How do I restore a database snapshot?

How do I restore a database snapshot?


Deploy a new database from one of your existing database snapshots in Spinup.


You can deploy a new database from any of your database snapshots, in case your existing database get corrupted or you just need another copy. Snapshots are automatically created nightly (but they expire after 14 days), and can also be created on-demand.

You cannot restore a snapshot on top of the existing database (i.e. roll back) - you have to deploy to a new database. That's why you should also schedule and keep a separate backup (e.g. using mysqldump or pg_dump) as those are much easier to restore in case of data corruption.

Steps to Restore a Database Snapshot

  1. From your database page in Spinup, click the Manage snapshots button

  1. Select the snapshot you want to restore by clicking the rocket button, and then click Deploy snapshot to proceed

  1. This will take you to the regular ‘Create database’ screen but it will say that you're actually deploying from a snapshot.

You cannot modify the database version or disk size when deploying from a snapshot - they will always be the same as the original.

  1. Click Create database and wait until it's finished deploying a new database from the snapshot.

Your existing database will be intact and you can remove it if it’s no longer needed. In that case, make sure you repoint any applications to use the new database.

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