The articles below assume you already have requested a Storage@Yale share and received a response back that your share is available. Requesting a Storage@Yale share can be done within Spinup by adding a resource to your space and selecting Storage@Yale as the resource type.

On Linux

Install the CIFS client

Make a directory where you want to mount the share, e.g:

sudo mkdir /mnt/storage

Then edit /etc/fstab using your preferred text editor, for example, sudo vi /etc/fstab
Inside /etc/fstab add a line similar to the below to the bottom of the file:
\\\home\Spinup_Demo-CC0000-ITSHTS /mnt/storage cifs user,uid=1000,rw,noauto,suid,credentials=/home/ag0000/secret.txt,vers=3.0 0 0

Replace \\\home\Spinup_Demo-CC0000-ITSHTSwith the share path you received from the Storage Team regarding your Storage@Yale share request.

Substitute in your NetID for ag0000

Then you will have to create a text file holding your credentials. Unfortunately if you want to have this share mounted without having to type in your password, this is how you have to do it. You may wish to create a service account to access the share instead, as everyone with root (administrator) access on this server will be able to view the file and its contents.

Create a file /home/ag0000/secret.txt (where ag0000 is your NetID) with contents like the below:


Where ag0000 is the NetID/username that has access to the Storage@Yale share and XXXXXXXXXX is the password.

Then run chmod 400 /home/ag0000/secret.txt (substituting in your NetID). This will make sure that only file owners and others with root access can view the file.

Now if you run sudo mount /mnt/storage your Storage@Yale share should be mounted at /mnt/storage and you can view files there.


If you don’t wish to store your credentials on the system, you can mount the Storage@Yale share manually.

To set up that way, you will first need to install the CIFS client (as described above).

Then when you want mount your storage run the command below:

sudo mount -t cifs -o username=ag0000 // /mnt/storage

And enter a password when prompted.

Note that in the command above you will have to substitute in your Storage@Yale path provided by the Storage team (note that backslashes will need to be replaced by forward slashes) and your own NetID, or a NetID with access to the share.

On Windows

  1. Right click on “This PC”, and select “Map Network Drive”. Under the folder, enter the Storage share path provided in response to your Storage@Yale request, e.g. \\\home\Spinup_Demo-CC0000-ITSHTS. In the event you have an issue resolving the domain, try replacing with Once you click “Finish” your Storage@Yale share should now be mounted as Windows drive letter.