Oracle Virtualbox is free, powerful, easy to use, and can be installed on all Yale computersWindows, Mac, and Linux computers. Other options (Hyper-V, Xen, VMWare Player) run on single operating systems so you have to convert VMs from one to the other (and it turns out that Virtualbox is the recommended utility for a lot of the conversions). It is a desktop tool friendly to developers rather than a production server deployment tool like Hyper-V. Over time it gets almost all the features of VMWare Player, while VMWare itself is holding features back to justify the price tag of its Workstation product. However, the Sandbox does not depend on any features of the software that runs the VM, so if you insist on a different hypervisor that is your choice. Virtualbox is still the best utility for converting between the various proprietary Virtual Hard Disk file formats.
Production servers run without a graphic user interface. The Sandbox development is all done in Eclipse, but it does not care about the Desktop environment that launched it. So if you want to use Gnome, KDE, Unity, or any other desktop system you are free to choose one. Any Linux OS VM we supply comes with the default of that distribution.
Virtual USB Stick
Each distribution has a place where they will normally install Java, Eclipse, and any other software they know about that can be installed with yum or apt-get or whatever. Sometimes the tool vendor supplies an RPM that puts the software in a different location than the distribution normally prefers. We use neither. All Sandbox software is installed on a virtually mountable disk (think of it as a virtual USB stick). The operating system doesn't know about any of this software. Eclipse has been configured with the location of everything else, and all you have to run is Eclipse.
You may want to move the Eclipse workspace to your real Home directory (or the /home/casdev directory since you login as user "casdev") if you are doing something experimental and don't want to mess up the original workspace in the Sandbox. If you screw up you can delete and replace it.
By implication, no matter where you think JBoss should properly be installed on a production system, the Sandbox puts it somewhere else. On the other hand, if you have already installed a Java, JBoss, Eclipse and other tools on your normal OS, the Sandbox will use its own and ignore the ones you typically use in your other work.
One from Column A
Generally speaking the Sandbox VM environment involves choosing two separate components.
- You need an OS VM. Typically it will run CentOS, Fedora, or Unbuntu. You can just pick up the OS configuration last used for the software you are planning to develop, or you can choose one specific OS VM to use for all your development and customize it to your preferences.
- You need the SandboxData disk/directory-tree for the particular software package you are planning to work on . By separating out the CAS project files on one virtual disk, and the Netid project files on another virtual disk, you can keep the same OS VM with your customizations and switch from one software development project to another by switching mounted disks.
Eclipse, not /etc
In the operating system servers are configured in /etc or the registry, but in the Sandbox you configure every Java Runtime, every JBoss or Tomcat server, and every Maven instance in Eclipse. In the system Java and JBoss are started at as background processes at boot time, but in the Sandbox your run Maven or start JBoss in debugging mode by clicking the task bar in Eclipse. Not only does the Sandbox not need the server installed in /etc/init.d, but if the server started up in the background there would be a conflict when you try to debug it using the same port number. So the Sandbox does not use the standard directories for Java or JBoss, and generally works better if they are not installed at all from the point of view of the OS package manager.
You can install more than one version of Java, because you can configure more than one Java Runtime to Eclipse. You can also configure more than one JBoss and also a Tomcat server. This allows you to run develop code that runs in part in two different applications. The Expired Password function has a component that runs in CAS on JBoss and a second component that runs in the Netid application under Tomcat. You can combine the two applications in a SandboxData disk, although with enough memory you can also run two Sandbox VM machines on the same host machine.
There is a generic developer userid named "casdev" (because the Sandbox was first created for CAS, but it can be used for any application). This user must be configured to the OS as Linux user 1001 because that is the owner of all the directories in every SandboxData disk. The Sandbox OS is typically configured to log this userid in when you boot the VM. Typically the developer starts Eclipse and then everything is managed and started from Eclipse as part of this interactive login. So everything runs under the "casdev" user, and that user must have read and write access to the small number of OS directories that may be used during execution (specific subdirectories of /var/log and /media for example). Any directory permission problems will not show up until you run the code in DEV, but that is typically soon enough to deal with them.
The Sandbox approach can also be used with Windows, but Windows cannot share the same SandboxData directory tree. For one thing, there are executable programs in every Java Runtime and in an Eclipse directory, and these programs are system specific. Unfortunately, Eclipse also inserts a disk letter when you configured a file path in Windows but does not insert a letter when you make the same configuration in Linux. So an Eclipse workspace directory ends up being system specific even when all the files are relative and they are all moved as a directory tree from one system to the other. So there is a separate SandboxData for Windows whenever development can be done on either system.
Typically applications are debugged without SSL even if they run SSL in production.
Some applications have a custom log4j.xml or Spring configuration XML that references a cache directory or a file path explicitly. In this one type of case it is probably better to arrange the operating system and Sandbox so that the same file path can be used in development and production. Therefore, no matter what version of the OS you use, you will need to make "/var/log/jbossas/standalone" (or R:\var\log\jbossas\standalone in Windows) writable and typically owned by the casdev userid.
Sandbox is not Production
The Sandbox does not have to run at maximum efficiency. It will not be up 24x7 for months, so rock solid reliability and stability are not a requirement. Therefore, you have more flexibility choosing a VM host, Guest OS, Java runtime, and version of JBoss.
For example, while a particular application will be designed to run in a particular version of Java (1.6, 1.7, or 1.8) it doesn't matter for development if you are using OpenJDK or the Sun JVM. At various times in the past, the OpenJDK has a bad reputation for slow memory leaks that accumulate in applications that run for weeks without being restarted, but that is not a problem for code you debug and restart every few minutes. Developers frequently prefer being on the latest and greatest version of Fedora rather than running an older Linux Kernel in Centos just because that is what Red Hat supports for production.
To fully exercise every part of an application you may have to install optional libraries in the system. For example, the Netid application uses the Kerberos 5 administration libraries that would have to be installed with yum or apt-get. However, unless this additional function is an essential part of your debugging, then you open a big can of worms trying to get the Sandbox to support this sort of function. You will never get the Netid application to actually do Kerberos 5 administration in the Sandbox because it turns out that the Java native code that provides that interface only works in 32 bit mode and only on an older version of the library. It is much better to do what Netid does and have a install parameter "kadm5_activation=false" that turns all Kerberos administration calls into noops since you are almost never actually testing that particular function of the application.
Two "Disks"
The core of the Sandbox is a separate disk image (named "SandboxData") that contains the Java, Eclipse, JBoss, Maven, database drivers, and so on. This disk can be cloned or the VM manager (VirtualBox) can create a fixed base disk shared by multiple machines with separate difference files that hold the changes each VM makes.
The last programmer to work on an application will leave a VM with a particular version of a particular OS that was last used in development. Try to live with it. If you can't, then you can switch to another OS Sandbox disk, but then you will have to connect it back to the SandboxData disk that contains the development files.
The SandboxData disk files are owned by user 1001 group 1001. The operating system you boot should have configured this user number to be "casdev" for sanity sake.
This is a three step process in Linux:
- You have to configure the VM (the *.vbox XML file) using the Virtualbox Manager to have two SATA disks, one for the OS and one for the SandboxData.
- You then have to boot the OS and configure it to mount the SandboxData disk and its file system as a directory in a well known path. Search for the "Disks" GNOME utility which is an easy to use way of changing the /etc/fstab file. The smaller "VBOX HARDDISK" that is device /dev/sdb1 should be configured to mount at boot time. Edit Mount Options and curiously turn "Automatic Mount Options" OFF and then type in a mount point. This will create a line in fstab of the form "/dev/disk/by-uuid/6a61a74b-df34-4038-bc70-ee6cf02d5cf0 /media/SandboxData auto ..."
- It is probably not a best practice to choose the system mount point as the explicit path used to configure something in Eclipse. So a simpler directory should be symlinked to the mount point and that should be used in application configuration.
There are several ways to mount disks in Windows and Linux. The choices all derive from two ambiguities:
- Linux and Windows both support multiple users, but in practice only one person typically logs on. Still the system has provision for there to be another user and that has an effect on disk mounts.
- Some disks are transient (USB flash drives) and some are permanent (a SATA hard disk installed inside the computer).
Since Linux cannot automatically decide if a disk belongs to one user or is supposed to be shared, and whether it can be dismounted and replaced or is mounted permanently, it is up to the users and administrators to configure things appropriately. Generally Linux will default in favor of the single user transient model (the USB flash drive) unless it is told otherwise.
While it is possible to switch from one software project to another by keeping the same OS disk and changing SandboxData disks, it is unreasonable to expect to do this without rebooting. That is, we do not intend to configure the Sandbox VMs to believe that SandboxData is a USB disk that you can eject and replace with another disk on a running system.
In Fedora, if user "casdev" mounts a disk then the mount point defaults to being something in the transient "/run" directory that is tied to the userid that mounted it. Specifically, the default location is /run/media/casdev/SandboxData. Ubuntu, however, uses a somewhat older standard where mounted CD drives were associated with /media/cdrom and so it wants to mount the same disk as /media/SandboxData. It is difficult to change the defaults of the system, and for this purpose it is unnecessary. So we adopt the Ubuntu default as the configured behavior on all Linux systems.
However, having decided that the mount point of the disk will be /media/SandboxData, that does not mean that we should use that path in Eclipse configuration windows. The option is then to symlink something simple like "/SandboxData" or "/home/casdev/SandboxData" (a.k.a. ~/SandboxData) to the mount point.
In Windows, mounting a disk typically generates a disk letter. The convention for the Sandbox is to use letter R: simply because it is unlikely to be used by anyone for something else. However, there are several ways to create a disk letter in Windows. In some cases the mapping is visible only to the user who does it, while in other cases the disk letter is global and is seen by all users on the machine. So Windows has some of the same problems as Linux, but the system details are different.
There is one more problem to mention. When a disk is initialized, it is given a unique identifier (a UUID) written in the disk label. This allows external disks to be uniquely identified no matter which USB port you plug them into. It also helps identify internal hard disks when the SATA cables become disconnected and are then reconnected to different ports. The Linux /etc/fstab file and the Windows Registry identify disks by the UUID and not by their label. So if you reconfigure a VM replacing one SandboxData disk with another, then when you boot it up again the system will know it is a different disk and will not automatically mount it. You have to use the Disks tool to add an additional line in fstab to mount the new UUID.
Obviously, although this discussion has assumed that the SandboxData files are all collected on a mountable hard disk image (a best practice), nothing prevents you from creating a Sandbox configuration where the files that would be on the second hard disk are instead copied or unzipped into a directory tree on disk. This is particularly attractive if you have decided to promote your sandbox development to the native operating system on your laptop, and now that you are not using a VM it is harder to mount a virtual disk file.
The Sandbox conventions do not depend on the software that creates and manages the virtual machines. Since this is not a production environment, the best choice is the one that is easiest to use. VirtualBox is free, can be installed on Windows, Linux, or Mac, and has convenience features for the developer. If you were creating virtual machines that you would immediately deploy into a IaaS cloud environment, then VMWare Workstation might be the best choice when developing for a VMWare fabric, and Hyper-V might be the best choice for a Microsoft fabric. The Sandbox, however, isn't going anywhere. The end result of all your work is source checked into Subversion that will get built and installed with Jenkins.
However, it is not a good idea to mix hypervisors on the same machine. They get into conflicts over the CPU VM support (VT-x, Nested Paging, etc.). So while you would never install VMWare or Hyper-V just in order to run the Sandbox, if you already have them installed for other projects then it is not necessary to rip them out and replace them with VirtualBox. Running a Sandbox OS disk on VMWare or Microsoft requires changing the hard disk format, creating a VM configuration (number of processors, size of memory, etc.), and then after the OS boots up you have to install the vendor specific Guest Support services and drivers. If you do not know how to do this, ask someone for help.
However, it turns out that VirtualBox is generally regarded as the best tool to convert one virtual hard disk format to another (VDI, VMDK, VHD). So even if you are not going to use it to run virtual machines, you may need to install it somewhere to do the conversion.
Download and install the current version of Virtualbox from virtualbox.org. Run the installer. Launch the VirtualBox Manager.
Now you have to install a Sandbox VM. This turns out to be a bit more complicated than just copying some files from disk.
The virtual machine definition (the *.vbox file) is an XML text file. It is not hard to read, but it has two types of problems:
For some reason, VirtualBox has decided to remember every DVD image you mounted in the virtual DVD drive. Worse, these images are remembered with a fully qualified path name
<Image uuid="{9d9e4ed4-faaf-4f84-be68-271462e7c756}" location="D:/tpshare/ISO/Fedora-Live-Workstation-x86_64-22-3.iso"/>
and the virtual machine will not start if you move this configuration to another machine in which the DVD file image is not in the exact same location. Since there was really no reason to remember the iso file in the first place, the solution is to delete all these lines and then the machine will start.
Sometimes the virtual machine has to be associated with a particular device on the real machine. Your computer may have more than one Audio adapter, and the virtual audio of the VM has to be associated with one of the real audio drivers on your computer. Similarly, you computer may have multiple LAN adapters (wired, wireless, etc.) and in certain network configurations (like "Bridged") the VM has to be associated with one of these adapters. However, if the VM is moved from one computer to another, then these associations with real devices is broken and you have to work with the VirtualBox Manager to change the Settings of the VM so that each of these virtual hardware features is reattached to an appropriate real device on the new machine.
Each Sandbox OS defines a user named "casdev" with admin privileges who is the owner of SandboxData and some other directories on disk. It is an objective that this user have a specific userid number shared on all Unix hosts, so the disk file ownership transfers when the disk is moved from one OS disk to another. If that did not happen, then even though the user is named "casdev" on both systems, the SandboxData disk moved to a new system will appear to be owned by an unknown user and you have to reassign ownership of the work directories by running the chown command as root.
There is a "standard" portable format for VMs called a *.ova file. It saves space by zipping up the hard disk image, and it gives you an opportunity during installation to reconfigure the audio adapter and virtual LAN adapters as part of the installation rather than having to clean up after the fact. The Sandbox may be distributed in this format to save space and download time.
VirtualBox has a feature called "Shared Directory" that allows the host operating system to share one of its directories with the VM (like a network share, but implemented without the network). It is often convenient to have, but the Sandbox process has no standard use for it.
There is one user named "casdev" with admin (sudo) privileges. You login, run Eclipse, and do all your development as this user. The /home/casdev directory holds the Eclipse workspace and all the casual files. Because JBoss is started from Eclipse, it also runs as casdev. Therefore, the JBoss and Eclipse directories are owned by casdev even though they are installed elsewhere in the file system.
The password for user casdev is not particularly secure, since it can only be used by the developer on the host machine. However, it will not be published here. Ask someone for it.
Oracle Java comes in a standard Red Hat distribution format called an "RPM" that contains both the files and instructions where to put them. Oracle puts a JVM in /usr/local/java. Red Hat official RPMs for JBoss are not available without a subscription, and RPMs for Eclipse are typically several releases behind the current verison. So JBoss comes from http://jbossas.jboss.org/downloads.html and Eclipse comes from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ and they are unzipped into subdirectories of /opt.
Then ownership of the directories is assigned to the "casdev" user instead of "root". JBoss contains configuration files and it writes to work directories that are part of the single distribution directory tree, and Eclipse has to change itself whenever you add new software. Eclipse and JBoss could have been put in the casdev HOME directory, but putting them in /opt seems cleaner. They are not, after all, part of your normal development workfiles. The Eclipse workspace that you are using goes in the casdev home.
There are a few things that have to go in the same place in the Sandbox and production. For example, the log files should be written to /var/log/jbossas on the Sandbox because that is where they go in production and that specific path has to go into log4j.xml. The JBoss Server configuration in Eclipse is modified to add -Djboss.server.log.dir=... onto the end of the JBoss start command.VMWare has been around longer and goes through more extensive testing before much more infrequent releases, but if a feature breaks when there is a new release of Windows or Ubuntu, then you have to wait a long time for the next release to fix it. Virtualbox has frequent releases as an open source project and adapts more quickly.
Although Virtualbox aspires to be something you could use for production servers in a machine room, it is not yet something one would recommend over an alternative like Hyper-V. However, for simple desktop edit, compile, and debug it is simple, reliable, and convenient. It may be that the drivers for the emulated video card don't support modern features, and that the passthrough of USB 3 hardware devices to the VM has problems. You don't need that stuff to run Eclipse.
Originally the Production Services group at Yale tried to convince use to use the same VM in development that they use in production. However, that VM only has the character terminal user interface, and most people these days do not want to write code using only the vi editor. So to use that machine you would have to use Eclipse on another computer, then install onto the VM and remotely debug. It is a possible model, but it turns out that Production Service never provided the tools needed to actually create and maintain accurate versions of their VMs.
It is much simpler to upgrade the VM to include a real desktop and run Eclipse on the VM itself instead of on a separate machine. Given that any user interface is an addition, there was no particular reason to prefer Gnome to KDE to Unity or any of the other choices you make from one Linux distribution to another. Eclipse will work under any Linux "desktop" system. If you feel strongly about it, switch to whichever one you want.
Cutting and pasting text with the "clipboard" function and dragging and dropping files are functions actually performed with the user interface and not the Linux OS. Virtualbox has had a lot of trouble getting drag and drop of files to work across systems, in part because it is different for KDE and Gnome and so on. If you get it working, there is no guarantee that the next release of Linux won't break it again. Even if you accept the default Gnome desktop that comes default with your preferred distribution, if the Gnome drag and drop is broken and the KDE drag and drop works, then you may want to install just the KDE File Management utility (Dolphin). It will drag along 100 megabytes of KDE lib files, but then you have two file managers and can drag and drop files to whichever one works.
Virtual USB Stick
Even if Eclipse is not automatically installed in your distribution, you can find it in the Software tool. It is almost always one or two releases (years) out of date and generally you don't want to run something that old. However, if you do choose to install it, there is some directory where the package manager tool (yum or apt-get) wants to install that particular program. Feel free to use the standard tools to install Eclipse or Java or JBoss where the distribution wants to put them.
The Sandbox comes with its own copy of everything, and it puts that stuff somewhere that no distribution would normally install Java or Eclipse. It puts them where a Linux system mounts CDs and USB Sticks (the /media directory). In that sense, the Sandbox puts all its files on a "virtual USB stick" although actually it looks to the VM like a small additional hard disk. This has two advantages. First, the Sandbox cannot conflict with any OS convention for where stuff is supposed to go. Second, this is a more natural way to arrange things if you want to work with the Sandbox files for Shibboleth, then "eject" the disk with those files and mount the disk with Sandbox files for IIQ.
You may want to move the Eclipse workspace to your real Home directory (or the /home/casdev directory since you login as user "casdev") if you are doing something experimental and don't want to mess up the original workspace in the Sandbox.
This way we avoid the eternal argument between /opt and /usr/local and other places where different people believe stuff should go.
One from Column A
Generally speaking the Sandbox VM environment involves choosing two separate components.
- You need an OS VM. Typically it will run CentOS, Fedora, or Unbuntu. You can just pick up the OS configuration last used for the software you are planning to develop, or you can choose one specific OS VM to use for all your development and customize it to your preferences.
- You need the SandboxData disk/directory-tree for the particular software package you are planning to work on . By separating out the CAS project files on one virtual disk, and the Netid project files on another virtual disk, you can keep the same OS VM with your customizations and switch from one software development project to another by switching mounted disks.
Eclipse, not /etc
In the operating system servers are configured in /etc or the registry, but in the Sandbox you configure every Java Runtime, every JBoss or Tomcat server, and every Maven instance in Eclipse. In the system Java and JBoss are started at as background processes at boot time, but in the Sandbox your run Maven or start JBoss in debugging mode by clicking the task bar in Eclipse.If you have installed a J2EE server in the OS, then you have to stop it before starting JBoss under Eclipse or else you have to configure the Sandbox JBoss to use a different port that the 8080 default.
Of course, if you have a version of the Sandbox configured to work on both CAS and Netid (because they interact) and CAS runs on JBoss and Netid runs on Tomcat then you may have to configure two port numbers anyway. You just don't want the OS servers adding to the complexity.
There is a generic developer userid named "casdev" (because the Sandbox was first created for CAS, but it can be used for any application). This user must be configured to the OS as Linux user 1001 because it is the userid number that is stored in the SandboxData disk directory as the owner of all the directoriesand files. The Sandbox OS is typically configured to log this userid in when you boot the VM. Typically "casdev" starts Eclipse and then everything is managed and started from Eclipse as part of this interactive login. So everything runs under the "casdev" user, and that user must have read and write access to the small number of OS directories that may be used during execution (specific subdirectories of /var/log and /media for example). Any directory permission problems will not show up until you run the code in DEV, but that is typically soon enough to deal with them.
Because it is 1001 and not "casdev" that is used in all Linux rules, it would be fairly simple to rename "casdev" to a different name if you object to it. Just keep the 1001 number.
The Sandbox OS can be Fedora or Ubuntu, but it can also be Windows. Java is system independent and all the tools (Eclipse, JBoss, Maven) are written in Java. You can develop CAS in Windows and then deploy it to production Linux servers and everything works.
Unfortunately, the SandboxData disk cannot be moved between Linux and Windows. While Java can be stored in the same directory on the disk for both systems, the Java executable is either a Linux program or a java.exe Windows program. Eclipse also inserts the disk letter when it configures an external file in Windows, while disk letters do not exist in Linux. So there have to be separate SandboxData images for Linux and Windows even though the component (Java, Eclipse, JBoss, or Maven) is in the same relative directory on each image.
CAS, Shibboleth, and Netid are examples of programs that run under SSL in production but run normal HTTP on port 8080 during development in the Sandbox.
Some files have to have explict fully qualified path names to a log, cache, or configuration directory. The Shibboleth WAR needs to know where /usr/local/shibboleth-idp is, and the log4j.xml file has to point to the /var/log/jbossas/standalone directory. You have two choices. You can use the standard OS file (strongly recommended for /var/log/jbossas/standalone) and on Windows you can create the C:\var\log\jbossas\standaone directory. Alternately you can create symlinks in the system that redirect the path to somewhere in the SandboxData disk. Remember, the the casdev user has to have write access to such directories.
Sandbox is not Production
The Sandbox does not have to run at maximum efficiency. It will not be up 24x7 for months, so rock solid reliability and stability are not a requirement. Therefore, you have more flexibility choosing a VM host, Guest OS, Java runtime, and version of JBoss.
For example, while a particular application will be designed to run in a particular version of Java (1.6, 1.7, or 1.8) it doesn't matter for development if you are using OpenJDK or the Sun JVM. At various times in the past, the OpenJDK has a bad reputation for slow memory leaks that accumulate in applications that run for weeks without being restarted, but that is not a problem for code you debug and restart every few minutes. Developers frequently prefer being on the latest and greatest version of Fedora rather than running an older Linux Kernel in Centos just because that is what Red Hat supports for production.
To fully exercise every part of an application you may have to install optional libraries in the system. For example, the Netid application uses the Kerberos 5 administration libraries that would have to be installed with yum or apt-get. However, unless this additional function is an essential part of your debugging, then you open a big can of worms trying to get the Sandbox to support this sort of function. You will never get the Netid application to actually do Kerberos 5 administration in the Sandbox because it turns out that the Java native code that provides that interface only works in 32 bit mode and only on an older version of the library. It is much better to do what Netid does and have a install parameter "kadm5_activation=false" that turns all Kerberos administration calls into noops since you are almost never actually testing that particular function of the application.
Two "Disks"
The core of the Sandbox is a separate disk image (named "SandboxData") that contains the Java, Eclipse, JBoss, Maven, database drivers, and so on. This disk can be cloned or the VM manager (VirtualBox) can create a fixed base disk shared by multiple machines with separate difference files that hold the changes each VM makes.
The last programmer to work on an application will leave a VM with a particular version of a particular OS that was last used in development. Try to live with it. If you can't, then you can switch to another OS Sandbox disk, but then you will have to connect it back to the SandboxData disk that contains the development files.
The SandboxData disk files are owned by user 1001 group 1001. The operating system you boot should have configured this user number to be "casdev" for sanity sake.
This is a three step process in Linux:
- You have to configure the VM (the *.vbox XML file) using the Virtualbox Manager to have two SATA disks, one for the OS and one for the SandboxData.
- You then have to boot the OS and configure it to mount the SandboxData disk and its file system as a directory in a well known path. Search for the "Disks" GNOME utility which is an easy to use way of changing the /etc/fstab file. The smaller "VBOX HARDDISK" that is device /dev/sdb1 should be configured to mount at boot time. Edit Mount Options and curiously turn "Automatic Mount Options" OFF and then type in a mount point. This will create a line in fstab of the form "/dev/disk/by-uuid/6a61a74b-df34-4038-bc70-ee6cf02d5cf0 /media/SandboxData auto ..."
- It is probably not a best practice to choose the system mount point as the explicit path used to configure something in Eclipse. So a simpler directory should be symlinked to the mount point and that should be used in application configuration.
There are several ways to mount disks in Windows and Linux. The choices all derive from two ambiguities:
- Linux and Windows both support multiple users, but in practice only one person typically logs on. Still the system has provision for there to be another user and that has an effect on disk mounts.
- Some disks are transient (USB flash drives) and some are permanent (a SATA hard disk installed inside the computer).
Since Linux cannot automatically decide if a disk belongs to one user or is supposed to be shared, and whether it can be dismounted and replaced or is mounted permanently, it is up to the users and administrators to configure things appropriately. Generally Linux will default in favor of the single user transient model (the USB flash drive) unless it is told otherwise.
While it is possible to switch from one software project to another by keeping the same OS disk and changing SandboxData disks, it is unreasonable to expect to do this without rebooting. That is, we do not intend to configure the Sandbox VMs to believe that SandboxData is a USB disk that you can eject and replace with another disk on a running system.
In Fedora, if user "casdev" mounts a disk then the mount point defaults to being something in the transient "/run" directory that is tied to the userid that mounted it. Specifically, the default location is /run/media/casdev/SandboxData. Ubuntu, however, uses a somewhat older standard where mounted CD drives were associated with /media/cdrom and so it wants to mount the same disk as /media/SandboxData. It is difficult to change the defaults of the system, and for this purpose it is unnecessary. So we adopt the Ubuntu default as the configured behavior on all Linux systems.
However, having decided that the mount point of the disk will be /media/SandboxData, that does not mean that we should use that path in Eclipse configuration windows. The option is then to symlink something simple like "/SandboxData" or "/home/casdev/SandboxData" (a.k.a. ~/SandboxData) to the mount point.
In Windows, mounting a disk typically generates a disk letter. The convention for the Sandbox is to use letter R: simply because it is unlikely to be used by anyone for something else. However, there are several ways to create a disk letter in Windows. In some cases the mapping is visible only to the user who does it, while in other cases the disk letter is global and is seen by all users on the machine. So Windows has some of the same problems as Linux, but the system details are different.
There is one more problem to mention. When a disk is initialized, it is given a unique identifier (a UUID) written in the disk label. This allows external disks to be uniquely identified no matter which USB port you plug them into. It also helps identify internal hard disks when the SATA cables become disconnected and are then reconnected to different ports. The Linux /etc/fstab file and the Windows Registry identify disks by the UUID and not by their label. So if you reconfigure a VM replacing one SandboxData disk with another, then when you boot it up again the system will know it is a different disk and will not automatically mount it. You have to use the Disks tool to add an additional line in fstab to mount the new UUID.
Obviously, although this discussion has assumed that the SandboxData files are all collected on a mountable hard disk image (a best practice), nothing prevents you from creating a Sandbox configuration where the files that would be on the second hard disk are instead copied or unzipped into a directory tree on disk. This is particularly attractive if you have decided to promote your sandbox development to the native operating system on your laptop, and now that you are not using a VM it is harder to mount a virtual disk file.
The Sandbox conventions do not depend on the software that creates and manages the virtual machines. Since this is not a production environment, the best choice is the one that is easiest to use. VirtualBox is free, can be installed on Windows, Linux, or Mac, and has convenience features for the developer. If you were creating virtual machines that you would immediately deploy into a IaaS cloud environment, then VMWare Workstation might be the best choice when developing for a VMWare fabric, and Hyper-V might be the best choice for a Microsoft fabric. The Sandbox, however, isn't going anywhere. The end result of all your work is source checked into Subversion that will get built and installed with Jenkins.
However, it is not a good idea to mix hypervisors on the same machine. They get into conflicts over the CPU VM support (VT-x, Nested Paging, etc.). So while you would never install VMWare or Hyper-V just in order to run the Sandbox, if you already have them installed for other projects then it is not necessary to rip them out and replace them with VirtualBox. Running a Sandbox OS disk on VMWare or Microsoft requires changing the hard disk format, creating a VM configuration (number of processors, size of memory, etc.), and then after the OS boots up you have to install the vendor specific Guest Support services and drivers. If you do not know how to do this, ask someone for help.
It turns out that VirtualBox is generally regarded as the best tool to convert one virtual hard disk format to another (VDI, VMDK, VHD). So even if you are not going to use it to run virtual machines, you may need to install it somewhere to do the conversion.
Download and install the current version of Virtualbox from virtualbox.org (at least 5.0.0). Run the installer. Launch the VirtualBox Manager.
A Virtualbox VM is a directory on disk. There is a xxx.vbox file that configures the memory, processors, network, and options of the VM, and a large xxx.vdi file that is the virtual disk.
A VM can become slightly attached to the environment in which it last ran. For example, by default a VM remembers the fully qualified path to any *.iso DVD image files that were previously mounted in its virtual DVD reader. It also may be connected to a virtual network that was configured with a name ("natnet1") on the previous system. If you copy a Virtualbox directory from another computer, you may have to flush the history of previously mounted DVD images and reconnect it to the name of a network that exists on your host computer before it will start up properly.
Sometimes the virtual machine has to be associated with a particular device on the real machine. Your computer may have more than one Audio adapter, and the virtual audio of the VM has to be associated with one of the real audio drivers on your computer. Similarly, you computer may have multiple LAN adapters (wired, wireless, etc.) and in certain network configurations (like "Bridged") the VM has to be associated with one of these adapters. However, if the VM is moved from one computer to another, then the new computer may not have the same type of audio or LAN adapter and the device name of the association has to be changed.
A VM can be archived in OVA format. This is a semi-standard zip file that contains a special version of the configuration data and a compressed version of the disks. Virtualbox will read an OVA and explode it into a real VM directory. You still may have to go back and change the network names.
There is also a very convenient feature called a "Shared Directory". This allows the host computer to share a directory or an entire disk with the Sandbox VM. It is very much like a disk shared over the network, except that the connection is directly between the host computer and the one VM so there is no extra security environment. Windows users may recognize this arrangement because it is exactly the same as a Remote Desktop Client sharing a disk with your own terminal session on another computer. Because you are the real user on both ends, there is no need for additional authentication and security. However, the directory to be shared is part of the VM configuration and it will break if you shared the D:\ drive on one computer and then move the VM to another computer that doesn't have a D:\ drive. You may have to redefine or delete the Shared Directory before you can start the VM.
There is one user named "casdev" with admin (sudo) privileges. You login, run Eclipse, and do all your development as this user. The /home/casdev directory holds the Eclipse workspace and all the casual files. Because JBoss is started from Eclipse, it also runs as casdev. Therefore, the JBoss and Eclipse directories are owned by casdev even though they are installed elsewhere in the file system.
The password for user casdev is not particularly secure, since it can only be used by the developer on the host machine. However, it will not be published here. Ask someone for it.
The VM
The VM is a standard Virtualbox 64 bit Linux configuration. With JBoss running the used memory only gos up to does not exceed 1.3 GB, so the amount of virtual RAM for the VM could be reduced to 1.5 or 2 GB if you need to run two VMs on an 8G laptop.