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UX Comments
  • This is the legacy process of the NetID Claiming. 
  • There are 4 different ways the user can identify themselves with the information given to them from Yale
    • Slate Login/Pin (Undergrad)
    • Pin/DOB (Faculty, Staff, SI, Professional Student, Alumni)
    • Pin (Dependent NetID)
    • Pin/SSN (Other)


UX Comments
  • This is the new process of the NetID Claiming 
  • There are 2 different outcomes when the user identifies themselves
    • As an undergrad student, they will have to go through Slate SSO to continue to get their temporary password.
    • As every other option, they will have to enter a Pin/DOB to continue to get their temporary password 
  • Once the user gets their temporary password, they enter the Microsoft claiming process. 

NetID Activation - Population


UX Comments
  • This is the first step in the NetID activation process.
  • The user needs to identify which group they fall under to indicate where the NetID application will transition them to. 
  • Faculty, Staff, or Sponsored Identity & Professional Students & Alumnus go to the PIN/DOB Page
  • Undergraduate Student goes to the Slate/PIN Page
  • Dependent NetID goes to the Pin Page
  • Other goes to the PIN/SSN page

NetID Activation - PIN/DoB


UX Comments
  • The user can enter in their 8 digit pin.
    • Note: This was originally going to be two sets of four-digit codes. UX talked to the back end developer team and they said it was possible to convert the already existing two 4 digits codes into one eight-digit code. 
    • How would this affect the errors that say "first half PIN required"? 
  • The user also needs to enter their birthdate to continue.

NetID Activation - Slate/PIN


UX Comments
  • The user can use the Slate SSO to start their NetID activation
  • If they don't know their Slate info, they can still use a PIN and DoB

NetID Activation - PIN/SSN


UX Comments
  • If the user selects other in the population screen they can enter their PIN and SSN
  • From old CAS: "Please note that this use of the SSN is a one-time confirmation of your university identity and will not be stored in this system. If typing your SSN into a web browser makes you uncomfortable, go back and select a more specific relationship beside "Other"."

NetID Activation - PIN

UX Comments
  • If the user selects Dependent NetID on the population screen they can fill out the 8 character pin to activate their dependent NetID

NetID Activation - Personal Email


UX Comments
  • All the screens within NetID Activation will show the user's NetID on the top of the screen.
  • The user needs to provide an email address that is not a Yale email address. 

NetID Activation - Personal Email (error)


UX Comments

NetID Activation - Security Questions


UX Comments
  • The user must select 5 security questions and provide answers to them
  • The user cannot continue without all 5 questions and answers given.

NetID Activation - Create NetID Password

UX Comments
  • The user needs to type in their desired password in both fields.
  • There is a Password Strength indicator below that allows the user to get feedback on how well they are creating their password.
    • The indicator goes off a 0-4 scale provided by Microsoft
    • The user needs to get a 3 or 4 to get a secure password (visually indicated by the bar 75% through the bar)
    • The scale goes from weak (0-2), good (3), and strong (4)
  • There is also a checkbox option to show passwords, which will unhide the password text fields.

NetID Activation - Create NetID Password (error)

UX Comments

NetID Activation - Temporary Password

UX Comments
  • This is the temporary NetID password screen that hands off the user to the Microsoft account claiming process for the new NetID claiming flow.
  • The user is prompted to copy this password
    • Hitting the Copy Password button will copy the temp password on the user's clipboard.

NetID Activation - Temporary Password (Copied Popup)

UX Comments
  • This popup occurs when the user clicks NEXT after copying their temporary password.
  • The popup gives the user context to what they will have to do once they leave the Yale NetID Management screens and go to the Microsoft screens.
    • If the user hits YES they continue into the Microsoft screens.
    • If the user hits NO the user goes back to the temp password screen.

NetID Activation - Temporary Password (Not Copied Popup)

UX Comments
  • This popup occurs when the user clicks NEXT after NOT copying their temporary password.
  • The popup warns the user that they really should copy the password before they continue into the Microsoft screens.
    • If the user hits YES they continue into the Microsoft screens.
    • If the user hits NO the user goes back to the temp password screen.

NetID Activation - NetID Activated (Hide)

UX Comments
  • This is the final step of the NetID Activation process.
  • By default, the user's information will be hidden. They have the option to hit the "SHOW" button to show all of their NetID Account Information.
  • If the user hits the DONE button, they go to the Manage NetID Account page.

NetID Activation - NetID Activated (Show)

UX Comments
  • The user can now view all of their NetID account information.
  • The user can hit "HIDE" to go back to the previous state of this screen, which hides all of their account information. 

  • No labels


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