Date | Category | Subject | Details | Cause |
1/29/25 | Bug | Adding B&S Sections | Contributors can add B&S Sections. They should have view-only access to the sections | Prod |
1/29/25 | Bug | Section Entries access | Contributors can change Sections for their entries that they do not have access to | Prod |
1/29/25 | Bug | Categories incidents access | Contributors can change the categories on an incident that they should not have access to | Prod |
1/29/25 | Bug | Section column | Field content is not left-aligned and is missing commas | Prod |
Takeaways from the Deployment Meeting
Need a time-effective solution for testing the version that goes live from load test.
Automated testing?
Full regression testing is not advisable
Confusion within comment conversations
How do we document solutions for specific issues?
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