = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://,cn=oracleContext,dc=world"; dev.dataSources["DWH-DIVDEPTORG"] = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://,cn=oracleContext,dc=world"; tst.longName = "yaletest"; tst.shortName = "tst"; = "IT Service Management Suite (TEST)"; tst.color = "rgb(255, 165, 0)"; tst.admins = ["db692-admin","ekt6-admin","ss2326-admin","allen.doering","james.woodford","michael.hale","hp269-admin","ml34-admin","al28-admin","df336-admin"]; tst.actors = ["mp576-actor","rico-actor"]; tst.SMTPUser = ""; tst.POP3User = ""; tst.SMTPActive = true; tst.testRcpt = ""; tst.dataSources["IST-User"] = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://,cn=oracleContext,dc=world"; tst.dataSources["DW - Manager"] = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://,cn=oracleContext,dc=world"; tst.dataSources["DWH-DIVDEPTORG"] = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://,cn=oracleContext,dc=world"; trn.longName = "yaletraining"; trn.shortName = "trn"; = "IT Service Management Suite (TRAINING)"; trn.color = "rgb(0, 127, 0)"; trn.admins = ["db692-admin","kb32-admin","ekt6-admin","dmo6-admin","mk2-admin","ss2326-admin","df336-admin"]; trn.actors = ["ml34-actor","al28-actor","mp576-actor","rico-actor"]; trn.SMTPUser = ""; trn.POP3User = ""; trn.SMTPActive = false; trn.testRcpt = ""; trn.dataSources["IST-User"] = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://,cn=oracleContext,dc=world"; trn.dataSources["DW - Manager"] = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://,cn=oracleContext,dc=world"; trn.dataSources["DWH-DIVDEPTORG"] = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://,cn=oracleContext,dc=world"; pre.longName = "yalepreproduction"; pre.shortName = "pre"; = "IT Service Management Suite (PRE-PRODUCTION)"; pre.color = "rgb(15, 77, 146)"; pre.admins = ["db692-admin","hp269-admin","s_mirror42,","s_metricus","michael.hale","ss2326-admin","df336-admin"]; pre.actors = ["ml34-actor","al28-actor","mp576-actor","rico-actor"]; pre.SMTPUser = ""; pre.POP3User = ""; pre.SMTPActive = true; pre.testRcpt = ""; pre.dataSources["IST-User"] = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://,cn=oracleContext,dc=world"; pre.dataSources["DW - Manager"] = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://,cn=oracleContext,dc=world"; pre.dataSources["DWH-DIVDEPTORG"] = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://,cn=oracleContext,dc=world"; prd.longName = "yale"; prd.shortName = "prd"; = "IT Service Management Suite"; prd.color = "rgb(15, 77, 146)"; prd.admins = ["db692-admin","ekt6-admin","ss2326-admin"]; prd.actors = []; prd.SMTPUser = ""; prd.POP3User = ""; prd.SMTPActive = true; prd.testRcpt = ""; prd.dataSources["IST-User"] = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://,cn=oracleContext,dc=world"; prd.dataSources["DW - Manager"] = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://,cn=oracleContext,dc=world"; prd.dataSources["DWH-DIVDEPTORG"] = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://,cn=oracleContext,dc=world"; // // all non-prod is broken out in case the need arises to break formation // with the defaultConfig(). switch (common.instance) { case prd.longName: // shouldn't be cloning prod post-go-live! gs.print("**** You're running this script in production, are you asking for trouble?"); break; case dev.longName: defaultConfig(dev); break; case tst.longName: defaultConfig(tst); break; case trn.longName: defaultConfig(trn); break; case pre.longName: defaultConfig(pre); break; default: // bail if this is an unknown instance gs.print("**** I don't understand what this instance is for: " + common.instance); // } // end switch statement function defaultConfig(specific) { // // default way to configure a non-prod environment setEnvironmentMarkers(specific.color,; setSAMLProperties(specific.longName); setDataSourceURLs(specific.dataSources); enableAdminUsers(specific.admins); enableActorUsers(specific.actors); setPOP3Properties(specific.POP3User, common.POP3Server, common.POP3Secure); setSMTPProperties(specific.SMTPUser , common.SMTPServer , common.SMTPPort , common.SMTPTLS , common.SMTPAuth , specific.SMTPActive, specific.testRcpt , "https://" + specific.longName + ""); setCloningProperties(specific.longName); setSomeCatalogActive ( specific.shortName ); setOrgTestValues ( specific.shortName ); gs.print("Applied Instance-Specific Configurations"); } // end defaultConfig() function setCloningProperties(instance) { // // typically for non-prod instances, allow instance to be a clone targer gs.setProperty("glide.db.clone.allow_clone_target","true"); } // end setCloningProperties() function setSAMLProperties(instance) { // // set SAML properties so SSO logins are redirected to the right instance gs.setProperty("glide.authenticate.sso.saml2.issuer","https://" + instance + ""); gs.setProperty("glide.authenticate.sso.saml2.service_url","https://" + instance + ""); } // end setSAMLProperties() function setSMTPProperties(user, server, port, tls, auth, active, testRcpt, overrideURL) { // // set SMTP properties for a given instance... assume password the same across instances. gs.setProperty("",user); gs.setProperty("",server); gs.setProperty("glide.smtp.port",port); gs.setProperty("glide.smtp.tls",tls); gs.setProperty("glide.smtp.auth",auth); gs.setProperty("",active); gs.setProperty("",testRcpt); gs.setProperty("",overrideURL); // } // end setSMTPProperties() function setPOP3Properties(user, server, secure) { // // set POP3 properties for a given instance... assume password the same across instances. gs.setProperty("glide.pop3.server",server); gs.setProperty("",true); gs.setProperty("glide.pop3.user",user); // } // end setPOP3Properties() function setDataSourceURLs(dataSources) { // // align data source(s) with this name to specified url for (var name in dataSources) { var gr = new GlideRecord("sys_data_source"); gr.addQuery("name","=",name); gr.query(); while( { gr.connection_url = dataSources[name]; gr.update(); } } // } // end setDataSourceURLs() function enableAdminUsers(admins) { // // for each user matching user_name in admins, remove lockout and activate user for (var i = 0; i < admins.length; i++) { var gr = new GlideRecord("sys_user"); gr.addQuery("user_name","=",admins[i]); gr.query(); while( { = true; gr.locked_out = false; gr.update(); } } } Â function enableActorUsers(actors) { // // for each user matching user_name in actors, remove lockout and activate user for (var i = 0; i < actors.length; i++) { var gr = new GlideRecord("sys_user"); gr.addQuery("user_name","=",actors[i]); gr.query(); while( { = true; gr.locked_out = false; gr.update(); } } } function setEnvironmentMarkers(color,name) { // set the base color gs.setProperty("css.base.color",color); // set header name gs.setProperty("glide.product.description",name); // } // end setEnvironmentMarkers() function setSomeCatalogActive ( shortName ){ if ( shortName == 'trn' || shortName == 'pre' ) { // dce9f6109df47c0094adfdb88ae63850 is Phones and Cable TV // 477f1d98a1bbc5c094ad46651315d89e is Pagers // 67af5d98a1bbc5c094ad46651315d822 is Telephone Services // d12fd958a1bbc5c094ad46651315d842 is Mobile Devices // d4e9f6109df47c0094adfdb88ae63856 is Wifi and Networks; now defaulting to active. // set categories active var gr1 = new GlideRecord('sc_category'); var gr1OR = gr1.addQuery('sys_id','dce9f6109df47c0094adfdb88ae63850'); gr1OR.addOrCondition('sys_id','477f1d98a1bbc5c094ad46651315d89e'); gr1OR.addOrCondition('sys_id','67af5d98a1bbc5c094ad46651315d822'); gr1OR.addOrCondition('sys_id','d12fd958a1bbc5c094ad46651315d842'); gr1OR.addOrCondition('sys_id','d4e9f6109df47c0094adfdb88ae63856'); gr1.query(); while ( ) { // gs.print('in loop, gr1.sys_id: ' + gr1.sys_id); = 'true'; gr1.update(); } // ethernet add is 986e0ccc8795410094ad56926d434d0d var gr2 = new GlideRecord('sc_cat_item'); gr2.addQuery('sys_id','986e0ccc8795410094ad56926d434d0d'); gr2.query(); while ( ) { // gs.print('in loop, gr2.sys_id: ' + gr2.sys_id); = 'true'; gr2.update(); } } } function setOrgTestValues ( shortName ){ if ( shortName == 'tst' || shortName == 'pre' ) { // In PRE-PROD and TEST, maybe in TRAINING, // we need to turn off the loader for ORG data, // then over ride the data in select ORGS with certain // cases to then walk through our large set of test cases. // DWH - Organization -> 2f32f71ea1fa858094ad46651315d80d var gr1 = new GlideRecord('scheduled_import_set'); gr1.addQuery('sys_id','2f32f71ea1fa858094ad46651315d80d'); gr1.query(); if ( ) { //gs.print('the value of the import was: ' +; = 'false'; gr1.update(); //gs.print('the value of the import is now: ' +; } // force values on ORGs // Nancy Scanlon -> 09bea76ad8d46c007ac0638b5167dcc6 // Julie Grant -> df3c00b201d0ac0094adf4b82250a6d5 // Holly Piscatelli -> fc6850360194ac0094adf4b82250a689 // Jack Beecher -> c72a84be0190ac0094adf4b82250a6b4 // Sue Castaldi -> a656147e0154ac0094adf4b82250a63c // Jim Slattery -> 446a14fa0194ac0094adf4b82250a648 // Rose Rita Riccitelli -> 23bee3e6d8d46c007ac0638b5167dc59 // 000803 var org1 = new GlideRecord('u_cmn_organization'); org1.addQuery('u_id','000803'); org1.query(); if ( ) { //gs.print('ORG is: ' + org1.u_id); //gs.print('Ops: ' + org1.u_opsmgr); //gs.print('Lead: ' + org1.u_head); //gs.print('BOLT: ' + org1.u_bolt_member); org1.u_opsmgr = '09bea76ad8d46c007ac0638b5167dcc6'; org1.u_head = 'fc6850360194ac0094adf4b82250a689'; org1.u_bolt_member = 'df3c00b201d0ac0094adf4b82250a6d5'; org1.update(); } // 883001 var org2 = new GlideRecord('u_cmn_organization'); org2.addQuery('u_id','883001'); org2.query(); if ( ) { //gs.print('ORG is: ' + org2.u_id); //gs.print('Ops: ' + org2.u_opsmgr); //gs.print('Lead: ' + org2.u_head); //gs.print('BOLT: ' + org2.u_bolt_member); org2.u_opsmgr = ''; org2.u_head = 'a656147e0154ac0094adf4b82250a63c'; org2.u_bolt_member = 'c72a84be0190ac0094adf4b82250a6b4'; org2.update(); //gs.print('ORG is: ' + org2.u_id); //gs.print('Ops: ' + org2.u_opsmgr); //gs.print('Lead: ' + org2.u_head); //gs.print('BOLT: ' + org2.u_bolt_member); } // 869001 var org1 = new GlideRecord('u_cmn_organization'); org1.addQuery('u_id','869001'); org1.query(); if ( ) { //gs.print('ORG is: ' + org1.u_id); //gs.print('Ops: ' + org1.u_opsmgr); //gs.print('Lead: ' + org1.u_head); //gs.print('BOLT: ' + org1.u_bolt_member); org1.u_opsmgr = '23bee3e6d8d46c007ac0638b5167dc59'; org1.u_head = ''; org1.u_bolt_member = '446a14fa0194ac0094adf4b82250a648'; org1.update(); } // 016601 var org2 = new GlideRecord('u_cmn_organization'); org2.addQuery('u_id','016601'); org2.query(); if ( ) { //gs.print('ORG is: ' + org2.u_id); //gs.print('Ops: ' + org2.u_opsmgr); //gs.print('Lead: ' + org2.u_head); //gs.print('BOLT: ' + org2.u_bolt_member); org2.u_opsmgr = ''; org2.u_head = ''; org2.u_bolt_member = 'df3c00b201d0ac0094adf4b82250a6d5'; org2.update(); //gs.print('ORG is: ' + org2.u_id); //gs.print('Ops: ' + org2.u_opsmgr); //gs.print('Lead: ' + org2.u_head); //gs.print('BOLT: ' + org2.u_bolt_member); } // 017901 var org1 = new GlideRecord('u_cmn_organization'); org1.addQuery('u_id','017901'); org1.query(); if ( ) { //gs.print('ORG is: ' + org1.u_id); //gs.print('Ops: ' + org1.u_opsmgr); //gs.print('Lead: ' + org1.u_head); //gs.print('BOLT: ' + org1.u_bolt_member); org1.u_opsmgr = '09bea76ad8d46c007ac0638b5167dcc6'; org1.u_head = 'fc6850360194ac0094adf4b82250a689'; org1.u_bolt_member = ''; org1.update(); } // 018501 var org2 = new GlideRecord('u_cmn_organization'); org2.addQuery('u_id','018501'); org2.query(); if ( ) { //gs.print('ORG is: ' + org2.u_id); //gs.print('Ops: ' + org2.u_opsmgr); //gs.print('Lead: ' + org2.u_head); //gs.print('BOLT: ' + org2.u_bolt_member); org2.u_opsmgr = ''; org2.u_head = 'fc6850360194ac0094adf4b82250a689'; org2.u_bolt_member = ''; org2.update(); //gs.print('ORG is: ' + org2.u_id); //gs.print('Ops: ' + org2.u_opsmgr); //gs.print('Lead: ' + org2.u_head); //gs.print('BOLT: ' + org2.u_bolt_member); } // 019501 var org1 = new GlideRecord('u_cmn_organization'); org1.addQuery('u_id','019501'); org1.query(); if ( ) { //gs.print('ORG is: ' + org1.u_id); //gs.print('Ops: ' + org1.u_opsmgr); //gs.print('Lead: ' + org1.u_head); //gs.print('BOLT: ' + org1.u_bolt_member); org1.u_opsmgr = '09bea76ad8d46c007ac0638b5167dcc6'; org1.u_head = ''; org1.u_bolt_member = ''; org1.update(); } // 015701 var org2 = new GlideRecord('u_cmn_organization'); org2.addQuery('u_id','015701'); org2.query(); if ( ) { //gs.print('ORG is: ' + org2.u_id); //gs.print('Ops: ' + org2.u_opsmgr); //gs.print('Lead: ' + org2.u_head); //gs.print('BOLT: ' + org2.u_bolt_member); org2.u_opsmgr = ''; org2.u_head = ''; org2.u_bolt_member = ''; org2.update(); //gs.print('ORG is: ' + org2.u_id); //gs.print('Ops: ' + org2.u_opsmgr); //gs.print('Lead: ' + org2.u_head); //gs.print('BOLT: ' + org2.u_bolt_member); } } }
Manual Steps
- add MID server accounts, re-register MID servers (to script) (all accounts on prod, persist through clone)
- delete non-relevant (i.e. production) MID servers (to script) (all MIDs & MID service accounts on prod, persist through clone by design)
- ensure SMTP & POP passwords are correct (these should survive a clone anyway) (these are set to be the same, so this is now an assumption of the script)
- reset any user passwords for *-admin accounts (on demand... this encourages semi-regular password resets, and silent death of unused admin accounts).
- any data sources using MID must be pointed to active/instance-specific MID server (this can be scripted, just not done yet)
- During the interval where START Replacement catalog items must be hidden in PROD, we want to show them in TRAIN and PREPROD; even with the post-clone, you need to manually add the category Phones and Cable TV
- Enable mail sending to DEV / TEST accountÂ