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Members: Adriene Radcliffe, Ricardo Chavira, Russell Sharp, Susan West, Jane Livingston, Brian Wolson, Ed Kairiss, Susan Kelley, Jeff Capuano, Rick Smith, Joe Paolillo, John Jibilian, Stephanie Scungio, David Campbell Dawn Colonese, David Galassi, Paul Gluhoski, John Guidone




 Adriene Radcliffe, Ricardo Chavira,, Susan West, Jane Livingston, Susan Kelley, Jeff Capuano, Rick Smith, Stephanie Scungio, Dawn Colonese, David Galassi, John Guidone


  • Customer Satisfaction part of 360 Lifecycle - Susan West
  • Service 360 Lifecycle work in progress - Adriene Radcliffe
  • Homework!

Next Month - Next steps for Service Catalog and Service Lifecycle 360


Action Items from last meeting:


John Guidone discussed the absence of Information Security related questions on the Annual Survey.  We discussed whether questions about a awareness of particular campaigns were helpful is something we want to do in the future.  POD surveys might be more applicable for particular types of service visits.  Rick mentioned proxy metrics - ones critical to customer sat.  

Other future possibilities include future mobile apps 

How do we review and vet the feedback?  Should it come to the Service Board?  Not necessarily - The service owner IS responsible for regularly reviewing customer satisfaction.  
For metrics.   

  • Validate Prototype Metrics Model - Rick Smith

Rick to send out the spreadsheet - with the metrics model for the 5 top services -   caveats 
Incident - we completed, problem and change we could not.  Problem and Change is more of a challenge because of the one to many on provider services and business services.    Adriene noted it must be achievable and sustainable, so Rick will continue to iterate the model so that we have a service management operations metrics model that service owners can use to review the health of their service

The arrow for trend is confusing because some services would want to trend up or trend down - Rick take away to change the arrow to something more indicative of improvement or degradation

We all agreed we also need SOP's or a training class on which reports to use and what they mean.    Rick will send this out to everyone, send back by next Friday.

  • Service 360 Lifecycle work in progress - Adriene Radcliffe

Topic deferred to next month

  • Action Items:
    1. Susan will send out spreadsheet this week due FRIDAY with customer sat information
    2. Rick will send out the metrics model today, comments due back NEXT FRIDAY

Handouts or Presentation Materials
