To make this work, we require that Exchange Online be configured to do two things:
three things:
While Exchange has always been configured with Primary Email Aliases for O365 accounts, it has not been configured with all the “@yale.edu” email names (all the Alias Names in the Alias Table) that it does not already know about.
Exchange automatically knows what to do with mail associated with a MAILBOX that ends in “@connect.yale.edu”. It must be configured with MAILBOX values for Eliapps (case 2 above) and the DNS name of email processing service machines (case 3 above).
Exchange does not need to distinguish Eliapps from “Case 3” addresses, but we choose to configure Eliapps accounts for students differently from the way we handle Case 3 addresses for other Yale business reasons.
Exchange requires that an O365 mail account be configured in a single User object. Every personal O365 mail account is attached to the AD User object for that Netid, so all the aliases pointing to that account have to be added to the ProxyAddresses list of that User Object. The Primary Email Alias is there already. We have to make sure that all secondary aliases that have the same MAILBOX value are also in the list, realizing that it is possible at Yale for an alias to one personal Email account to be “owned” by someone other than the person who owns the account the alias points to.
We have decided to configure student personal Eliapps mail accounts in the User object of the student. Again, all the secondary aliases that point to the account have to go in the ProxyAddresses list of the student who owns the mail, but since this is an external account we also have to store the MAILBOX value in the TargetAddress field of the User object.
Everything else goes into a MailContact we create in AD and AzureAD to point all the remaining Yale Mail Aliases to their corresponding MAILBOX values.
Exchange Online Configuration
secondary aliases. Sometimes Exchange depended on the Mail Relays to translate Aliases it did not know into specific accounts. We must add all Aliases to the Exchange configuration.
Exchange was originally configured with only O365 accounts. A year ago we added the Primary Email Aliases of students with an Eliapps account. We need to add in the secondary aliases.
Every other Email Alias not configured in the previous two steps has to be configured to Exchange Online as a Contact object in AD. The Alias Name is a ProxyAddress and the MAILBOX is a Target Address.
To be sure everything is configured correctly, the following things must be true:
Every Email Alias of a personal O365 mail account must be in the ProxyAddresses list of the AD object associated with that account.
Every Email Alias of an Eliapps or other non-O365 mail account must be in the ProxyAddresses list of some AD object (User or Contact) whose TargetAddress is equal to the MAILBOX value of the Alias.
A given Alias must be unique in the AD (it must be in only one ProxyAddresses list of one object).
Every AD object (User or Contact) involved in Mail Routing must have a unique Mail Box value, which is the Primary Alias Name of User objects and the first ProxyAddress of Contacts.
We can run through the Email Alias table and make sure that every row is associated with some object and that the fields match up. However, fixing errors that exist in the Alias Table or existing AD objects is an ongoing function. Most of these errors are not related to the Mail Relay function and need not be fixed in order to retire the Mail Relays.
Exchange Online Configuration
The only way to know for sure if a user has an Exchange mail account or if an email address is known to it is to ask Exchange Online directly. The easiest way to do this is with Powershell.
Exchange has what it calls MailRecipients. There are three primary types of Recipients: O365 personal mail accounts (called a UserMailbox), external mail accounts (mostly Eliapps) that Exchange knows about, and “resources” like SharedMailboxes and Distribution Lists.
It turns out that anyone with a Netid can download code and ask Exchange to provide information on all Recpients:
$recipients=get-exorecipient -ResultSize unlimited -Properties ExternalEmailAddress(
If you don’t specify -ResultSize unlimitedare patient, you get the first 1000 objects. If you don’t specify -Properties ExternalEmailAddress then you don’t get the TargetAddress for Eliapps and other non-O365 mail accounts).Now go do something else for a few minutes and when you come back $recipients will be a variable with about 106126 objects. These objects consist of MailUser, UserMailbox, MailContacts, and a list of special objects manually configured to Exchange (that we don’t have to worry about)will get back something around 106126 objects. There is an UserMailbox object for every Netid who has a personal O365 mail account. There are a set of more specific object types for the native Exchange objects created by Exchange administrators that receive mail but are not people:
The reason why we don’t worry about these things is that they are manually created in response to a user request by the Help Desk or Email Management groups, are created in Exchange so Exchange knows how to deliver mail to them, and are not within the scope of identities managed by IAM. Currently they may have Email Aliases so that the Mail Relays know to forward mail to these destinations through Exchange Online, but if the mail went directly to Exchange Online without going through the Mail Relays that would be fine. Everything needed to deliver mail to these types of destinations is already correct and no data or procedures need to be changed or added.
So mostly we need to worry about the configuration that Exchange Online gets (from Azure AD and therefore from the Yale local AD) about:
Personal O365 mail accounts
Personal Eliapps mail accounts
Shared Eliapps mail accounts (ends in “@bulldogs.yale.edu” but is not the personal birthright primary mail account of a student)
Everything else (the “Case 3” stuff described above).
A personal O365 Email Account is a “UserMailbox” that Exchange Online connects to the Azure AD User object created from the Local AD User object created from the Netid. Exchange Online has an Inbox for this User, so all mail sent to an address associated (by a matching Email Address in the ProxyAddresses list) with this account is delivered locally to that Inbox.
External Mail (student Eliapps accounts and all the other stuff) cannot be configured in any User object that is a UserMailbox and is therefore connected to an Exchange Inbox. As long as the AD User object doesn’t have any O365 mail account attached to it, then the MAILBOX value (first.last@bulldogs.yale.edu or any other Mail Address of an external system) can be stored in the TargetAddress field of the User object and then, just as in the previous case) all the Email Addresses associated with that MAILBOX (first.last@yale.edu) can go in the ProxyAddresses list.
O365 mailboxes must be associated with a User object (that has a password and can login). External mail that comes into Exchange, is matched to a ProxyAddress, and is then forwarded to the TargetAddress does not require a User object and can also be configured in a Contact.
It is a business decision that we store external mail forwarding information in the User object of students with Eliapps mail accounts, but store all other external mail forwarding information in Contact objects.
The term “Contact” was created decades ago to represent an object normally put in a directory of external people that you frequently send mail to. However, these Contact objects are stored in a separate OU and are not visible to anyone. Unlike real Contacts used for the original purpose, they will not show up in Outlook as someone you can add to your “To:” list in a new Email message. They exist only to configure Exchange Online with the information it needs to map every Email Alias (every “@yale.edu” address) to some external destinationEliapps and other external (non-Exchange) mail addresses can be configured in a User object (a MailUser) or else a MailContact. Exchange doesn’t really care if you put external mail accounts in Users or Contacts, but a Yale we have decided to put aliases to personal student Eliapps mail accounts in the student’s User object, and put everything else in a Contact.
IAM has responsibility for User objects, whether the User has an O365 mail account or an Eliapps mail account. This information is affected by changes to the personal information that IAM manages. For example, when a student changes a First or Last name, this frequently changes the Primary Email Alias, and that in turn changes both the mail routing functions we are talking about here, but also the login values like UserPrincipalName presented by the user to get access to his O365 applications.
Contacts are generally created for accounts that are manually created on request. Sometimes they are associated with a specific identity of a real person known to IAM, but who for business reasons chooses not to use either the standard O365 or Eliapps mail systems. Sometimes there are special security requirements that require special accounts. Such a person will still have a Netid and an AD User object and a non-Mail O365 account. The Primary Email Alias will create a UPN and will be the “mail” attribute of the AD User object, so subject to privacy the user’s Email can appear in the directory. However, the routing information will be in a separate Contact object and we expect that the Contact object will be updated manually when the manually created Email account is manually changed. If these accounts are important enough to have their own mail system, IAM cannot assume they are subject to the ordinary behavior of student and regular staff accounts.
There is the AD Name, the Exchange Name, and the Yale Name
AD | Exchange | Yale |
User | UserMailbox | O365 User |
User | MailUser | Eliapps User |
Contact | MailContact | other alias mapping |
ProxyAddresses | EmailAddresses | ALIAS_NAME@yale.edu |
TargetAddress | ExternalEmailAddress | MAILBOX |
MailNickName | Alias | Primary ALIAS_NAME (first.last) |
Contacts are created for Aliases that are not Exchange accounts and are not Primary Aliases of Eliapps students. It is not necessary to say what these accounts are, but in case you want to know, they are mostly: