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If you are an administrator and want to create a project, please follow these helpful links and instructions: 


Creating a Project

  1. Choose the Jira icon (, or ) > Projects.
  2. Select Create project (top right).
  3. Give your project a name.
  4. Double check that the project's template matches your team's needs. To view a list and choose from other templates, select Change.
  5. Select Create.

We automatically generate a project key when the project is created. Whoever created the project is set as the project lead by default.

To change these details:

  1. From your project's sidebar, select Settings.
  2. Select Details.

We remember which template you choose and use that as the default whenever you create a project.

Create a project that shares its configuration with another project

Only Jira admins can create projects with a shared configuration.

Projects that share configuration share:

  • issue types
  • workflows
  • screens
  • fields
  • roles
  • versions
  • components
  • permissions
  • notifications
  • and more

If a change is made to one of the projects' configurations, that change affects all the projects that share that configuration.

To create a project with a shared configuration:

  1. Choose the Jira icon (, or ) > Projects.
  2. Select Create project (top right).
  3. Give your project a name.
  4. Under Project template, select Change.
  5. Choose Create with shared configuration > Select.
  6. Under Create project with shared configuration, select the project from which you want your new project to share its configuration.
  7. Select Create.


  1. Create


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(Workflow and issue type selection)

Name the project and give it a key (unique identifier, e.g. EX), designate a Project Lead (who will have administrative access to the project, even if not a JIRA admin user), and decide whether or not to create a linked Confluence space.

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(Name project screen)

Project Defaults and Initial Settings:

When a project is created, it receives several default settings:

  • Issue Type Scheme: the set of types of issues (e.g. Bug) that can be created in the project. A new Software Kanban project Example (EX) will receive a newly created Issue Type Scheme called"EX: Kanban Issue Type Scheme."
  • Workflows and Workflow Schemes: the series of states issues pass through (e.g. To Do → In Progress → Done). The new Example project receives a Workflow Scheme called "EX: Software Simplified Workflow Scheme." This scheme will contain one Workflow called "Software Simplified Workflow for Project EX" that handles all issue types.
  • Screens and Screen Schemes: the arrangement of fields seen when viewing an issue. The new Example project receives the schemes "EX: Kanban Issue Type Screen Scheme," "EX: Kanban Default Screen Scheme," and "EX: Kanban Bug Screen Scheme."
  • Fields: the set of data fields present for issues. By default, projects use the "Default Field Configuration."
  • Components: large categories that organize the contents of the project (e.g. "Database," "User Interface"). The new Example project receives no components by default.
  • Roles: roles granted to project members for access control. The new Example Project has a Project lead, and no other defined roles.
  • Permissions: the permission scheme dictates who may perform what actions within a project. Software projects receive the "Default Software Scheme" and Business projects receive the "Default Permission Scheme." These schemes grant all access to the Project Lead, defined project admins, and site-wide JIRA admins. Most other permissions are granted to users assigned the Developer role within the project.
  • Notifications: the scheme for controlling who is notified when action is taken within the project. All projects are currently on the "Default Notification Scheme."

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(the Summary page for project Example)

Modifying Project Settings:

In order to modify project settings, one must have the "Administer Projects" permission. The Permission Helper, viewable from a project's permissions page, can be used to check whether or not a user has a specific permission (and why).

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(Permission helper)

To modify a project's settings, edit the scheme assigned to that project for that setting (e.g. "EX: Kanban Default Screen Scheme") or set the project to use a different existing scheme (a scheme created for another project can be used).


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