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Service Contract: DRAFT_GetRoles.xlsx


Dev (Less stable (ongoing build process), can use for failure testing, or getting queries correct):

Test (Preferred Endpoint, more stable):



Production (Not Available until Workday R4 Go-Live July 1 2017):



Parameters: These can be added in any amount, all can be used, just one, or any combination of them. However, at least 1 parameter value must be used for this service. In order to use "roles" you must use it with an identifier parameter, like name. To use multiple parameters place "&" in between the parameter names. If you are restricted to which Roles you may see you must pass the "Role" value. If you are restricted to a role type Ex. SUPERVISORY, you must pass type value.

You are required to enter a set one of these parameters:

Option A:

type=  (Ex. Cost_Center, Supervisory)

page=  (The response will be paginated, this must be used with batches, you will get the totalpages in the response so you know how many times to loop)

recordsperpage= (the quantity of records you want in each page, the options are 1-999)

Option B:

code= (Ex. CC0001)

You are not required to enter this parameter, but can with option A or B above in order to limit your response to one role:


Option B:

code= (Ex. CC0001)

Option C:

role= (Ex. Cost Center Manager)

Optional Parameters (You should send these along with the role name for the best response):



You may send this parameter with any set of options to receive the response in json instead of XML:


Batch for Cost Center (limit by org type)-

Batch for Cost Center P2P Approver Manager (limit by type and role)- Center P2P Unlimited ApproverManager

Batch for Supervisory in JSON-

One Supervisory Org-

One Supervisory with One Role- Business Partner

One Cost Center in JSON-

One Supervisory Org with One Role in JSON- Center Financial Analyst


Example XML:

Code Block
titleExample Response
<Roles xmlns:env="" xmlns:wd="urn:com.workday/bsvc">
      <Cd>CC0001<  <Cd>SO100113</Cd>
        <Nm>Department <Nm>HOSBUSof BusinessApplied Office<Physics</Nm>
      <Type>COST_CENTER<  <Type>SUPERVISORY</Type>
      <RoleNm>Cost Center Financial<RoleNm>Business Analyst<Partner</RoleNm>
      <WorkerNm>Gagliardi  <WorkerNm>Wojciechowski, AnthonyMelissa Dai<A</WorkerNm>
      <EmpID>151677<  <EmpID>81827</EmpID>

Example JSON:

Code Block
titleExample Response
  "Roles": {
    "Header":    {
      "PageCount": "1",
      "TotalPagesVersion": "4251.0"
    "Role":    [

        "RoleNm": "HRBusiness Partner",
         "Nm": "Department of Applied Physics",
      "NETID": "mac247",
      "EmpID": "15409781827",
         "Type": "SUPERVISORY",
         "Inactive": "0",
         "Cd": "SO100113",
      "UPI": "12051628",
      "RoleID": "HRbusiness_Partnerpartner",
         "WorkerNm": "HuberWojciechowski, KyleenMelissa A"