- 40 hours a month
- Solution Center is one-stop shop
- enhancement requests
- schedule meeting
- view current/past requests
- see communication threads
- requirements/work requests
- view hours utilization & history
- recommend small number of gatekeepers for Solution Center
- we will still have HI access as well
- code review/build review possible
- tickets held on "awaiting customer testing"
- Yale needs to do due diligence on requirements detail
- will use an "FP-*" naming convention for update sets, which will be merged w/ Yale sets
- we will have a primary and secondary
- & an architect
- our assignees will probably be in central and eastern time zones
is there a response SLA? 1 business day
escalation for emergency changes? 1.5 hour per hour penalty for tier 1 stuff; in general, rush jobs can be handled (choose high urgency, put in comments)