What are the prices for AWS resources? How do I calculate them?

💰 Cost & Billing

  • Costs are determined by size and usage, following Amazon AWS guidelines.

  • All charges are straight pass-through costs; there is no additional ITS premium.

  • For commercial software licenses, expect varied pricing based on hardware. (e.g., RDS MySQL vs MS SQL Server).

🏷️ Pricing

  • Click 'Create' inside a SpinUp space and select an offering to view current prices.

  • Use the AWS Calculator tool for on-demand pricing estimates.

🎉 Discounts & Special Rates

  • Yale receives a 9% discount and a Data Egress Waiver on most AWS services.

  • All EC2 and storage charges are estimates; actual costs may vary based on usage.

🛠️ Components of AWS Rates

  • AWS charges include EC2, storage, snapshots, and AWS support.

ℹ️ Additional Information

🗄️ Storage Costs

  • $0.10 per GB per month (or $5/50GB/month).

📸 Snapshots

  • Nightly automated EBS snapshots are kept for 14 days.

  • For more information on pass-through costs related to snapshots, visit Amazon's EBS Pricing page.