General Info
Regularly scheduled weekly status for START replacement
Call-In Info
- Dial 6-5777, (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266.
- Enter Meeting ID 60612 and #.
- Speak your name, then enter #.
Roll Call
Name |
Org |
Present |
Christine Costantino |
Yale |
Adriene Radcliffe |
Yale |
Kesha Patel |
Yale |
Barbara Manville |
Yale |
David Backeberg |
Yale |
Wendy Battles |
Yale |
Kathleen Reilly |
Yale |
Jane Livingston |
Yale |
Bob Liu |
Yale |
Jeff Euben |
Yale |
Liz Burnell |
Yale |
Roger Kennedy |
Yale |
Brad Hajzak |
Yale |
Please come to the meeting on time & prepared
- Team Members
- What did you do last week?
- What are you doing this week?
- What obstacles are slowing/stopping progress?
- Do we have any issues or risks to discuss with the ITSM program committee?
- Other issues / concerns?
- Done
- Attended Email Modernization mtg re: which email services should be part of this project.
- Updated charter, schedule and resource plans; sent to Adriene for review
- Re-scheduled TOC mtg on 3/7 for change request (scope & schedule)
- Current
- Meeting with Bob & Jane re: wireframes
- Meeting with Jay Fusco's team re: XTRAIN
- Updating and adding to work plan
- Updating monthly cost reports
- Writing go-in position for removing mobile device accessories - shop with business (Wendy, Kathleen)
- Next: TOC presentation and change request form
Wendy & Kathleen:
- Done:
- Presentation for Julie Grant yesterday went very well
- Communications plan (including service owners) draft = 85% complete
- Current:
- Updating presentation to present to BOLT and operating group to 2/28 re: overall approach; mtgs to update presentation this week
- Working on org impact analysis beginning tomorrow
- Inventory of email and calendaring services - vetting this week with email team this week
- General notes:
- Training for Ops Managers will begin in August
- Ops managers (TACs) will be engaged for feedback, Julie hasnit yet suggested Ops Managers to work with
- Requirements for Ethernet, pagers, telephone sets and lines, documenting requirements
- telephone sets and lines - half done, tomorrow meeting with Jeff and Alice
- Ethernet meeting this week
- Financial approval for telecom
- use cases for these
- people list as-is analysis in blueworksw, START maintain lists, mtg Thurs. - add Matt Pretka.
to discuss people lists with IAM
- snapshot refresh, no one uses, 5/8 invalid, no need to build
- campus backup meeting
- netid pin - Brad working on it
lead admin=business managers, ops manager,
- cleaned up PTAEO validator slow, firewall issue? DNO account to troubleshoot
- Telecom for Fruition - iterating forms, financial approval - revised $ value
- Brad working for Josh, BA provisioning engine, business reqs
- NetID is one of first for provisioning tool
- Salepoint in purchasing, proof of concept, sandbox, lots of use cases ~20
- working on architecture
- meeting with 4 of us
Past Meetings