CI Owner - Class - # CI estimate

CI Owner - Class - # CI estimate

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Ci OwnerDiscovery Data collections DetailsCMDB CI Class

#CI Estimate

Nancy Braen
Michael Dunlap
Discovery also identifies and classifies information about Linux KVM. Discovery. identifies Linux kernel-based virtual machines (KVM) when the process classifier detects libvirtd running on a Linux server. The classification triggers the creation of a cmdb_ci_kvm record, and launches the SSHCommand probes to explore the Linux server with virsh, lbvert utility, and virtual machine configuration ...


Bryan Kazdan
Elvin Torres

Ernie Marinko 

Warning: DO NOT switch from probes to patterns if you are already running Discovery with probes, and your CMDB is already populated. If you do so, it is possible that the pattern Discovery process does not synchronize on the same values that the probe Discovery process does.

Jon Serenahttps://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/london-it-operations-management/page/product/discovery/reference/mssql-data-collected-pattern.html#mssql-data-collected-pattern
Discovery identifies and classifies information about MSSQL servers on Windows machines.Discovery identifies Microsoft SQL Server instances that are part of a cluster in the CMDB by the cluster name rather than as individual configuration items (CI). Discovery identifies Microsoft SQL

Harshal Dixithttps://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/london-it-operations-management/page/product/discovery/concept/c_OracleDatabaseDiscovery.html#c_OracleDatabaseDiscovery
Warning: DO NOT switch from probes to patterns if you are already running Discovery with probes, and your CMDB is already populated. If you do so, it is possible that the pattern Discovery process does not synchronize on the same values that the probe Discovery process does.

Piyush Kumar
Zachary Hundertmark
Warning: DO NOT switch from probes to patterns if you are already running Discovery with probes, and your CMDB is already populated. If you do so, it is possible that the pattern Discovery process does not synchronize on the same values that the probe Discovery process does.
Warning: DO NOT switch from probes to patterns if you are already running Discovery with probes, and your CMDB is already populated. If you do so, it is possible that the pattern Discovery process does not synchronize on the same values that the probe Discovery process does.


Steve DeGroathttps://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/london-it-operations-management/page/product/discovery/concept/netapp-discovery.html
Discovery can find NetApp servers, using either CIM probes or patterns. The use of patterns, allows you to perform native discovery of the NetApp server without the need to traverse an SMI-S server. We recommend that the target NetApp server disable SSLv3 and enable TLS, since Java Runtime used by the MID Server does not allow SSLv3 by default.


Discovery identifies and classifies information about virtual machines.





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