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  • Access Requests & Training , People Lists
    • Policy review with Oracle Process Owners - Nancy
    • User interface & API to Oracle, SciQuest, Xpress Shipping
    • Training in November? Deploy in December? Decommission XTRAIN
  • Email & NetID PINs (YaleConnect, Email alias, NetID PINs)
    • Impact for Client Accts - Sept. release would require manual work (Avg. 450 requests/month) - Unacceptable.
    • Automation will become available with IAM solution (Release 1 ~FY14 Q3).
  • Oracle – move training to TMS, decommission XTRAIN, SciQuest, Xpress Shipping. Some manual work today will be included in new request process. Process Owners to review training requirements
  • People Lists (Analysis & Design phase) - Originally part of IAM project portfolio, solution not ready. Building with Oracle until IAM solution is ready.
  • START Replacement Training - Just-in-time, to coincide with release(s). To take place 4 weeks prior for big bang release

Project Milestones

  • Sept. - Telecom & IT requests built
  • Sept 30 - Original START release date
  • Oct. - Access requests (
    • XTRAIN
    ) & People Lists built?
  • 4 weeks before release - Training
  • ~FY14 Q3 (TBD) - IAM Release 1 & START Release for YaleConnect, Email alias, NetID PINs, full START service catalog?

Risks / Issues

  • START testing in the patched environment was successful!
  • New process for Access requests & Training will not be ready for Sept.
  • New process for People Lists will not be ready for Sept.
  • Email & NetID PIN Automation will not be ready for Sept.
  • Oracle Upgrade planned for Sept 21. We are currently testing START against patch (in a patched environment) and will be completed Aug. 2.


o    Christine going to ROC next week with timeline, budget request and resource allocations
o    Extending project out a few months
o    Asking for an $83,000 increase in funding
o    Jackie wants to be sure request takes into account everything that needs to happen based on today's meeting (not sure if this was meant to go here)
IAM Dependencies

  • We need IAM to nail down delivery dates which will inform our decision about deployment of access requests and YaleConnect, email aliases and NetID pins.


    • Jackie suggested getting Nancy Creel-Gross, Steve Murphy and Julie Grant all in the same room to move access issues forward- perhaps it can be discussed at Shauna's VP directs meeting



    • Xtrain - How will the fact that someone took a course be updated?


    • LD and Journal entries relating to Grant and Contracts are the only ones that need to be currently logged


    • . Some information in TMS, some in Xtrain


    • . Decommissioning of Xtrain can't happen until we deploy.


  • People Lists


        • Part of access, we nee d to work with an interface that's similar


        • Barbara has done analysis on both pieces


        • People lists should be deployed at the same time as


        • Access requests
      • Email & NetID PINs
        • User interface for YaleConnect, Email alias, NetID PINs – to be completed in December
        • IAM-ServiceNow API integration
        • Deployment with IAM Release 1 (~March 2014)
      • User Interface


            • Overall look and feel of all requests is the same even though forms will look slightly different


          Project Milestones

          • Month of Oct. - Approver and fulfillment training
          • Nov. 1 - Deploy ITS service requests for pagers, telephone services, mobile devices, Ethernet connection and ITS back-up service
          • Month of Nov. - Build Access & Training, People Lists
          • Jan. - Deploy Access & Training, People Lists? or hold until IAM Release 1
          • ~FY14 Q3 (TBD) - IAM Release 1 & START Release for YaleConnect, Email alias, NetID PINs, full START service catalog?

          Project Financials

          • FY14 Allocation  =$137,000
          • Total budget estimate = approx. $220,000, July 2013 spend = approx. $38,800
          • Ask for ROC = $83,000 additional
          • Christine is going to ROC next week with timeline, budget request and resource allocations.

          Risks / Issues

          • Oracle Upgrade planned for Sept 21. - START tested in patched environment successful!
          • Approved allocation for FY14 $137,100. Budget estimate is approx. $220,000. Increase due to backfill for technical resources for 4 months.
          • Next Steps / Discussion
            • Training for Telecom, Ethernet, Back-up during Oct. for Nov 1 release
            • Access & Training, People Lists – deploy when ready or wait for IAM Release 1 (~March 2014). We need IAM to nail down delivery dates which will inform our decision about deployment of access requests.
            • Communications to Operating Group
            • Presentation of FY14 plan to ROC on 8/15

          Action Items

          • Send meeting notes and follow up with service owners re: analysis of access requests /X-train - Nancy
          • Follow up with Holly Piscatelli re: training timeframes and communications based on new deployment date of late October - Wendy
          • Ask Liz to provide these details at next Steering Team meeting in two weeks - Christine
          • Set up a meeting with Nancy and Bob Liu to review the proposed interface - Christine

          Past Meetings

          Page Tree


          START Steering Committee