Date | Details | Version |
3/03/20 | Documented the following features - CAS Login
- NetID Activation
- Manage NetID Account
- Forgot Your NetID Password
- Change NetID Password
- Update NetID Security Information
- Find Dependent NetID
| V1 |
3/25/20 | Updated the visual identity of the screens requested by the University Printer, including: - New background image
- Changed the fonts to Mallory
- Updated the left alignment of the headers and paragraph texts
Added the password requirement tips for the user | V2 |
4/23/20 | - Updated "Update Security Question" section
- removed the tab feature and had all the information on one page
- Added the "Yearly Password Reset" section
- Updated "Forgot Password"
- Re-combined security questions + new password into one screen again.
- Added a show/hide function in the activated NetID screen
- The user now won't see all the information (password, email, 5 security questions & answers) once they activated their NetID
- Improved some alignment issues with the right navigation in NetID Management
| V3 |
5/8/20 | - Added an Error Messages section that holds all error messages within NetID Management
- Updated "Update Security Questions" section
- broke out into 2 screens again and added "Next" and "Previous" buttons to navigate back and forth between personal email and security questions.
| V4 |
5/27/20 | - Sign out and help switched in the global header
- Added cancel and previous buttons to update security info
- In the NetID Management side menu:
- Removed "your" in forgot your netid password
- Removed " 's " in find dependent netid
- Updated "Yale Admission Status Portal Login" button on NetID activation
- Capitilize Capitalize "ACTIVATE A NETID" button in Dependent NetID page
- Added Global Footer
- All mentions of "8-Character Pin" were changed to "8 Character Pin"
- Removed Show password functionality
- In NetID Is Now Active page, moved HIDE button above the information
- Updated the copy underneath Personal Email in both Activate NetID and Update Security Information
| V5 |
7/22/20 | CAS - Changed all mentions of "Sign-out" to "Sign out"
- Changed all mentions of "Sign-in" to "Sign in"
- Added the global footer to the CAS screens
- Removed the function of clicking the forgot your password link in the error message
- Added the "Forgot My Password" link back into the error screen below the error message
| V6 |