All Service Catalog Submission and Fulfillment Notifications Notifications should contain the following signature information
Your Request for <%Request Name> has been submitted
You can view the status of your ticket here.
This message was auto-generated by the Yale ITS ticketing system. You can check the authenticity of this message by typing the following address into your web browser:
ITS will NEVER ask you to send information about your account like passwords or other sensitive personal information via email.
All Service Catalog Fulfillment Notifications should contain the following signature information:
Your Request for <%Request Name%> has been fulfilled.
Thank you,
<%Assigned to>
<%Fulfillment Group>
Information Technology Services
Yale University
203‐432‐9000 | |
This message was auto-generated by the Yale ITS ticketing system. You can check the authenticity of this message by typing the following address into your web browser:
ITS will NEVER ask you to send information about your account like passwords or other sensitive personal information via email.