A dedicated three node SQL Server cluster has been created for hosting databases that contain regulated data, all databases hosted on this cluster will be encrypted and only encrypted connections will be allowed to this cluster. Clients are recommended to use server name validation when establishing SSL connection with the database. Here we detail ways of establishing secure connection using different clients. But first we need to import the public key certificate of the certification authority, Global Sign, that signed the server certificate, as a trusted authority.
a) Import Global Sign public key certificate as trusted certification authority.
- Download the global sign certificates packaged as PKCS7 package.
- Importing PKCS7 package into windows trust store.
3. Importing Global Sign certificates into java keystore.
- Import Global Sign Intermediate certificate
keytool -importcert -file GlobalSignIntermediate.cer -alias GlobalSignIntermediate -storepass storepass -keystore keystore
- Import Global Sign Root certificate
keytool -importcert -file GlobalSignRoot.cer -alias GlobalSignRoot -storepass storepass -keystore keystore
b) Connect using SQL Server Management Studio