Table of Contents
Completed |
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Locked |
CreatedDate |
CompletedDate |
Assignee |
Name |
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1323373465769 |
ww26 |
a CMDB design model |
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F |
1323373465770 |
ww26 |
a CMDB design model |
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F |
1323373465771 |
ww26 |
a populated CMDB, with items from every ITIL-adopting org, including types: desktops, printers, servers, provider services, ip phones, data center equipment, L2/L3 network equipment |
F |
M |
F |
1323373465772 |
ww26 |
a BSM with paths between all services and components: for every component, you can walk up to a service and for every service, you can walk down to a component |
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F |
1323373465773 |
ww26 |
a policy document for maintenance of the CMDB |
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1323373465774 |
ww26 |
running documentation repo for SN integrations |