Note: This was originally going to be two sets of four-digit codes. UX talked to the back end engineering team and they said it was possible to convert the already existing two 4 digits codes into one eight-digit code.
How would this affect the errors that say "first half PIN required"?
The user also needs to enter their birthdate to continue.
Error Messages
All fields populated?
"1st Half PIN required"
"2nd Half PIN required"
"Birthdate month required"
"Birthdate day required"
"Birthdate year required"
PIN valid?
"PIN not found"
"PIN already used"
"PIN not available yet"
"PIN expired"
DOB valid?
"Birthdate not valid"
NetID Activation - Slate/PIN
UX Comments
The user can use the Slate SSO to start their NetID activation
If they don't know their Slate info, they can still use a PIN and DoB
NetID Activation - PIN/SSN
UX Comments
If the user selects other in the population screen they can enter their PIN and SSN
From old CAS: "Please notethat this use of the SSN is a one-time confirmation of your university identity and will not be stored in this system. If typing your SSN into a web browser makes you uncomfortable, gobackand select a more specific relationship beside "Other"."
Error Messages
All fields populated?
"1st Half PIN required"
"2nd Half PIN required"
"Birthdate month required"
"Birthdate day required"
"Birthdate year required"
PIN valid?
"PIN not found"
"PIN already used"
"PIN not available yet"
"PIN expired"
SSN valid?
"SSN not valid"
NetID Activation - PIN
UX Comments
If the user selects Dependent NetID on the population screen they can fill out the 8 character pin to activate their dependent NetID
Error Messages
All fields populated?
"1st Half PIN required"
"2nd Half PIN required"
"Dependent NetID required" what is the use case for this error message?
PIN valid?
"PIN not found"
"PIN already used"
"PIN not available yet"
"PIN expired"
NetID Activation - Personal Email
UX Comments
All the screens within NetID Activation will show the user's NetID on the top of the screen.
The user needs to provide an email address that is not a Yale email address.
NetID Activation - Personal Email (error)
UX Comments
Per the Yale Accessability requirements, the text fields will indicate that an error has occured.
Red Outline
Red asterisk
Red background for error message & error icon
Error Messages
"Your Yale email cannot be your recovery email. Enter in a non-email as your recovery email"
"You cannot leave the email field empty. Please enter a valid email address."
NetID Activation - Security Questions
UX Comments
The user must select 5 security questions and provide answers to them
The user cannot continue without all 5 questions and answers given.
NetID Activation - Create NetID Password
UX Comments
The user needs to type in their desired password in both fields.
There is a Password Strength indicator below that allows the user to get feedback on how well they are creating their password.
The indicator goes off a 0-4 scale provided by Microsoft
The user needs to get a 3 or 4 to get a secure password (visually indicated by the bar 75% through the bar)
The scale goes from weak (0-2), good (3), and strong (4)
There is also a checkbox option to show passwords, which will unhide the password text fields.
NetID Activation - Create NetID Password (error)
UX Comments
Per the Yale Accessibility requirements, the text fields will indicate that an error has occurred.
Red Outline
Red asterisk
Red background for error message & error icon
The NEXT button will be disabled until the user starts typing into the text fields again.
Error Messages
NetID Activation - Temporary Password
UX Comments
This is the temporary NetID password screen that hands off the user to the Microsoft account claiming process for the new NetID claiming flow.
The user is prompted to copy this password
Hitting the Copy Password button will copy the temp password on the user's clipboard.