How did it get here?
This is the initial update set to create application and modules:
How does it work within ServiceNow?
The user side of this is just embedded pages from ITSMCoach. Basically we pass some parameters to the itsmcoach page and then display it in the ServiceNow frame. Here's the ui page where that's done.
Where is it getting data from?
ITSMCoach pulls data via s_csi user. This user actually appears to have some roles which allow it to update tables, so this might be worth looking into as well.
- Determine the frequency in which reports are pulled? Are they deltas only?
- Examine the permissions that this user has, it seems like it has too much power. Specifically itsm_coach_user.
- Figure out if the update set was provided by someone, or if it was home-grown.
- Get some access for myself, Dan Franko (Unlicensed)