Question | Jaspersoft | Toad |
Can I run a query off of the results of another query? I.e. Cascading reports. | Running a query against the result of another query is not possible in Jaspersoft Studio. You can only have one main dataset where you can use the fields in the report and you can add sub dataset that is NOT dependent on your main dataset. This sub dataset can be used as a source to create tables / cross-tabs but the fields inside that sub dataset can't be drop into the report. We have not yet tried this in the ad-hoc reporting tool yet. | Yes, however you need to save the results of the first query, open it, do the next query, save, and so on. |
Can I display column headers, even when there is no data in that column? | No. This is expected behavior and is how Brio also works. | TBD |
Can I add computed fields in the results set of a report? | You can do calculations against the result set using calculated fields but there are limitations on how complex the calculation will be. Ideally calculations would be done as part of an ETL process. | TBD |
Can I create "groups" of variables that I can reuse in the report? I.e. a group of full time tenured faculty. | TBD | TBD |