Versions Compared


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  • R938 - Request: Software Library Addition or Change
  • R993 Mobile Device: Change
  • R1073: Mobile Device Change: Add messaging on Corp to Personal
  • R1112: Associate Financial Approval Workflow to Mobile Device Change Request Form
  • R1123: Associate Financial Approval Workflow with Telephone Services Change
  • D646 - Change Assignment Group form: Requested_for field on RITM does not match value chosen on form
  • D702 - Mobile Device Change: Reassign New End User - cannot change end user without also entering PTAEO
  • D705 - Mobile Device Change: transfer Personal to Corporate - billing Account number Validated as a Phone Number
  • D706 -Mobile Device Change : transfer Personal to Corporate - Provider Selection field bar behaves differently with different providers
  • D707 - Change Mobile Device: Transfer Personal to Corporate - Calling plans show AT&T plans only regardless of provider selected.
  • D710: Mobile Device Change. Clear plan and add-ons if vendor is- changed.
  • D712 - Mobile Device Change: Change Provider Plan or Model - Missing entire input section for device, provider, and plan.
  • D722, R938 - Software Library request: Error Or Validation messages display multiple times
  • D723, R938 - Software Library request: SCTASK does not display the request form fields
  • D814: R1073 Mobile Device Change: Make message be in red font
  • MAYBE / MAYBE NOT D821, R1043 - When Assignment group is selected the IT directors do not show up based on the Assignment group selected
  • D857 - Request: FAS HPC Acct Creation RITM Requested for in the variables and Header section do not match
  • D860 - Request: YaleConnect Migration item doesn't assign SC Tasks to CTS Email Migration
  • D867: Mobile Device Change - remove Search box.
  • D868: Mobile Device Change - Cannot complete request for End User Only change in Certain subversions of Internet Explorer. All other browsers and some IE are fine.
  • D869: MDC - Financial Approvers were not assigned to RITM.
  • D870: Mobile Device Change, Corp to Personal, Date to end service calendar widget should not accept yesterday as valid
  • D873: Mobile Device Change - Need to show 'Enter New mobile device model' on PERS to CORP.
  • D874: Mobile Device Change. Enter new Model should be required field.
  • D875: Mobile Device Change. Enter New Calling/Data Plan should be required field.
  • D876: Mobile Device Change: C2C to Yale, fields should be marked as required.
  • D877: Mobile Device Change. Missing Contact Information Section when Change type = Change PTAEO/End User.
  • D878: Mobile Device Change. Missing Comments Section on Change end user form.
  • D879: Mobile Device Change. Edit shopping cart values not saved.
  • D880: MDC: P2C, Staying with provider = NO. Fields should be marked as required.
  • D881: MDC, P2C: Staying with Current Provider =NO. Plan and add on costs not totaled.
  • D882: MDC. C2C Out of Yale. Date error does not clear when valid date is entered.
  • D886 - MDC: On change Provider Plan or Model, need to pass appropriate variables into SCTASK.
  • D893 - MDC - C2C out of yale.  SCTASK cannot be closed.
  • D895: MDC Change PTAEO and User. FA did not auto-approve as expected.
  • D908 - Notifications: Add ethernet. Request confirmation sent to <requested for> - should be <opened by>
  • D911 - TestRegression: Pager Add new - Financial Approval being bypassed.
  • D912 - TestRegression: Internet Explorer only: Pager Change: Replace Lost: Error on Submit indicating invalid PTAEO
  • D913; TestEnvRegression: Mobile Device Add - Catalog selection label repeated.
  • D915 - TestEnvRegression: Mobile device delete. Contact email editable when it should not be.
  • D916 - TestEnvRegression. Mobile Device Change. Duplicate Approval Notifications sent.
  • D917 - TestEnvRegression: Mobile Device Change: Transfer Personal to Corp. Default provider should be Verizon.
  • Possible duplicate of D932: D918: TestEnvRegression; Mobile device change, corp to corp out of Yale - two different request confirmation emails sent.
  • R926 - Request: New Service Request for IAM - Attribute Release Form
  • Possible duplicate of D932: D928 - Notifications (Pager: Delete) second/wrong notification.
  • D929 - Notifications (Ethernet: Add) - notification for approval has errors.
  • D930: Notifications: Approval Request Escalation Notice - several things to fix.
  • D931: Notifications: Mobile device Delete. Request Confirmation - Wrong Addressee:
  • D932: Notifications: Pager Change User. two different request confirmation emails sent. wrong Addresee on 'correct' email.
  • D933 - Compiled Notifications text changes.
  • D934: TestEnvRegression:  Pager Add : Requested for field variables disagree with RITM Header.
  • D938: Notifications: Link sent to customers to check their Request ticket status is broken
