Sprint Cloud Atlas

Sprint Goals

YSB: Complete Topic and Buildings Classification stories - Complete Not on schedule
YSB: Close all 4.2 tasks - Complete
FRMS: 3.0 Release - Complete
FAS: Ingest Release 1/16 - Complete
CEA: Finish Print View - INCOMPLETE
SDF: Close all Maintenance Tasks - INCOMPLETE
Arts Cal: Close all Maintenance Tasks - INCOMPLETE
FMP: FMS Med3 Upgraded - Complete

YSB: Complete Topic and Buildings Classification stories - Complete Not on schedule

Dev: Build classification Logic Public Safety https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15027 - Complete Not on schedule

Several tasks created initially that were closed - significant rework to ticket needed.

QA Subtasks



None - Dev Only




None - Dev Only

CUS-15030 - Integrate Results Page Mockup https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15030 - Complete Not on schedule

UI/UX Subtask






QA Subtask



https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15643 - Currently Blocked due to Figma vs. Template Discussions

6h 30m

CUS-15028 - Dev: Topic filter logic plumbing, power, weather - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15028 Complete Not on schedule

QA Subtasks



None - Dev Only

Integrate Mockup for Advanced Search buttons and forms - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15029 Complete Not on schedule

CUS-15354 - Dev: Set new categories and sections to Incidents and Buildings - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15354 Complete

CUS-15316 - Dev: Build classification Start Tables for Logic - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15316 Complete

QA Subtasks



None - Dev Only

CUS-15332 - Dev: Build classification Logic - Atletics, Building, Campus Securityhttps://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15332 Complete

CUS-15337 - Dev: Build classification Logic - Facilities Ops, IT, Outageshttps://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15337 Complete

CUS-15342 - Dev: Build classification Logic - Public Safety, Yale Alerts, Yale Health - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15342 Complete

CUS-15347 - Dev: Topic filter logic Construction Fire Alarm Flood - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15347 Complete

CUS-15349 - Dev: Topic filter logic Grounds, It Outages, Odor - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15349 Complete Not on schedule

CUS-15351 - Dev: Topic Merge All Topic Logics filters - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15351 Complete

CUS-15661 - Advanced Search results page functionality - Headers Classification & Topics Deserealization - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15661 Not on schedule

CUS-15031 - Advanced Search results page functionality - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15031 Not on schedule incomplete added to the sprint

What went well? What should we continue to do?

  • Bugs were quickly identified by QA and addressed by Dev team

  • Quick UAT Feedback from George and team

  • Stories were well organized and cleanly separated

    • Developers helped lead this conversation & communication

  • Labeling helped to identify all issues related to work

YSB: Close all 4.2 tasks - Complete

Dev work was started before in-depth project planning began - all stories were present across several sprints and many defects were not refined or added to a sprint.


Defects - 3



https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15418 - No QA Subtasks


3h 45m

https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15421 - Not Refined, not added to sprint


1h 15m

https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15424 - Not Refined, not added to sprint



https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-13588 Complete

Defects - 4



https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15259 - Not Refined, not added to sprint

1h 45m

3h 15m

https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15360 - Not Refined, not added to sprint


1h 30m

https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15384 - Not Refined, not added to sprint


1h 30m

https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15391 - Not Refined, not added to sprint, no time logged for Dev



https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-13589 Complete UAT Not on schedule

Defects - 2



https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15380 - Not Refined, Not Added to Sprint, time not logged in dev task




  • Not Refined, Not Added to Sprint, time not logged in dev task




Dev Subtask





4d 2h 30m

Defects - 1




3h 15m

3h 15m

What went well? What should we continue to do?

  • Communication and team meetings

  • Raising a hand when issues are taking longer than expected

  • UAT Documentation sent on time

FRMS: 3.0 Release- Complete

CUS-14958 - Search all text in a grant - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-14958

CUS-14959 - Add “Preparer” checkbox to user profiles - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-14959

CUS-14961 - Add the IRES column to reports - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-14961

CUS-15272 - Add name fields to User records - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15272

CUS-15283 - Add names to current records - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15283

Dev Subtask






What went well? What should we continue to do?

  • Taking advantage of asynchronous development opportunities

  • Work was able to be completed ahead of schedule because of communication between developers

  • Clear goals around allocation and prioritization

Lesson Learned:

  • Ask more questions in refinement about specifics in implementation

    • Example: “Search all text” - is this grant entity only, or all entities?

    • Took several iterations to find desired functionality

Question: When is the right time to ask more questions about implementation?

Backlog refinement is the designated time to really dig into ticket language, acceptance criteria, sub tasks, approach, etc and ensure the team is on the same page.

Also: Don’t worry about pinging Kim if she’s not in the meeting - she holds Refinement time for questions.

FAS: Ingest Release 1/16 - Complete

What went well? What should we continue to do?

  • Documentation provided by Kim helped Dev to arrive at correct solution

    • Ex “Like”, “Contains”

  • Communication with the Client - getting formal signoff on all factors

  • Providing detailed diagrams to client helped us arrive at proper solution

  • Endpoint access for Kim significantly sped up process and improved communication

  • Nico is a very helpful and responsive colleague (thumbs up)

Lessons Learned

  • Client may not use vocabulary and nomenclature used internally

  • Communicating and understanding the WHY with the client.

  • Involve other technical collaborators during initial planning phase, specifically around system architecture

    • IE, Data Services

  • Versioning must be a part of all development moving forward to help with individual deployments

  • Impromptu deployments need to be documented, go through the change process, and signed off on internally before communicated to the client.

Possible Jira Enhancement

  • Add mandatory check box for code review tickets that reflect documented standards

    • OutSystems vs. Web Development

CEA: Finish Print View - INCOMPLETE

What can we do better next time?

  • Developers use Mac, Testers use Windows (Edge)

  • Issue is system and browser dependent

    • Code review can include review across browsers

  • QA and Dev could include system/browser specifics in bugs/defects

  • More in depth acceptance criteria could help limit defects/enhance code review

  • Browser Stack for testing cannot allow for downloaded Mac files

  • Screen size and standard screen resolutions must be standardized & documented for testing and Devs

  • Team needs to document standards and practices around PDFs

  • Is there a point at which we have spent “enough” time on bugs or defects?

  • Team needs additional accessibility training and collaboration with Accessibility team

  • Accessibility planning should be part of planning from the initial development

  • Inheriting applications will cause additional defects and bugs because they do not meet our initial team standards

    • PDFs, Accessibility, Visual Design

SDF: Close all Maintenance Tasks- INCOMPLETE

CUS-14886 - SDF (AI MENTOR) Dev: Fix: Unlimited Records in Aggregates - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-14886

QA Subtask






CUS-14882 - SDF(AI Mentor) Fix: Avoid Registered Role - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-14882

CUS-14909 - SDF (AI Mentor) CSS in screen style - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-14909

CUS-14813 - SDF (AI Mentor) Fix: Multiple server requests (Aggregates or actions) inside Client Actions - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-14813

CUS-15420 - SDF (AI MENTOR) Dev: Fix: Unlimited Records in Aggregates Part 2 - https://yaleits.atlassian.net/browse/CUS-15420

QA Subtask






What can we do better next time?

Arts Cal: Close all Maintenance Tasks- INCOMPLETE

What can we do better next time?

  • Need to be prioritized appropriately

  • How can we make it clear who “owns” a ticket in its current state?

  • QA Analysis missing on certain tasks

FMP: FMS Med3 Upgraded - Complete

What went well? What should we continue to do?

  • Making stories smaller that have tasks that can be finished

  • Lots of prep work for the work ahead of time led to success

Issues In To-Do

What happened?

  • How do we know what should be removed from the sprint?

  • Should we have deadlines for specific tasks?

    • If things haven’t been stated by X date, should they be removed?

  • All team members are responsible for looking at these tasks & bringing them up

Key Takeaways to improve team accountability:

  • Goals and tickets are a team commitment, not an individual commitment.

  • Dev team will take advantage of refinement to dig into language in stories and answer questions/remove ambiguity related to requirements.

  • Communication between Devs and QA helps keep the process moving smoothly

  • Questions about prioritization should be discussed daily during standup.

Action Items

  • Standardize and document process for ensuring versioning for all features moving forward

  • Follow up on Accessibility training for Dev and QA.