Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


Keep in mind that there is some opportunity for a sort of "defense of depth" or just plain confusion, depending on what side you want to err on (more notifications or less fewer notifications): any email notification triggered by this event could contain overlapping conditions.

Email Notification

We had an existing resolution notification which we replaced. The new notification fires upon receipt of the plugin's canned event "task.send_survey". We included conditions which match (overlap) with those of the survey conditions, since future state could conceivably include this event being fired for other tasks.


Code Block
    // bw - since this survey is meant to be frameless, strip the nav_to part of the url.
    var url = event.parm2.replace("", "");
    url = url.replace(/%20/g, '+');
    url = url.replace(/%26/g, '&');
    template.print('<table><tr><td align="center" width="300" bgcolor="#0F4D92" style="background: #0F4D92; padding-top: 6px; padding-right: 10px; padding-bottom: 6px; padding-left: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; display: block;"><a href="' + url + '" style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;">Click here to take the survey</a></td></tr></table>');

Manager Data Access for Reporting

  • A number of reports were requested and provided as gauges, then added to Survey->Overview
  • The survey_reader role was granted to a new role group called "SURVEY_READER"; all current assignment group managers added to this role group.
  • The Survey application was tweaked to limit visibility of Masters, Conditions, etc to hide them from survey_reader.
  • For convenience, an "Incident Responses" view was created with interesting dot-walks for this survey's data (task_survey table)
  • For even more convenience, a CSV download link was created to enable quick download of this survey's data.

Follow-Up Alert

It was decided that to implement this feature, a task would be created whenever a respondent requests a follow-up (as offered in the survey). This was accomplished by an "after" business rule on the survey_response table. The condition is supposed to ensure that a task is created only for a matching survey, question, and answer combination:

  • Rule Type: run on server after Insert or Update
  • Condition: Satisfaction Survey/g) != null && current.question.question_text.match(/follow up/g) != null && current.answer.match(/Yes/g) != null
  • Script:
    Code Block
    // open a task (grab instance name, then get the task survey, then the incident, then the assignment group)
    var instance = current.instance.sys_id;
    var survey = new GlideRecord('task_survey');
    survey.addQuery('instance', instance);
    if( {
        newtask = new GlideRecord('task');
        newtask.short_description = 'Customer Satisfaction Survey Follow-Up'
        newtask.parent = survey.task;
        newtask.assigned_to = survey.task.assignment_group.manager;
        newtask.cmdb_ci = survey.task.u_component;
        newtask.description = 'A follow-up has been requested for a resolved incident. Please liaise with the Contact of the Parent task.'