On R1100, we are creating roles and groups in SN to ensure we grant My Approval widget access to people who need it.
We need a way of querying who should have that access:
var role = "u_bolt_member"; gs.print("querying for " + role); var gr = new GlideAggregate('u_cmn_organization'); //GlideAggregate query gr.addAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate (only necessary for a count of items of each OS) gr.orderByAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate ordering gr.groupBy(role); //Group aggregate by the 'os' field gr.query(); var total = 0; while(gr.next()){ var person = gr.u_bolt_member; var boltCount = gr.getAggregate('count'); //Get the count of the OS group //Print the OS name and count of items with that OS // gs.print('Distinct bolt people: ' + gr.u_head + ': ' + boltCount); var guser = new GlideRecord('sys_user'); // user query guser.addQuery('sys_id',person); guser.query(); guser.next(); var netid = guser.user_name; // gs.print(gr.u_head + " maps onto netid: " + netid); // gs.print(netid); total++; } gs.print("total is: " + total); var role = "u_head"; //////////////////////// gs.print("querying for " + role); var gr = new GlideAggregate('u_cmn_organization'); //GlideAggregate query gr.addAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate (only necessary for a count of items of each OS) gr.orderByAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate ordering gr.groupBy(role); //Group aggregate by the 'os' field gr.query(); var total = 0; while(gr.next()){ var person = gr.u_bolt_member; var boltCount = gr.getAggregate('count'); //Get the count of the OS group //Print the OS name and count of items with that OS // gs.print('Distinct bolt people: ' + gr.u_head + ': ' + boltCount); var guser = new GlideRecord('sys_user'); // user query guser.addQuery('sys_id',person); guser.query(); guser.next(); var netid = guser.user_name; // gs.print(gr.u_head + " maps onto netid: " + netid); // gs.print(netid); total++; } gs.print("total is: " + total); ////////////////// var role = "u_opsmgr"; gs.print("querying for " + role); var gr = new GlideAggregate('u_cmn_organization'); //GlideAggregate query gr.addAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate (only necessary for a count of items of each OS) gr.orderByAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate ordering gr.groupBy(role); //Group aggregate by the 'os' field gr.query(); var total = 0; while(gr.next()){ var person = gr.u_bolt_member; var boltCount = gr.getAggregate('count'); //Get the count of the OS group //Print the OS name and count of items with that OS // gs.print('Distinct bolt people: ' + gr.u_head + ': ' + boltCount); var guser = new GlideRecord('sys_user'); // user query guser.addQuery('sys_id',person); guser.query(); guser.next(); var netid = guser.user_name; // gs.print(gr.u_head + " maps onto netid: " + netid); // gs.print(netid); total++; } gs.print("total is: " + total);
*** Script: querying for u_bolt_member
*** Script: total is: 7
*** Script: querying for u_head
*** Script: total is: 75
*** Script: querying for u_opsmgr
*** Script: total is: 115