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CAS is a Single SignOn solution. Internally the function of CAS is to create, update, and delete a set of objects it calls "Tickets". A Logon Ticket is created whenever a user logs in to CAS. It is used to remember the userid, and a generated string used to identity and locate the ticket is written back as a cookie to the logged in browser. When the browser uses this login to access an application, CAS issues a temporary Service Ticket that ties the application URL to the Login Ticket. These ticket objects are stored in a plugin component called a TicketRegistry. A standalone server stores tickets in memory, but a cluster of CAS servers has to share the tickets by replicating copies of them from the server that created the ticket to other servers in the cluster.

Four years ago Yale implemented a "High Availability" CAS cluster using JBoss Cache to replicate tickets. After that, the only CAS crashes were caused by failures of the ticket replication mechanism. We were disappointed that a mechanism nominally designed to improve availability should be a source of failure. We considered switching from JBoss Cache to an alternate library performing essentially the same service, but it was not clear that any other option would solve all the problems.

General object replication systems are necessary for shopping cart applications that handle thousands of concurrent users spread across a number of machines. That is not really the CAS problem. CAS has a relatively light load that could probably be handled by a single server, but it needs to be available all the time, even during disaster recovery when there may be unexpected network communication problems. It also turns out that CAS tickets violate some of the restrictions that general object replication systems place on application objects.

CushyTicketRegistry is a new alternative you can plug into the TicketRegistry component of CAS. It adds useful availability features to a single standalone CAS server, but it also provides an entirely different approach to clustering two or more CAS servers for reliability. It is simple because it is specifically designed to the requirements of CAS and no other application.

CAS is based on the Spring Framework, which means that internal components are selected and connected to each other using XML text files. The ticketRegistry.xml file has to configure some object that implements the TicketRegistry interface. The simplest class, which keeps tickets in memory on a single standalone server, is called DefaultTicketRegistry.

Suppose that you start with the standard single server CAS configuration. but change the class name in the XML file from DefaultTicketRegistry to CushyTicketRegistry (and add a few required parameters described later). Everything works the same as before, until you shut down the CAS server. The old TicketRegistry loses all the tickets, and therefore everyone has to login again. Cushy detects the shutdown and saves all the ticket objects to a file on disk, using a single Java writeObject statement.  Unless that file is deleted while CAS is down, then when CAS restarts Cushy loads all the tickets from that file into memory and then CAS picks up where it left off. Users do not have to login again, and no user notices that CAS rebooted unless they tried to access CAS while it was down.

It turns out that the largest number of tickets normally encountered at Yale could be written to disk in less than a second, and the file was only 3MB. That is such a small cost that you don't have to wait just until shutdown. If you examine the standard default ticketRegistry.xml configuration file you will see a few extra XML elements that configure a timer driven component called the RegistryCleaner that runs periodically to delete expired tickets. If you copy these XML statements to call the "timerDriven" method of CushyTicketRegistry, then in the regular intervals you just selected Cushy will write the same complete copy of the tickets to disk. Now if the CAS server crashes instead of shutting down normally, Cushy can restore the most recently written set of tickets, missing only the ones created between the last backup and crash.

Backing up all the tickets to disk doesn't use a lot of processing time, but it is probably not something you would do every 5 seconds. So Cushy provides a much quicker alternative that can provide complete coverage. Cushy can track the new and deleted tickets. It can write a second file called the "incremental" that contains only the new or deleted tickets since the last full checkpoint file with all the tickets was written. Typically the incremental takes only a few milliseconds to write, so you can write it as frequently as you need. Then if CAS crashes it uses one readObject to read the last full checkpoint, and then another operation to read the last incremental and add back in the tickets from the last seconds before the crash.

Occasionally the source of the crash was a problem that prevents bringing CAS up on the same host computer. The checkpoint and incremental files are plain old ordinary disk files. They can be stored on local disk on the CAS machine, or they can be stored on a file server, or on a SAN, NAS,  or some other highly available disk technology. The farther away they are the safer they are in terms of disaster recovery, but then the elapsed time to write the 3 megabytes may be a few milliseconds longer. So rather than slowing CAS down, you should let it write the file to local disk, then a shell script or other program can copy the file a second later to a remote safer location. If the CAS machine is unbootable, you can bring up a copy of CAS from the remote backup on other hardware.

The idea of using a cluster for availability made sense ten years ago when servers were physical machines and recovery involved manual intervention. Today servers run on VMs in a highly managed environment and backup VMs can be spun off automatically. It may be possible to design a system so that the backup comes up automatically and so quickly that you don't need a cluster at all. Cushy supports this profile and strategy.

However, if you still insist on building a CAS cluster, then consider the small number of very specific programming problems that any CAS cluster must solve:

  1. Because CAS as currently written uses Spring Web Flow to store data between the time that the browser's initial GET returns the logon form and the time that the userid and password are submitted by the user, either the form has to POST back to the same server that wrote it or the Session object has to be replicated between Application Servers. This is what JBoss calls "clustering" but it has nothing to do with CAS tickets.
  2. After that, the browser has to come back to the CAS server that processed the logon or else the logon ticket has to be replicated to all servers.
  3. And any application that uses Proxy tickets has to come back to the CAS server that granted that ticket or proxy tickets have to be replicated to all servers.
  4. And a request from an application to validate a Service Ticket has to go to the CAS server that issued the ticket or the ST has to be replicated to all servers.

Since CAS 3 first came out, the assumption has been that tickets have to be replicated to every server. That may have been necessary with the network Front End options available at the time, but today the Front End devices (such as the BIG-IP F5) are programmable. Every CAS request from a browser or an application has a ticket ID in a well defined location, and CAS 3 has always had the ability to generate ticketids that contain the name of the server that created them. So today it is relatively simple to arrange for requests to go to the server that has the ticket and can process it, unless that server is down.

So now Cushy with its checkpoint and incremental files makes it possible to recover from a CAS crash without a cluster, and the modern Front End makes it possible to create a cluster without ticket replication. Although a cluster is unnecessary, consider building one anyway.

The CushyClusterConfiguration class makes it simple to configure more than one CAS server in a cluster. It makes sure that every server has a unique name, that all members of the cluster know the names and network locations of the other members, and that some version of these names is appended to every ticketid so the Front End can route requests properly. It then feeds this cluster information to the CushyTicketRegistry object.

With cluster data, the TicketRegistry comes up as before, but it now creates a secondary registry object for every other node in the cluster. With the simplest option (SharedDisk) these secondary objects simply sit until one of the other CAS servers in the cluster fails and the Front End starts routing requests belonging to to the failed server to other members of the cluster. When the registry receives a request for a ticket that belongs to another server, it restores the tickets belonging to that server from the disk to the secondary object associated with the failed cluster member. It then processes the request on behalf of the failed server. The details will be explained below.

If you don't want to use shared disk, there are two alternatives. Cushy provides an HTTPS solution. After all, CAS runs on Web Servers. Web Servers are very good about sending the current copy of small files over the network to clients. The checkpoint file is small, and the incremental file is smaller. Everyone understands how an HTTP GET works. So unless you configure Shared Disk, Cushy running in cluster mode uses HTTP GET to retrieve a copy of the most recent full checkpoint or incremental file from every other node in the cluster and put the copy on the local hard disk of the machine.

You may now have realized that you do not actually need to use either real Shared Disk or Cushy HTTPS. Every 10 seconds or so Cushy writes one of two files to a directory on local disk. You can write your own program in any language you prefer to wake up every 10 seconds, and if you look at the time stamp on the files you will get an exact time to synchronize your program to the Cushy activity, and after the file has been changed your program can write it somewhere the other nodes can find it using anything from FTP on the simple end to an Enterprise Service Bus on the more exotic end. These are just files and figuring out how to distribute them around the network is fairly routine.

When a CAS node crashes, the other nodes use the most recent file they received to load up tickets and handle requests for the failed node. They do not care how the files got to them.

So what happens if a router breaks the connection between the front end and one of the CAS servers? Suppose a fiber optic connection between data centers goes down for a hour before the traffic can be rerouted, separating one CAS server from another? With magic black box technology that is just supposed to take care of all the problems, you don't really know exactly what is going to happen. Cushy is explained completely using HTTP, or a shared disk technology of your choice, or a file transfer program you decide to write. This document still has to fill in a little more detail, and a moderately skilled Java programmer can read the source. With Cushy you will know exactly how it works and therefore exactly what it will do in any failure situation.

Now the bad news. Current CAS has some bugs. It was not written "properly" to work with the various ticket replication mechanisms. It has worked well enough in the past, but CAS 4 introduces new features and in the future it may not behave as expected. It is not possible to fix everything in the TicketRegistry. A few changes may need to be made in the CAS Ticket classes. So Cushy does not fix the bugs itself, but it does eliminate the false reliance of "the magic black box of off the shelf software" that people imagined was going to do more than it could reasonably be expected to do.

1) Any system that seeks to replicate tickets has a concurrency problem if there are multiple threads (like the request threads maintained by any Web Server) that can change the content of an object while another thread has triggered replication of the object. CAS has some collections in its TicketGrantingTicket object that can be changed by one Web request while another request is trying to serialize the ticket for replication to another system. CAS 3 was sloppy about this. CAS 4 added the "synchronized" attribute to methods so at least the CAS API is protected from threading problems. However, when tickets get passed to a black box cache mechanism for replication, then under the covers they are "serialized" to a stream of bytes, and serialization is not synchronized unless you provide a trivial change to protect it and that change is not yet in CAS 4.0. As a result, any of the ticket replication technologies has a very, very small chance of throwing a ConcurrentModificationException. Cushy doesn't solve this problem yet, because it doesn't change the Ticket classes that have the bug, but it does provide a small amount of transparent pure Java code where a fix can be validated.

2) Any system that replicates tickets using serialization gets not just the object they are trying to serialize but also a copy of any other objects it points to. In CAS a Service or Proxy ticket points to a TGT, and when you try to serialize one of them you get a copy of the TGT dragged along under the covers and then recreated at the other end when the data is turned back into a Ticket object. That didn't matter in CAS 3 because the TGT didn't change in any important way after it was created. This may not be sufficient in CAS 4 when people start to add additional factors of authentication to an existing logon.

3) It is not possible to fix the previous problem in the TicketRegistry alone because the Ticket classes do not expose a method that allows the Registry to reconnect the copy of the Proxy or Service Ticket to the real TGT after it arrives. Cushy mostly "solves" the problem because every full checkpoint (every 5 minutes or so) fixes the broken pointers, but Cushy is still stuck with the problem in tickets added by incrementals. That is a very small percent of the tickets (while with other replication options all the tickets have broken pointers that stay broken), but adding a method that allows it to fix the tickets would be helpful.

The big difference here is that Cushy is designed 100% to satisfy the needs of CAS, and so we can discuss and fix those specific problems. The larger off the shelf generic libraries provide no place to fix problems specific to CAS and up to this point nobody seems to have noticed or fixed the problems.

Summary of CAS Clustering

(For those unfamiliar with the CAS system)

CAS is a Single SignOn solution. Internally, it creates a set of objects called Tickets. There is a ticket for every logged on user, and short term Service Tickets that exist while a user is being authenticated to an application. The Business Layer of CAS creates tickets by, for example, validating your userid and password in a back end system like Active Directory. The tickets are stored in a plug in component called a Ticket Registry. The tickets are the only data CAS maintains about its users or previous activity.

For a single CAS server, the Ticket Registry is just a in memory table of tickets indexed by the ticket ID string. When more than one CAS server is combined to form a cluster, then an administrator chooses one of several optional Ticket Registry solutions that allow the CAS servers to share the tickets.

One clustering option is to use JPA, the standard Java service to map objects to tables in a relational database. All the CAS servers share a database, which means that any CAS node can fail but the database has to stay up all the time or CAS stops working. Other solutions use generic object "caching" solutions (Ehcache, JBoss Cache, Memcached) where CAS puts the tickets into what appears to be a common container of Java objects and, under the covers, the cache technology ensures that new tickets are copied to all the other nodes.

JPA makes CAS dependent on a database. It doesn't really use the database for any queries or reports. You can use any database, but the database is a single point of failure. At Yale CAS is nearly the first thing that has to come up during disaster recovery, but if it uses JPA then you have to bring up the database (or have a special standalone CAS configuration for disaster recovery only). If you already have a 24x7x365 database managed by professionals who can guarantee availability, this is a good solution. If not, then this is an insurmountable prerequisite for bringing up an application like CAS.

The various "cache" (in memory object replication) solutions should also work. Unfortunately, some have massively complex configuration parameters with multicast network addresses and timeout values to determine node failure.They also tend to be better at detecting a node that is dead than they are at dealing with nodes that are sick and accept a message but then never really get to processing it and responding. They operate entirely in memory, so at least one node has to remain up while the others reboot in order to maintain the content of the cache. While node failure is well defined, the status of objects is ambiguous if the network is divided into two segments by a linkage failure, the two segments operate independently for a while, and then connection is reestablished.

Cushy is a cute name that roughly stands for "Clustering Using Serialization to disk and Https transmission of files between servers, written by Yale".

The name explains what it does. Java has a built in operation named writeObject that writes a binary ("serialized") version of Java objects to disk. You can use it on a single object, but if you pass it a list or table of objects then it copies everything in the list and captures all the relationships between the objects. Later on you can use readObject from the same program, from a different JVM, or from a different computer and restore to memory an exact copy of the original list or table and all the objects it contains. This is a very complex process, but Java handles all the complexity inside the writeObject statement.

Comparison of Cushy and previous cluster technologies:

  • Existing cluster technologies maintain the image of a single pool of shared tickets. Cushy exploits modern programmable Front End network devices (such as the BIG-IP F5) to distribute initial CAS logons across different members of the cluster, but then to route subsequent CAS requests to the node that handled the specific user logon unless that node crashes. Each Cushy node maintains its own set of tickets.
  • Existing cluster technologies try to replicate individual tickets (although the nature of Java's writeObject drags along copies of additional associated tickets). Cushy replicates a batch of tickets at regular time intervals (say every 10 seconds) and less frequently it replicates a copy of the entire collection of tickets.
  • Existing cluster technologies use complex logic and databases or complex network configuration. Cushy uses HTTP that everyone understands, although you can replace this with shared files or your own trivial programs. As a result you can know how things work and how they will respond to any type of network or system failure.
  • Existing cluster technologies require a cluster. Cushy does something useful on a single machine, and its clustering capability is simply an extension of that simple design.
  • Existing cluster technologies are general purpose off the shelf libraries designed to handle any application. Cushy was written to handle CAS tickets. There are unresolved problems when CAS tickets are replicated using generic replication. In its initial distribution as a TicketRegistry component, Cushy cannot solve bugs in other CAS components, but because it exposes 100% of the logic as simple Java it provides the framework to resolve these problems when you start to use the new features of CAS 4.
  • Cushy is probably less efficient than other technologies, but if it uses less that 1% of one core of a modern server then, given the relative importance of CAS in most institutions, reducing that to a quarter of 1% is not worthwhile if you have to give something up to get the efficiency.


Cushy is based on four basic design principles:

  1. CAS is very important, but it is small and cheap to run.
  2. Emphasize simplicity over efficiency as long as the cost to run remains trivial.
  3. Assume the network front end is programmable.
  4. Trying for perfection is the source of most total system failures. Allow one or two users to get a temporary error message when a CAS server fails.

A Bit More Detail on CAS Tickets

When the user logs in, CAS creates a Logon Ticket (the Ticket Granting Ticket or TGT because it can be used to generate other tickets). You can usually get away with believing that the TGT contains the login userid and user attributes, but there is really a chain of objects. The TGT points to an Authentication that points to a Principal that points to the username. The TGT can also contain a collection of Attributes used to generate SAML responses. In most cases you can ignore this chain of objects, unless you are writing or trying to understand a JUnit Test.

In CAS 3 the TGT is fairly stable once it is created. There is a table of pairs of Service Ticket ID strings and Service objects used by Single Sign Off that gets a new entry every time a Service Ticket is created, but otherwise the TGT doesn't change. With CAS 4 things threaten to become more interesting. With multiple factors of authentication and the possibility of adding new factors to an existing logon, the TGT will become a more interesting and active object once these features are implemented.

The simplest next step occurs when a user who has logged in and has a TGT decides to access an application that redirects the browser to CAS to obtain a Service Ticket. A Service Ticket object is created. It points to the TGT of the logged in user, and it contains the Service URL of the application. It exists for a few milliseconds before the application connects back to CAS to validate the ST ID string.

At validation, the Business Logic looks up the ST ID string in the Ticket Registry and gets the Service Ticket object. It points to the TGT object, and from that the validation code can obtain the userid (from the Authentication and Principal objects) and the Attributes (if this is a SAML validation). Then the ST is deleted.

A more complicated situation occurs when the application is a Proxy service, like a Portal. Then the CAS Business Logic trades a Service Ticket object in and generates a new TGT object in return (the Proxy TGT is called a Proxy Granting Ticket or PGT to distinguish it). A PGT is a form of TGT except that it points to the real TGT that contains the userid and attributes, and in the PGT if you follow the chain of Authentication and Principal objects you will end up with the Service URL in the place where a TGT has the userid.

The PGT can be used to obtain Service Tickets. When this happens, the ST points to the PGT which in turn points to the TGT that "contains" the userid.

So when you are thinking about Ticket Registries, or when you are designing JUnit test cases, there are four things to think about:

  1. a TGT
  2. a ST pointing to a TGT
  3. a PGT pointing to a TGT
  4. a ST pointing to a PGT pointing to a TGT

In various node failure scenarios, at one of the "pointing to" breaks you can jump from the current node's TicketRegistry to a backup shadow TicketRegistry copy of tickets belonging to a failed node. For example, the ST could point to the PGT and TGT in the failed node's registry, or the ST could point to a local PGT that then points to a TGT in the failed node's registry. Create the possibilities and verify that they work, but also remember that these have to work in order for the design to handle failures properly.

How it works

Cushy is simple enough it can be explained to anyone, but if you are in a rush you can stop here.

Back in the 1960's a "checkpoint" was a copy of the important information from a program written on disk so if the computer crashed the program could start back at almost the point it left off. If a CAS server saves its tickets to a checkpoint disk file, reboots, and then restores the tickets from the file back into memory it is back to the same state it had before rebooting. If you transfer the file to another computer and bring CAS up on that machine, you have moved the CAS server from one machine to another. Java's writeObject and readObject guarantee the state and data are completely saved and restored.

If you have no cluster and just a single CAS server, then replacing the DefaultTicketRegistry class with a CushyTicketRegistry class creates a CAS Server that you can shut down and restart without losing any previous logons.

JPA and the cache technologies try to maintain the image of a single big common bucket of shared tickets.This was necessary when the network Front End device simply accepted HTTP requests and assigned them to CAS servers is a round robin manner. Today network Front End devices are programmable and they can make decisions based on specific CAS logic. This allows each CAS server to own its own private slice of the problem.

When a new user is redirected to CAS, then the Front End can randomly choose a server. However, after the user logs in and is assigned a Cookie, the Front End should always route subsequent requests to the server that issued the cookie. That means that Service Tickets and Proxy Tickets are issued by the CAS server you logged into. The Front End can also be programmed to recognize validation requests (/validate, /serviceValidate, etc.) and route those requests to the server that issued the ticket identified by the ticket= parameter. Configuration for the BIG-IP F5 will be provided. If you do not have a smart Front End device, then use a different Ticket Registry technology.

With an intelligent Front End, there is no need for a Ticket Registry that simulates a big shared pool of tickets. Each node has its own registry with its own logged in users and the tickets they create. No other node needs to access these tickets, unless the node that owns them fails. Then any other node, or all the other nodes, handle requests until the failed node is restarted.

You could configure a Cushy cluster to only make full checkpoints files containing all the tickets. The cost of a checkpoint is small, but it is large enough that you might be reluctant to schedule them frequently enough to provide the best protection. So between full checkpoints, Cushy creates and transmits a sequence of "incremental" change files that each have all the changes since the last full checkpoint. In the Spring XML configuration file you set the time between incrementals and the time between checkpoints. The choice is up to you, but a reasonable suggestion is to exchange incrementals every 5-15 seconds and checkpoints every 3-15 minutes.

Each incremental has a small number of new Login (TGT) tickets and maybe a few unclaimed service tickets. However, because we do not know whether any previous incremental was or was not processed, it is necessary to transmit the list of every ticket that was deleted since the last full checkpoint, and that will contain the ID of lots of Service Tickets that were created, validated, and deleted within a few milliseconds. That list is going to grow, and its size is limited by the fact that we can start over again after each full checkpoint.

Note: Replicating Service Tickets between nodes is almost never useful. The "p:excludeSTFromFiles" parameter in the Spring configuration XML causes Cushy to ignore Service Tickets when writing files, which keeps the deleted tickets list small and limits the growth of incrementals, if you prefer a very long time between full checkpoints.

Ticket Names

As with everything else, CAS has a Spring bean configuration file (uniqueIdGenerators.xml) to configure how ticket ids are generated. The default class generates tickets in the following format:

type - num - random - nodename

where type is "TGT" or "ST", num is a ticket sequence number, random is a large random string like "dmKAsulC6kggRBLyKgVnLcGfyDhNc5DdGKT", and the suffix at the end of the ticket is identified as a nodename.

In vanilla CAS the nodename typically comes from the file and defaults to "CAS". Cushy requires each node in the cluster to have a unique node name. The configuration of the CushyClusterConfiguration bean makes this somewhat easy (as described below) and it also generates the clusterConfiguration.getTicketSuffix property that can be used to plug a real node name into the uniqueIdGenerators.xml file:

<bean id="ticketGrantingTicketUniqueIdGenerator" class="org.jasig.cas.util.DefaultUniqueTicketIdGenerator">
<constructor-arg index="0" type="int" value="50" />
<constructor-arg  index="1"  value="#{clusterConfiguration.getTicketSuffix()}" />

How it Fails (Nicely)

The Primary + Warm Spare Cluster

One common cluster model is to have a single master CAS server that normally handles all the requests, and a normally idle backup server (a "warm spare") that does nothing until the master goes down. Then the backup server handles requests while the master is down.

During normal processing the master server is generating tickets, creating checkpoints and increments, and sending them to the backup server. The backup server is generating empty checkpoints with no tickets because it has not yet received a request.

Then the master is shut down or crashes. The backup server has a copy in memory of all the tickets generated by the master, except for the last few seconds before the crash. When new users log in, it creates new Login Tickets in its own Ticket Registry. When it gets a request for a new Service Ticket for a user who logged into the master, it creates the ST in its own registry (with its own nodename suffix) but connects the ST to the Login Ticket in its copy of the master's Ticket Registry.

Remember the CAS Business Logic is used to a Ticket Registry maintaining what appears to be a large collection of tickets shared by all the nodes. So the Business Logic is quite happy with a Service Ticket created by one node pointing to a Login Ticket created by another node.

Now the master comes back up and, for this example, let us assume that it resumes its role as master (there are configurations where the backup becomes the new master and so when the old master comes back it becomes the new backup. Cushy works either way).

What happens next depends on how smart the Front End is. If it has been programmed to route requests based on the suffix of the tickets in the login cookie, then users who logged into the backup server during the failure continue to use the backup server, while new users all go back to the master. If the Front End is programmed to route all requests to the master as long as the master is up, then it appears that when the master came up the backup server "failed over to the master".

When the master comes up it reloads its old copy of its ticket registry from before the crash, and it gets a copy of the tickets generated by the backup server while it was down. When it subsequently gets requests from users who logged into the backup server, it resolves those requests using its copy of that TGT.

This leaves a few residual "issues" that are not really big problems and are deferred until Cushy 2.0. Because each server is the owner of its own tickets, and its Ticket Registry is the authoritative source of status on its own tickets, other nodes cannot make permanent changes to another node's tickets during a failover.

This means that the master is unaware of things the backup server did while it was down that should have modified its tickets. For example, if a user logs out of CAS while the backup server is in control, then the Cookie gets deleted and all the normal CAS logoff processing is done, but the Login Ticket (the TGT) cannot really be deleted. That ticket belongs to the master, and when the master comes back up again it will be in the restored Registry. However, it turns out that CAS doesn't really have to delete the ticket. Since the cookie has been deleted, nobody is going to try and use it. It will simply sit around until it times out and is deleted later on.

A more serious problem occurs for Single Sign Out of people who logged into the backup server while the master is down in systems where the Front End processor is not programmed to route requests intelligently. When the master reboots and starts handling all new requests, they have a TGT is that is "frozen" to the state it was in when the master rebooted. The master can subsequently create new Service Tickets from that TGT, but Single Sign Out will not know to log them off from those services when the user logs off. The current solution is to use Front End programming. Cushy 2.0 may add intelligent TGT migration and merging after a CAS server reboots.

A Smart Front End Cluster

A programmable Front End is adequate to Cushy needs if it can route requests based on four rules:

  1. If the URL "path" is a validate request (/cas/validate, /cas/serviceValidate, etc.) then route to the node indicated by the suffix on the value of the ticket= parameter.
  2. If the URL is a /proxy request, route to the node indicated by the suffix of the pgt= parameter.
  3. If the request has a CASTGC cookie, then route to the node indicated by the suffix of the TGT that is the cookie's value.
  4. Otherwise, or if the node selected by 1-3 is down, choose any CAS node

So normally all requests go to the machine that created and therefore owns the ticket, no matter what type of ticket it is. When a CAS server fails, requests for its tickets are assigned to one of the other servers.

When a CAS server receives a request for a ticket owned by another node, it fully activates the other nodes shadow Ticket Registry. It then looks up the ticket in that registry and returns it to the CAS Business Logic. A node may not have a copy of tickets issued in the last few seconds, so one or two users may see an error.

Cushy can issue a Service Ticket that points to a Login Ticket owned by the failed node. More interestingly, it can issue a Proxy Granting Ticket pointing to the Login Ticket on the failed node. In both cases the new ticket has the suffix and is owned by the node that created it and not by the node that owns the login.

Again, the rule that each node owns its own registry and all the tickets it created and the other nodes can't successfully change those tickets has certain consequences.

  • If you use Single Sign Off, then the Login Ticket maintains a table of Services to which you have logged in so that when you logout or when your Login Ticket times out in the middle of the night then each Service gets a call from CAS on a published URL with the Service Ticket ID you used to login so the application can log you off if it has not already done so. In fail-over mode a backup server can issue Service Tickets for a failed nodes TGT, but it cannot successfully update the Service table in the TGT, because when the failed node comes back up it will restore the old Service table along with the old TGT.
  • If the user logs out and the Services are notified by the backup CAS server, and then the node that owned the TGT is restored along with the now undead copy of the obsolete TGT, then in the middle of the night that restored TGT will timeout and the Services will all be notified of the logoff a second time. It seems unlikely that anyone would ever write a service logout so badly that a second logoff would be a problem. Mostly it will be ignored.

You have probably guessed by now that Yale does not use Single Sign Out, and if we ever enabled it we would only indicate that it is supported on a "best effort" basis in the event of a CAS node crash.

CAS Cluster

In this document a CAS "cluster" is just a bunch of CAS server instances that are configured to know about each other. The term "cluster" does not imply that the Web servers are clustered in the sense that they share Session information. Nor does it depend on any other type of communication between machines. In fact, a CAS cluster could be created from a CAS running under Tomcat on Windows and one running under JBoss on Linux.

To the outside world, the cluster typically shares a common virtual URL simulated by the Front End device. At Yale, CAS is "" to all the users and applications. The "" DNS name is associated with an IP address managed by the BIG-IP F5 device. It terminates the SSL, then examines requests and based on programming called iRules it forwards requests to any of the configured CAS virtual machines.

Each virtual machine has a native DNS name and URL. It is these "native" URLs that define the cluster because each CAS VM has to use the native URL to talk to another CAS VM. At Yale those URLs follow a pattern of "https://vm-foodevapp-01.web.yale.internal:8443/cas". 

Internally, Cushy configuration takes a list of URLs and generates a cluster definition with three pieces of data for each cluster member: a nodename like "vmfoodevapp01" (the first element of the DNS name with dashes removed), the URL, and the ticket suffix that identifies that node (at Yale the F5 likes the ticket suffix to be an MD5 hash of the DNS name).


Sticky Browser Sessions

An F5 can be configured to have "sticky" connections between a client and a server. The first time the browser connects to a service name it is assigned any available back-end server. For the next few minutes, however, subsequently requests from that client to the same service are forwarded to whichever server the F5 assigned to handle the first request.

While a user is logging in to CAS with the form that takes userid and password, or any other credentials, there is no Ticket. No cookie, no ticket=, none of the features that would trigger the first three rules of the programmable intelligent Front End. CAS was designed (for better or worse) to use Spring Webflow which keeps information in the Session object during the login process. For Web Flow to work, one of two things must happen:

  1. The browser has to POST the Userid/Password form back to the CAS server that sent it the form (which means the front end has to use sticky sessions based on IP address or JSESSIONID value).
  2. You have to use real Web Server clustering so the Web Servers all exchange Session objects based on JSESSIONID.

Option 2 is a fairly complex process of container configuration, unless you have already solved this problem and routinely generate JBoss cluster VMs using some canned script. Sticky sessions in the front end are somewhat easier to configure, but any sticky session rule MUST apply only after the first three rules (ticket= suffix, pgt= suffix, or CASTGC suffix) have been tested and found not to apply.

There is another solution, but it involves a CAS modification. Yale made a minor change to the CAS Web Flow to store data that Web Flow saves in the Session object also in hidden fields of the login form (because it is not secure information). Then there is a check at the beginning of the Web Flow for a POST arriving at the beginning of the flow, allowing it to jump forward to the step of the Flow that handles the Form submission.

What is a Ticket Registry

This is a rather detailed description of one CAS component, but it does not assume any prior knowledge.


Web applications are traditionally defined in three layers. The User Interface generates the Web pages, displays data, and processes user input. The Business Logic validates requests, verifies inventory, approves the credit card, and so on. The back-end "Persistence" layer talks to a database. CAS doesn't sell anything, but it has roughly the same three layers.

In CAS the "User Interface" layer has two jobs. The part that talks to real users handles login requests through the Spring Web Flow services. However, CAS also accepts Web requests from the applications that are trying to validate a Service Ticket and get information about the user. This is also part of the UI layer, and it is handled by the Spring MVC framework.

Cushy extends this second part of the UI so that node to node communication within the cluster also flows through MVC.

The Business Logic layer of CAS verifies the userid and password or any other credentials, and it creates and deletes the TGT and ST objects.It also validates Service Tickets and deletes them after use.

The Persistence layer implements the TicketRegistry interface. In the simplest case of a single CAS server using the DefaultTicketRegistry, the tickets are stored in an in memory table and there is no back end database or network I/O. JPA stores the tickets in a database. The "cache" solutions trigger network I/O.

Cushy stores the tickets in memory, just like the DefaultTicketRegistry. Periodically it backs the table up to a file on disk, but that is not part of the CAS request processing flow, so the checkpoint files and HTTP file transfer are not part of the application layers.

Spring Configuration

Many applications have their own custom configuration file. Spring is a Java framework that provide a much more powerful configuration environment that is, necessarily, somewhat more complicated. Consider the TicketRegistry layer and interface.

The CAS Business Logic configuration requires that some Java class be loaded into memory, that an object of that class be created and then configured with parameters, and that its name be "ticketRegistry". The object also has to implement the TicketRegistry Java interface. CAS provides a number of classes that can do the job, including DefaultTicketRegistry that holds the tickets in memory and has no important configuration parameters.

In the CAS WAR file (the web application file deployed to web servers) there is a ticketRegistry.xml file where, by CAS convention, the class that implements the TicketRegistry interface should be configured.

The Serialization Problem of Current CAS

JPA is the current technique for creating Java objects from a database query, updating objects, and committing changes back to the database. To support JPA, the TGT and ST Java objects have "annotations" to define the names of tables and columns that correspond to each object and field. If you don't use JPA, these annotations are ignored. If you use JPA, then it automatically generates additional Java code that is added to every ticket object to track when it is used and updated. JPA is the only TicketRegistry solution that doesn't use serialization (other than DefaultTicketRegistry that does nothing).

The "cache"  (Ehcache, JBoss Cache, Memcached)  JASIG TicketRegistry modules have no annotations and few expectations. They use ordinary objects (sometimes call Plain Old Java Objects or POJOs). They require the objects to be serializable because, like Cushy, they use the Java writeObject statement to turn any object to a stream of bytes that can be held in memory, stored on disk, or sent over the network.

Java Serialization turns an object into a bunch of bytes. Since Java can handle all the ordinary types of data, it can automatically serialize any simple Java class. Ticket objects are declared to be serializable, but there is a problem. The problem has always existed though it has not been well documented.

Serialization isn't Thread Safe unless You Make It

A Web server handles lots of different HTTP requests from clients at the same time. It assigns a thread to each request. The threads run concurrently, and on modern multicore processors they can run simultaneously.

If an object has a collection (a table or list of objects) that can be updated by these requests, then it has to take some step to make sure that no two requests try to update the collection at the same time. The TGT has a collection of Services to which the user has authenticated (for Single Sign Out) and in CAS 4 it also has a List of Supplemental Authentications. CAS 3 was sloppy about this, but CAS 4 adds "synchronized" methods to protect against concurrent access to these tables by different Web request threads.

Unfortunately, serialization accesses the object and its internal collections without going through any of the synchronized methods. It has to iterate through all the members of the table or the list, and in general it cannot do this in a thread safe manner. Because serialization occurs when some external component (Ehcache, JBoss Cache, ...) decides to do it, and that decision is made deep inside what amounts to a giant black box of code, there is no way to externally guarantee that something won't go wrong.

One solution (that CAS has not implemented yet) is to create a custom serialization method of the Ticket objects that is synchronized between threads. The code is standard and simple:

  private synchronized void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException {

This "solution" is not without controversy. It should work correctly for CAS using any of the TicketRegistry alternatives, but it cannot be guaranteed to work when you decide to use a large "black box" of complex logic.The problem it creates is a threat of Deadlock.

Deadlock occurs when I own object A and need to acquire ownership of object B, while you own object B and request ownership of object A. Neither of us can get what we want, and neither of us will give up the thing the other wants. Any synchronized mechanism is exposed to deadlock unless you can enforce rules on your code to make sure it never happens.

The simplest solution is to prohibit any code from obtaining exclusive ownership of more than one object at a time. If that doesn't work, then the objects have to be obtained in a specific order by universal agreement.

CAS only acquires ownership of one object at a time. Serialization would only acquire objects one at at time. Cushy only acquires ownership of one object at a time. However, who knows what Ehcache, JBoss Cache, Memcached, or other systems do? It is regarded as very bad practice to do disk or network I/O or to use complex services like serialization while holding exclusive ownership of an object. These systems are probably safe, but I lack the resources to prove they are safe.

Deserialized Objects get a Private Copy of the TGT

However, current (CAS 3 and CAS 4) code creates a different problem of its own, and this is an issue no matter what TicketRegistry you use. The TGT is not an entirely static collection of objects. In CAS 3 there is a table of ST IDs and Service URLS used by Single Log Off and new entries are added to the table every time a Service Ticket is created. In CAS 4 there is an array of supplimentalAuthentications.

When you serialize a ST or PGT individually then the stream of bytes generated by writeObject includes all the objects that it points to, include the TGT and all it's stuff. When this gets deserialized at the other end, a copy of all these objects is created. So you cannot really serialize a ST or PGT by itself.

If you serialize the entire registry of tickets, as Cushy does during a full checkpoint, then when you deserialize it you get an exact copy with all the same connections and structure. However, if you serialize an individual ticket, as Cushy does during an incremental and as all the "cache" based object replication systems do for everything, then each ST or PGT gets its own private copy of the original TGT frozen at the time it was serialized.

This is absolutely not a problem now, because CAS 3 and CAS 4.0 TGTs don't meaningfully change after they are created. It is not plausibly a problem for Service Tickets because they don't live long. However, when you start to exploit multifactor authentication and use the supplimentalAuthentications table then changes you make to the TGT after you create a PGT will have different behavior on different nodes. On the node that created both the TGT and PGT then changes to the TGT become visible to the Proxy and to services it tries to access. On any other node, the PGT has its own private copy of the TGT frozen when the PGT was created and changes to the real TGT are not visible.

Cushy automatically solves this problem every time it takes a full checkpoint. The other nodes obtain a fresh exact copy of all the tickets on the other node connected together exactly as they are on the other node with the very latest information.

For Now

Current CAS simply ignores these issues and it doesn't seem to have any problems doing so. Every so often you may get an exception in the log during serialization caused by threading problems.

Otherwise, you have to change the Ticket classes in cas-server-core.

Yale does not use Single Sign Out, so we do not need the "Services" table in the TGT. We disable updates to the table and without the table the CAS 3 TGT is thread safe enough to be reliable.

If we used Single Sign Out and Cushy, then we would modify the Ticket objects to add the synchronized writeObject. You can do this with Cushy because you can verify from the code that a deadlock is impossible. You could cross your fingers with the other Registry solutions.

Usage Pattern

Users start logging into CAS at the start of the business day. The number of TGTs begins to grow.

Users seldom log out of CAS, so TGTs typically time out instead of being explicitly deleted.

Users abandon a TGT when they close the browser. They then get a new TGT and cookie when they open a new browser window.

Therefore, the number of TGTs can be much larger than the number of real CAS users. It is a count of browser windows and not of people or machines.

At Yale around 3 PM a typical set of statistics is:

Unexpired-TGTs: 13821
Unexpired-STs: 12
Expired TGTs: 30
Expired STs: 11

So you see that a Ticket Registry is overwhelmingly a place to keep logon TGTs (in this statistic TGTs and PGTs are combined).

Over night the TGTs from earlier in the day time out and the Registry Cleaner deletes them.

So generally the pattern is a slow growth of TGTs while people are using the network application, followed by a slow reduction of tickets while they are asleep, with a minimum probably reached each morning before 8 AM.

If you display CAS statistics periodically during the day you will see a regular pattern and a typical maximum number of tickets in use "late in the day".

Translated to Cushy, the cost of the full checkpoint and the size of the checkpoint file grow over time along with the number of active tickets, and then the file shrinks over night. During any period of intense login activity the incremental file may be unusually large. If you had a long time between checkpoints, then around the daily minimum (8 AM) you could get an incremental file bigger than the checkpoint.


In CAS the TicketRegisty is configured using the WEB-INF/spring-configuration/ticketRegistry.xml file.

In the standard file, a bean with id="ticketRegistry" is configured selecting the class name of one of the optional TicketRegistry implementations (JBoss Cache, Ehcache, ...). To use Cushy you configure the CushyTicketRegistry class and its particular parameters.

Then at the end there are a group of bean definitions that set up periodic timer driven operations using the Spring support for the Quartz timer library. Normally these beans set up the RegistryCleaner to wake up periodically and remove all the expired tickets from the Registry.

Cushy adds a new bean at the beginning. This is an optional bean for class CushyClusterConfiguration that uses some static configuration information and runtime Java logic to find the IP addresses and hostname of the current computer to select a specific cluster configuration and generate property values that can be passed on to the CushyTicketRegistry bean. If this class does not do what you want, you can alter it, replace it, or just generate static configuration for the CushyTicketRegistry bean.

Then add a second timer driven operation to the end of the file to call the "timerDriven" method of the CushyTicketRegistry object on a regular basis (say once every 10 seconds) to trigger writing the checkpoint and incremental files.

The Cluster

We prefer a single "cas.war" artifact that works everywhere. It has to work on standalone or clustered environments, in a desktop sandbox with or without virtual machines, but also in official DEV (development), TEST, and PROD (production) servers.

There are techniques (Ant, Maven) to "filter" a WAR file replacing one string of text with another as it is deployed to a particular host. While that works for individual parameters like "nodeName", the techniques that are available make it hard to substitute a variable number of elements, and some locations have one CAS node in development, two CAS nodes in test, and three CAS nodes in production.

Then when we went to Production Services to actually deploy the code, they said that they did not want to edit configuration files. They wanted a system where the same WAR is deployed anywhere and when it starts up it looks at the machine it is on, decides that this a TEST machine (because it has "tst" in the hostname), and so it automatically generates the configuration of the TEST cluster.

At this point you should have figured out that it would be magical if anyone could write a class that reads your mind and figures out what type of cluster you want. However, it did seem reasonable to write a class that could handle most configurations out of the box and was small enough and simple enough that you could add any custom logic yourself.

The class is CushyClusterConfiguration and it is separate from CushyTicketRegistry to isolate its entirely optional convenience features and make it possible to jiggle the configuration logic without touching the actual TicketRegistry. It has two configuration strategies:

First, you can configure a sequence of clusters (desktop sandbox, and machine room development, test, and production) by providing for each cluster a list of the machine specific raw URL to get to CAS (from other machines also behind the machine room firewall). CusyClusterConfiguration look up all the IP addresses of the current machine, then looks up the addresses associated with the servers in each URL in each cluster. It chooses the first cluster that it is in (that contains a URL that resolves to an address of the current machine).

Second, if none of the configured clusters contains the current machine, or if no configuration is provided, then Cushy uses the HOSTNAME and some Java code to automatically configure the cluster. At this point we expect you to provide some programming, unless you can use the Yale solution off the shelf.

At Yale we know that CAS is a relatively small application with limited requirements, and that any modern multi-core server can certainly handle all the CAS activity of the university (or even of a much larger university). So we always create clusters with only two nodes, and the other node is just for recovery from a serious failure (and ideally the other node is in another machine room far enough away to be outside the blast radius).

In any given cluster, the hostname of both machines is identical except for a suffix that is either the three characters "-01" or "-02". So by finding the current HOSTNAME it can say that if this machine has "-01" in its name, the other machine in the cluster is "-02", or the reverse.

Configuration By File

You can define the CushyClusterConfiguration bean with or without a "clusterDefinition" property. If you provide the property, it is a List of Lists of Strings:

    <bean id="clusterConfiguration" class=""
        p:md5Suffix="yes" >
      <property name="clusterDefinition">
               <!-- Desktop Sandbox cluster -->
               <!-- Development cluster -->

In spring, the <value> tag generates a String, so this is what Java calls a List<List<String>> (List of Lists of Strings). As noted, the top List has two elements. The first element is a List with two Strings for the machines foo and bar. The second element is another List with two strings for casdev1 and casdev2.

There is no good way to determine all the DNS names that may resolve to an address on this server. However, it is relatively easy in Java to find all the IP addresses of all the LAN interfaces on the current machine. This list may be longer than you think. Each LAN adapter can have IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and then there can be multiple real LANs and a bunch of virtual LAN adapters for VMWare or Virtualbox VMs you host or tunnels to VPN connections. Of course, there is always the loopback address.

So CushyClusterConfiguration goes to the first cluster (foo and bar). It does a name lookup (in DNS and in the local etc/hosts file) for each server name ( and Each lookup returns a list of IP addresses associated with that name.

CushyClusterConfiguration selects the first cluster and first host computer whose name resolves to an IP address that is also an address on one of the interfaces of the current computer. The DNS lookup of returns a bunch of IP addresses. If any of those addresses is also an address assigned to any real or virtual LAN on the current machine, then that is the cluster host name and that is the cluster to use. If not, then try again in the next cluster.

CushyClusterConfiguration can determine if it is running in the sandbox on the desktop, or if it is running the development, test, production, disaster recovery, or any other cluster definition. The only requirement is that IP addresses be distinct across servers and cluster.

Restrictions (if you use a single WAR file with a single global configuration):

It is not generally possible to determine the port numbers that a J2EE Web Server is using. So it is not possible to make distinctions based only on port number. CushyClusterConfiguration requires a difference in IP addresses. So if you want to emulate a cluster on a single machine, use VirtualBox to create VMs and don't think you can run two Tomcats on different ports.

(This does not apply to Unit Testing, because Unit Testing does not use a regular WAR and is not constrained to a single configuration file. If you look at the unit tests you can see examples where there are two instances of CushyTicketRegistry configured with two instances of CushyClusterConfiguration with two cluster configuration files. In fact, it can be a useful trick that the code stops at the first match. If you edit the etc/hosts file to create a bunch of dummy hostnames all mapped on this computer to the loopback address (, then those names will always match the current computer and Cushy will stop when it encounters the first such name. The trick then is to create for the two test instances of Cushy two configuration files (localhost1,localhost2 and localhost2,localhost1). Fed the first configuration, that test instance of Cushy will match the first name (localhost1) and will expect the cluster to also have the other name (localhost2). Fed the second configuration the other test class will stop at localhost2 (which is first in that file) and then assume the cluster also contains localhost1.)

Any automatic configuration mechanism can get screwed up by mistakes made by system administrators. In this case, it is a little easier to mess things up in Windows. You may have already noticed this if your Windows machine hosts VMs or if your home computer is a member of your Active Directory at work (though VPNs for example). At least you would see it if you do "nslookup" to see what DNS thinks of your machine. Windows has Dynamic DNS support and it is enabled by default on each new LAN adapter. After a virtual LAN adapter has been configured you can go to its adapter configuration, select IPv4, click Advanced, select the DNS tab, and turn off the checkbox labelled "Register this connection's addresses in DNS". If you don't do this (and how many people even think to do this), then the private IP address assigned to your computer on the virtual LAN (or the home network address assigned to your computer when it has a VPN tunnel to work) gets registered to the AD DNS server. When you look up your machine in DNS you get the IP address you expected, and then an additional address of the form 192.168.1.? which is either the address of your machine on your home LAN or its address on the private virtual LAN that connects it to VMs it hosts.

Generally the extra address doesn't matter. A problem only arises when another computer that is also on a home or virtual network with its own 192.168.1.* addresses looks up the DNS name of a computer, gets back a list of addresses, and for whatever reason decides that that other computer is also on its home or virtual LAN instead of using the real public address that can actually get to the machine.

CushyClusterConfiguration is going to notice all the addresses on the machine and all the addresses registered to DNS, and it may misidentify the cluster if these spurious internal private addresses are being used on more than one sandbox or machine room CAS computer. It is a design objective of continuing Cushy development to refine this configuration process so you cannot get messed up when a USB device you plug into your computer generates a USB LAN with a address for your computer, but to do this in a way that preserves your ability to configure a couple of VM guests on your desktop for CAS testing.

Note also that the Unit Test cases sometimes exploit this by defining dummy hostnames that resolve to the loopback address and therefore are immediately matched on any computer.

In practice you will have a sandbox you created and some machine room VMs that were professionally configured and do not have strange or unexpected IP addresses, and you can configure all the hostnames in a configuration file and Cushy will select the right cluster and configure itself the way you expect.


At Yale the names of DEV, TEST, and PROD machines follow a predictable pattern, and CAS clusters have only two machines. So production services asked that CAS automatically configure itself based on those conventions. If you have similar conventions and any Java coding expertise you can modify the autoconfiguration logic at the end of CushyClusterConfiguration Java source.

CAS is a relatively simple program with low resource utilization that can run on very large servers. There is no need to spread the load across multiple servers, so the only reason for clustering is error recovery. At Yale a single additional machine is regarded as providing enough recovery.

At Yale, the two servers in any cluster have DNS names that ends in "-01" or "-02". Therefore, Cushy autoconfigure gets the HOSTNAME of the current machine, looks for a "-01" or "-02" in the name, and when it matches creates a cluster with the current machine and one additional machine with the same name but substituting "-01" for "-02" or the reverse.


If no configured cluster matches the current machine IP addresses and the machine does not autoconfigure (because the HOSTNAME does not have "-01" or "-02"), then Cushy configures a single standalone server with no cluster.

Even without a cluster, Cushy still checkpoints the ticket cache to disk and restores the tickets across a reboot. So it provides a useful function in a single machine configuration that is otherwise only available with JPA and a database.

You Can Configure Manually

Although CushyClusterConfiguration makes most configuration problems simple and automatic, if it does the wrong thing and you don't want to change the code you can ignore it entirely. As will be shown in the next section, there are three properties, a string and two Properties tables) that are input to the CusyTicketRegistry bean. The whole purpose of CushyClusterConfiguration is to generate a value for these three parameters. If you don't like it, you can use Spring to generate static values for these parameters and you don't even have to use the clusterConfiguration bean.

Other Parameters

Typically in the ticketRegistry.xml Spring configuration file you configure CushyClusterConfiguration as a bean with id="clusterConfiguration" first, and then configure the usual id="ticketRegistry" using CusyTicketRegistry. The clusterConfiguration bean exports some properties that are used (through Spring EL) to configure the Registry bean.

  <bean id="ticketRegistry" class="edu.yale.cas.ticket.registry.CushyTicketRegistry"
          p:cacheDirectory=  "#{systemProperties['']}/cas"
          p:nodeName=        "#{clusterConfiguration.getNodeName()}"
          p:nodeNameToUrl=   "#{clusterConfiguration.getNodeNameToUrl()}"
          p:suffixToNodeName="#{clusterConfiguration.getSuffixToNodeName()}"  />

 The nodeName, nodeNameToUrl, and suffixToNodeName parameters link back to properties generated as a result of the logic in the CushyClusterConfiguration bean.

The cacheDirectory is a work directory on disk to which it has read/write privileges. The default is "/var/cache/cas" which is Unix syntax but can be created as a directory structure on Windows. In this example we use the Java system property for the JBoss /data subdirectory when running CAS on JBoss.

The checkpointInterval is the time in seconds between successive full checkpoints. Between checkpoints, incremental files will be generated.

CushyClusterConfiguration exposes a md5Suffix="yes" parameter which causes it to generate a ticketSuffix that is the MD5 hash of the computer host instead of using the nodename as a suffix. The F5 likes to refer to computers by their MD5 hash and using that as the ticket suffix simplifies the F5 configuration even though it makes the ticket longer.

There are other "properties" that actually turn code options on or off. Internally they are static variable that only appear to be properties of the CushyTicketRegistry class so they can be added to the ticketRegistry.xml file. The alternative would be to make them static values in the source and require you to recompile the source to make a change.

  • p:sharedDisk="true" - disables HTTP communication for JUnit Tests and when the work directory is on a shared disk.
  • p:disableJITDeserialization="true" - disables an optimization that only reads tickets from a checkpoint or incremental file the first time the tickets are actually needed. The only reason for using this parameter is during testing so that the number of tickets read from the file appears in the log immediately after the file is generated.
  • p:excludeSTFromFiles="true" - this is plausibly an option you should use. It prevents Service Tickets from being written to the checkpoint or incremental files. This makes incremental files smaller because it is then not necessary to keep the growing list of ST IDs for all the Service Tickets that were deleted probably before anyone ever really cared about them.
  • p:useThread="true" - use a thread to read the checkpoint file from another CAS node. If not set, the file is read in line and this may slow down the processing of a new checkpoint across all the nodes.

How Often?

"Quartz" is the standard Java library for timer driven events. There are various ways to use Quartz, including annotations in modern containers, but JASIG CAS uses a Spring Bean interface to Quartz where parameters are specified in XML. All the standard JASIG TicketRegistry configurations have contained a Spring Bean configuration that drives the RegistryCleaner to run and delete expired tickets every so often. CushyTicketRegistry requires a second Quartz timer configured in the same file to call a method that replicates tickets. The interval configured in the Quartz part of the XML sets a base timer that determines the frequency of the incremental updates (typically every 5-15 seconds). A second parameter to the CushyTicketRegistry class sets a much longer period between full checkpoints of all the tickets in the registry (typically every 5-10 minutes).

A full checkpoint contains all the tickets. If the cache contains 20,000 tickets, it takes about a second to checkpoint, generates a 3.2 megabyte file, and then has to be copied across the network to the other nodes. An incremental file contains only the tickets that were added or deleted since the last full checkpoint. It typically takes a tenth of a second an uses very little disk space or network. However, after a number of incrementals it is a good idea to do a fresh checkpoint just to clean things up. You set the parameters to optimize your CAS environment, although either operation has so little overhead that it should not be a big deal.

Based on the usage pattern, at 8:00 AM the ticket registry is mostly empty and full checkpoints take no time. Late in the afternoon the registry reaches its maximum size and the difference between incrementals and full checkpoints is at its greatest.

Although CAS uses the term "incremental", the actual algorithm is a differential between the current cache and the last full checkpoint. So between full checkpoints, the incremental file size increases as it accumulates all the changes. Since this also includes a list of all the Service Ticket IDs that were deleted (just to be absolutely sure things are correct), if you made the period between full checkpoints unusually long it is possible for the incremental file to become larger than the checkpoint and since it is transferred so frequently this would be much, much worse to performance than setting the period for full checkpoints to be a reasonable number.

Nodes notify each other of a full checkpoint. Incrementals occur so frequently that it would be inefficient to send messages around. A node picks up the other incrementals from the other nodes each time it generates its own incremental.

CushyTicketRegistry (the code)

CushyTicketRegistry is a medium sized Java class that does all the work. It began with the standard JASIG DefaultTicketRegistry code that stores the tickets in memory (in a ConcurrentHashMap). Then on top of that base, it adds code to serialize tickets to disk and to transfer the disk files between nodes using HTTP.

Unlike the JASIG TicketRegistry implementations, CushyTicketRegistry does not create a single big cache of tickets lumped together from all the nodes. Each node "owns" the tickets it creates

The Spring XML configuration creates what is called the Primary instance of the CushyTicketRegistry class. This object is the TicketRegistry as far as the rest of CAS is concerned and it implements the TicketRegistry interface. From the properties provided by Spring from the CushyClusterConfiguration, the Primary object determines the other nodes in the cluster and it creates an additional Secondary object instance of the CushyTicketRegistry class for each other node.

Tickets created by CAS on this node are stored in the Primary object which periodically checkpoints to disk, and more frequently writes the incremental changes file to disk. It then notifies the other nodes when it has a new checkpoint to pick up. The Secondary objects keep a Read-Only copy of the tickets on the other nodes in memory in case that node fails.


Methods and Fields

In addition to the ConcurrentHashMap named "cache" that CushyTicketRegistry borrowed from the JASIG DefaultTicketRegistry code to index all the tickets by their ID string, CushyTicketRegistry adds two collections:

  • addedTickets - a reference to the tickets that were added to the registry since the last full ticket backup to disk.
  • deletedTickets - a collection of ticketids for the tickets that were deleted.

These two collections are maintained by the implementations of the addTicket and deleteTicket methods of the TicketRegistry interface.

This class has three constructors.

  • The constructor without arguments is used by Spring XML configuration of the class and generates the Primary object that holds the local tickets created by CAS on this node. There is limited initialization that can be done in the constructor, so most of the work is in the afterPropertiesSet() method called by Spring when it completes its XML configuration of the object.
  • The constructor with nodename and url parameters is used by the Primary object to create Secondary objects for other nodes in the cluster configuration.
  • The constructor with a bunch of arguments is used by Unit Tests.

The following significant methods are added to the CushyTicketRegistry class:

  • checkpoint() - Called from the periodic quartz thread. Serializes all tickets in the Registry to the nodename file in the work directory on disk. Makes a point in time thread safe copy of references to all the current tickets in "cache" and clearsthe added and deleted ticket collections. Builds an ArrayList of the non-expired tickets. Serializes the ArrayList (and therefore all the non-expired tickets) to /var/cache/cas/CASVM1. Generates a Service Ticket ID that will act as a password until the next checkpoint call. Notifies the other nodes, in this example by calling the /cas/cache/notify service of CASVM2 passing the password ticketid.
  • restore() - Empty the current cache and de-serialize the /var/cache/cas/nodename file to a list of tickets, then add all the unexpired tickets in the list to rebuild the cache. Typically this only happens once on the primary object at CAS startup where the previous checkpoint of the local cache is reloaded from disk to restore this node to the state it was in at last shutdown. However, secondary caches (of CASVM2 in this example) are loaded all the time in response to a /cas/cache/notify call from CASVM2 that it has taken a new checkpoint.
  • writeIncremental() - Called by the quartz thread between checkpoints. Serializes point in time thread safe copies of the addedTickets and deletedTickets collections to create the nodename-incremental file in the work directory.
  • readIncremental() - De-serialize two collections from the nodename-incremental file in the work directory. Apply one collection to add tickets to the current cache collection and then apply the second collection to delete tickets. After the update, the cache contains all the non-expired tickets from the other node at the point the incremental file was created.
  • readRemoteCache - Generate an https: request to read the nodename or nodename-incremental file from another node and store it in the work directory.
  • notifyNodes() - calls the /cas/cluster/notify restful service on each other node after a call to checkpoint() generates a full backup. Passes the generated dummy ServiceTicketId to the node which acts as a password in any subsequent getRemoteCache() call.
  • processNotify() - called from the Spring MVC layer when the message from a notifyNodes() call arrives at the other node.
  • timerDriven() - called from Quartz every so often (say every 10 seconds) to generate incrementals and periodically a full checkpoint. It also reads the current incrmental from all the other nodes.
  • destroy() - called by Java when CAS is shutting down. Writes a final checkpoint file that can be used after restart to reload all the tickets to their status at shutdown.


Unlike conventional JASIG Cache mechanisms, the CushyTicketRegistry does not combine tickets from all the nodes. It maintains shadow copies of the individual ticket caches from other nodes. If a node goes down, then the F5 starts routing requests for that node to the other nodes that are still up. The other nodes can recognize that these requests are "foreign" (for tickets issued by another node and therefore in the shadow copy of that node's tickets) and they can handle such requests temporarily until the other node is brought back up.


During normal CAS processing, the addTicket() and deleteTicket() methods lock the registry for just long enough to add an item to the end of the one of the two incremental collections. Cushy uses locks only for very simple updates and copies so it cannot deadlock and performance should not be affected. This is the only part of Cushy that runs under the normal CAS HTTP request processing.

Quartz maintains a pool of threads independent of the threads used by JBoss or Tomcat to handle HTTP requests. Periodically a timer event is triggered, Quartz assigns a thread from the pool to handle it, the thread calls the timerDriven() method of the primary CushyTicketRegistry object, and for the purpose of this example, let us assume that it is time for a new full checkpoint.

Java provides a complex built in class called ConcurrentHashMap that allows a collection of Tickets to be shared by request threads. The JASIG DefaultTicketRegistry uses this service, and Cushy adopts the same design. One method exposed by this built in class provides a new list of references to all the Ticket objects at some point in time. Cushy uses this service to obtain its own private list of all the Tickets that it can checkpoint without affecting any other thread doing normal CAS business.

The collection returned by ConcurrentHashMap is not serializable, so Cushy has to copy Tickets from it to a more standard collection, and it uses this opportunity to exclude expired tickets. Then it uses a single Java writeObject statement to write the List and a copy of all the Ticket objects to a checkpoint file on disk. Internally Java does all the hard work of figuring out what objects point to other objects so it can write only one copy of each unique object. When it returns, Cushy just has to close the file.

Between checkpoints the same logic applies, only instead of writing the complete set of Tickets, Cushy only serializes the addedTickets and the deletedTicket Ids to the disk file.

After writing a full checkpoint, Cushy generates a new dummyServiceTicket ID string and issues a Notify (calls the /cluster/notify URL of CAS on all the other nodes of the cluster) passing the dummyServiceTicket string so the other nodes can use it as a password to access the checkpoint and incremental files over the Web.

On the other nodes, the Notify request arrives through HTTP like any other CAS request (like a ST validate request). Spring routes the /cluster/notify suffix to the small Cushy CacheNotifyController Java class. We want all the other nodes to get a new copy of the new full checkpoint file as soon as possible there are two strategies to accomplish this.

Cushy does not expect a meaningful return from the /cluster/notify HTTP request. The purpose is just to trigger action on the other node, and the response is empty. Therefore, one simple strategy is to set an short Read Timeout on the HTTP request. The other node receives the Notify and begins to read the checkpoint file. Meanwhile, the node doing the Notify times out having not yet received a response, and so it goes on to Notify the next node in the cluster. Eventually when the checkpoint file has been fetched and restored to memory the Notify logic returns to the CacheNotifyController bean which then tries to generate an empty reply but discovers that the client node is no longer waiting for a reply. Things may end with a few sloppy exceptions, but the code expects and ignores them.

The other approach has the Notify request on the receiving node wake up a thread in the Secondary CusyTicketRegistry object coresponding to the node that sent the Notify. That thread can fetch the checkpoint file and restore the tickets to memory. Meanwhile, the CacheNotifyController returns immediately and sends the null response back to the notifying node. Nothing times out and no exceptions are generated, but now you have to use threading, which is a bit more heavy duty technology than Web applications prefer to use.

There is no notify for an incremental file. The nodes do not synchronize incrementals (too much overhead). So when the timerDriven() method is called between checkpoints, it writes an incremental file for the current node and then checks each Secondary object and attempts to read an incremental file from each other node in the cluster.

There is a chase condition between one node taking a full checkpoint when another node is trying to read an incremental. A new checkpoint deletes the previous incremental file. As each of the other nodes receives a Notify from this node they realize that there is a new checkpoint and no incremental, so a flag gets set and the next timer cycle through no incremental is read. However, after the checkpoint is generate and before the Notify is sent there is a opportunity for the other node to wake up, ask for the incremental file to be sent, and to get back an HTTP status of FILE_NOT_FOUND.

"Healthy" is a status of a Secondary object. Without it when a node goes down then the other nodes will try every timer tick (every 10 seconds or so) to connect to the dead node and fetch the latest incremental file. When a file request fails, then the node is marked "not healthy" and no more incrementals will be fetched until a Notify indicates that the node is back up.

Originally Cushy was designed to restore tickets to memory as soon as the file was loaded from the other node. However, this means that CAS is spending time deserializing data from files every few seconds, day after day while nothing goes wrong. It is necessary to get the files from the other nodes immediately because you cannot predict when a computer will crash, but the actual tickets don't need to be deserialized from the file until the node fails. So now Cushy uses Just In Time Deserialization. It holds the file on disk until the Business Logic asks for a ticket that belongs to one of the other nodes, something that should not occur unless the node owning the ticket has failed. Then Cushy deserializes the files from that node in order to find the requested ticket.


The collection of tickets contains sensitive data. With access to the TGT ID values, a remote user could impersonate anyone currently logged in to CAS. So when checkpoint and incremental files are transferred between nodes of the cluster, we need to be sure the data is encrypted and goes only to the intended CAS servers.

There are sophisticated solutions based on Kerberos or GSSAPI. However, they add considerable new complexity to the code. At the same time, we do not want to introduce anything substantially new because then it has to pass a new security review. So CushyTicketRegistry approaches security by using the existing technology CAS already uses, just applied in a new way.

CAS is based on SSL and uses the X.509 Certificate of the CAS server to verify the identity of machines. If that is good enough to identity a CAS server to the client and to the application that uses CAS, then it should be good enough to identity one CAS server to another.

CAS uses the Service Ticket as a one time randomly generated temporary password. It is large enough that you cannot guess it nor can you brute force match it in the short period of time it remains valid before it times out. The ticket is added onto the end of a URL with the "ticket=..." parameter, and the URL and all the other data in the exchange is encrypted with SSL.

Now apply the same design to CushyTicketRegistry.

Each time a node generates a new full checkpoint file it uses the standard Service Ticket ID generation code to generate a new Service Ticket ID. This ticket id serves in place of a password to fetch files from that node until the next full checkpoint. When a node generates a checkpoint it calls the "https://servername/cas/cluster/notify?ticket=..." URL on the other nodes in the cluster passing this generated dummy Service Ticket ID. SSL validates the X.509 Certificate on the other CAS server before it lets this request pass through, so the ticketid is encrypted and can only go to the real named server at the URL configured to CAS when it starts up.

When a node gets a /cluster/notify request from another node, it responds with an "https://servername/cas/cluster/getChekpoint?ticket=..." request to obtain a copy of the newly generated full checkpoint file. Again, SSL encrypts the data and the other node X.509 certificate validates its identity. If the other node sends the data as requested, then the Service Ticket ID sent in the notify is valid and it is stored in the secondary YaleServiceRegistry object associated with that node. Between checkpoints the same ticketId is used as a password to fetch incremental files, but when the next checkpoint is generated there is a new Notify with a new ticketid and the old ticketid is no longer valid. There is not enough time to brute force the ticketid before it expires and you have to start over.


Normal Operation

A CAS node starts up.The Spring configuration loads the primary YaleTicketRepository object, and it creates secondary objects for all the other configured nodes. Each object is configured with a node name, and secondary objects are configured with the external node URL.

CAS will have taken a final checkpoint if it shutdown normally. If it crashed, there should be a last checkpoint and may be a last incremental file. The tickets in these files are restored to memory so CAS is restored to the state it was last in before the crash or shutdown. This is a "warm start".

However, if you are upgrading from one version of CAS to another with incompatible Ticket classes, or you want to start a clean slate after some serious outage, then you can manually delete the checkpoint file and CAS will come up with an empty Ticket Registry. This is a "cold start". It makes no sense to cold start a single node, so typically if you do this you intend to cold start all the CAS nodes. Since each CAS node "owns" its registry, you could cold start one at a time and as each node comes up it will checkpoint its empty registry and replicate it to the other nodes. However, in most cases you will want to reboot all the CAS nodes nearly simultaneously. To let this occur with the least confusion, after a cold start CAS enters a "Quiet Period" where it neither sends nor receives files to or from other nodes. The default is 10 minutes, and that should be enough time to reboot all the servers.

During normal processing all the CAS servers are generating checkpoint and incremental files and they are exchanging these files over the network. The file exchange is required because you never know when a node is going to fail. However, once the file has been transmitted, the tickets in the file are not actually needed if the front end is routing requests properly and the other nodes are up. So during the 99.9% of the time when there is no failure, CAS saves a small amount of processing time by waiting until there is an actual request (after a node failure) that requires access to tickets from another node before it deserializes the data in the file. This is an optimization called "Just In Time Deserialization".

Note: This is a violation of the rule to favor simplicity over efficiency. It was added to the code because it just seemed embarrassing to be constantly reading objects from files when nobody needs the data. However, the author intends to stop with just this one optimization and avoid in the future adding any additional complexity to make things run faster.

A CAS node will start to get requests belonging to another node if the Front End thinks the other node is down (mostly because it cannot contact it). However, if the failure is caused by a single switch or router between the Front End and the other node, then other CAS node may be able to talk to the node even though the Front End cannot get to it. So CushyTicketRegistry separates two switches. The "Just In Time Deserialization" tracks whether the node is getting requests from the Front End for another node. Separately, Cushy maintains a "node is healthy" flag in the secondary object for the node which is set to be "unhealthy" if there is a connection or an I/O error trying to read a checkpoint or incremental file from the node.

Note: Ok, so this is another violation of the simplicity rule. It seemed to be stupid while a node is down to just keep issuing an HTTPS request to the node every 10 seconds until it comes back up, and have each such request end in a connection timeout exception. When the node comes back up again it will send a Notify to every other node in the cluster. If the node was never really down and there was just a network glitch, then it will send a Notify with the next checkpoint in the next 5 minutes or so. Either way, after an HTTP GET fails for a file from another node, waiting for a Notify to verify health before restarting the reads makes sense. But I promise to stop optimizing code here.

Notify is in part an "I am up and functioning" message as well as an "I have a new checkpoint" message. The first thing a node does after booting up is to send a new Notify to all the other nodes. If there is a temporary network failure between nodes, then other activity may stop but the nodes will all try to send a Notify with each new checkpoint (say every 5 minutes) trying to reestablish contacts.

Getting a Notify from a node and reading its new checkpoint file clears the flag that says that tickets have been "just in time" deserialized and that the node is unhealthy. It provides an opportunity, if nothing else is wrong anywhere, for things to go back to complete normal behavior (at least for that node). If more requests arrive then the Just In Time Deserialization happens again, and if network I/O errors reappear then the node will be marked unhealthy again, but after a Notify we give a node a chance to start a clean slate.

Note: The UnitTest flag turns off all real network I/O. So if you call the processNotify() method from a Junit test case it will reset all the flags but will not actually try and generate the HTTP GET to read the checkpoint from the other node, because in unit tests there is no other node.

Node Failure

Detecting a node failure is the job of the Front End. CAS discovers a failure when a CAS node receives a request that should have been routed to another node. The tickets for that node are restored into the Secondary Registry for that node.

Anyone who signed in to the failed node in the last few seconds will lose his TGT. Any Service Ticket issued but not validated by the failed node will be lost and validation requests will fail. The Cushy design is to support the 99.99% of traffic that deals with people who logged in longer than 10 seconds ago.

New logins have no node affiliation and therefore nothing to do with node failure.

During node failure, the three interesting activities are:

  1. Issuing and validating a new Service Ticket on behalf of a TGT owned by another node.
  2. Issuing a new Proxy Ticket connected to a TGT owned by another node.
  3. Logging a user off if his TGT is owned by another node.

In the first two cases, the current node creates a new Ticket. The Ticket is owned by this node even if it points to a Granting Ticket that is in the Registry of another node. The Ticket gets the local node suffix and is put in the local (Primary) CushyTicketRegistry. The Front End will route all requests for this ticket to this node. The Business Logic layer of CAS does not know that the TGT belongs to another node because the Business Logic layer is used to all the other TicketRegistries where all the tickets are jumbled up together in a big common collection. So this is business as usual.

There is one consequence that should be understood. Although the TGT is currently in the Secondary Registry, that collection of tickets is logically and perhaps physically replaced when the node comes back up, issues a Notify, and a new checkpoint is received. At that point the ST (and more importantly the PGT because it lives longer) will point to the same sort of "private copy of a TGT that is a point in time snapshot of the login status when the secondary ticket was created" that you get all the time when ST and PGT objects are serialized and transmitted between nodes by any of the "cache" replication technologies. Cushy has been able up to this point to avoid unconnected private copies of TGT's, but it cannot do so across a node failure and restart.

This brings us to Logoff. Not many people logoff from CAS. When they do, the Business Logic layer of CAS will try to handle Single Sign Out by notifying all the applications that registered a logoff URL that the user has logged out. Again, since the Business Layer works fine in existing "cache" based object replication systems, the fact that Cushy is holding the TGT in a Secondary object has absolutely no effect on the processing. The only difference occurs when the Business Logic goes to delete the TGT.

The problem here is that we don't own the TGT. The other node owns it. Furthermore, the other node probably has a copy of it in its last checkpoint file, and as soon as it starts up it will restore that file to memory including this TGT. So while we could delete the object in the Secondary Registry, it is just going to come back again later on.

This probably doesn't matter. The cookie has been deleted in the browser. Any Single Sign Out processing has been done. The TGT may sit around all day unused, and then eventually it times out. At this point we get the only actual difference in behavior. When it times out the Business Logic is going to repeat the Single Sign Out processing. It is almost inconceivable that any application would be written in such a way that it would notice or care if it gets a second logout message for someone who already logged out, but it has to be noted.

Node Recovery

After a failure, the node comes back up and restores its registry from the files in the work directory. It issues a Notify which tells the other nodes it is coming back up.

At some point the front end notices the node is back and starts routing requests to it based on the node name in the suffix of CAS Cookies. The node picks up where it left off. It does not know and can not learn about any Service Tickets issued on behalf of its logged in users by other nodes during the failure. It does not know about users who logged out of CAS during the failure.

Every time the node generates a new checkpoint and issues another Notify, the other nodes clear any flags indicating failover status and attempt to go back to normal processing. This may not happen the first time if the Front End takes a while to react. but if not the first then probably the second Notify will return the entire cluster to normal processing.

JUnit Testing

It is unusual for JUnit test cases to get their own documentation. Testing a cluster on a single machine without a Web server is complicated enough that the strategies require some documentation.

If you create an instance of CushyTicketRegistry without any parameters, it believes that it is a Primary object. You can then set properties and simulate Spring configuration. There is an alternate constructor with four parameters that is used only from test cases.

The trick here is to create two Primary CusyTicketRegistry instances with two compatible but opposite configurations. Typically one Primary object believes that it is node "casvm01" and that the cluster consists of a second node named "casvm02", while the other Primary object believes that it is node "casvm02" in a cluster with "casvm01".

The next thing you need is to make sure that both objects are using the same work directory. That way the first object will create a checkpoint file named "casvm01" and the other will create a checkpoint file named "casvm02".

Without a Web server, the files cannot be exchanged over the network. You cannot unit test the HTTP part. For the rest, once both nodes have checkpointed their tickets to the same directory, each node can then be programmed to skip over the HTTPS GET and just restore the file named for the other node from disk to its Secondary object for that node. Neither Primary object knows that the file for the other node was written directly to disk from another object in the same JVM rather than being fetched over the network.

There are two test classes with entirely different strategies. tests the TicketRegistry interface and the Cushy functions of checkpoint, restore, writeIncremental, and readIncremental. You can create a single ticket or a 100,000 TGTs. This verifies that the tickets are handled correctly, but it does not test CAS Business Layer processing.

This test case creates a new empty TicketRegistry for each test, so it is good for checking that a sequence of operations produces an expected outcome. is an adaptation of the CentralAuthenticationServiceImpl test class from cas-server-core that simulates CAS Business Logic on two nodes across a failover. As with the original code, it uses Spring support for JUnit testing. It has a single resource file named applicationContext.xml that configures a stripped down CAS using versions of the same XML used to configure real CAS. In this case, however, there are two "ticketRegistry" beans that use two "clusterConfiguration" beans for nodes "casvm01" and "casvm02".

Warning: To make this test case work you need a line in your /etc/hosts or your c:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" file that maps the names "casvm01" and "casvm02" to the loopback address, as in:   casvm01,casvm02

Without this the CushyClusterConfiguration beans cannot be tricked into regarding the one machine as if it was two nodes.

Using this test class, the Spring configuration is done first and then each test is run. As a result the two CushyTicketRegistry objects are not reinitialized between tests and the objects created in previous tests are left behind at the start of the next test. However, because the operations here involve the Business Logic layer, you can perform tests like:

Create credentials on casvm02
Create a TGT with the credentials on casvm02
Simulate a failure of casvm02, from now on everything is casvm01
Create a ST using the TGT ID of the casvm02 TGT.
Use the ST to create a PGT.
Create a ST using the PGT.
Validate the ST. Make sure that the netid that comes back matches the credentials supplied to casvm02.


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