Meeting Date
April 16, 2013
Instructions for Participants to Dial-In
1) Dial 6-5777, (203)436-5777 or (855) 925-3266.
2) Enter Meeting ID 68853 and #
3) Speak you name, then enter #.
Members: Adriene Radcliffe, Ricardo Chavira, Russell Sharp, Susan West, Jane Livingston, Brian Wolson, Ed Kairiss, Susan Kelley, Jeff Capuano, Rick Smith, Joe Paolillo, John Jibilian, Stephanie Scungio, David Campbell, Dawn Colonese, David Galassi, Paul Gluhoski, John Guidone, (NEW MEMBERS: Soren Sonson, Kathleen Broderick, Arun Darwar)
Ricks team has updated the dashboards - scorecard From Rick's email to us:
Here is the link to the Business Service Scorecards. The files are date stamped and the most recent scorecard has the most recent date. The scorecards will be manually updated every other Wednesday (bi-monthly) as we work toward an automated solution. The short term goal is to establish a Continuous Service Improvement (CSI) scorecard for all "Core" “Core” Business Services and long term to establish scorecards for all Services.
Those of you who have access to the ITSM Coach in ServiceNow can view the future model. Incident Management is 95% complete and we are currently working toward completion of Problem Management and Change Management. Once all Core Services have been defined and scorecards completed they along with Security Management, Portfolio Management and Financial Management will form the basis of measuring Rock Solid Service in Len's Len’s Quarterly Business Review