Update Set (Original Names) | Description |
Requirement 423 - change field accessibility redux (again)
| |
Requirement 423 - change field accessibility redux (again)
| |
Requirement 575 - Change: make actual start/end dates mandatory prior to change closure.
| |
Requirement RfR - Social IT: set up help desk chat
| |
Requirement 376 - Change: automatic risk calculation
| |
Requirement 561 - Change, planning fields should be required
| |
Requirement 564 - Change: CAB approval required field
| |
Requirement 564 - Change: CAB approval required field
| |
Requirement 376 - Change: restore active status of Change Type business rule
| |
Requirement 575 - Change: make actual start/end dates mandatory prior to change closure.
| |
Requirement 563 - Change: Second Approval RequirementsManager of Change Owner Unit: Approves Minor Changes Andrea (Release Manager)
| |
Requirement 376 - Force the Risk Assessment calculation
| |
Requirement 376 - Force the Risk Assessment calculation
| |
Requirement RfR - FRU0011980 - Request: TBD now shows in the yale shopping cart. | |
Requirement 561 - Change: Risk Assessment should warn earlier about required fields
| |
Requirement 376: Change: Currently, it has been reported that editing the Risk Assessment does not force an update of the risk assessment calculation, and that the user must initiate this via a UI Action. | |
Requirement RfR - FRU0011980 - Request: cart issue, jelly with ui macros, changed workflow to 14 days. | |
Requirement 376 - Change: risk assessment business rule
| |
Requirement RfR - FRU0011980 - Request: v7 update | |
Requirement RfR - FRU0011980 - Request: change filter for group search to u_assignment is false (2 places) | |
Requirement 556 - Change: Planned/Actual End dates should be after Planned/Actual start dates. Currently you can make a planned end date before the planned start date.
| |
Requirement RfR - FRU0011980 - Request: All options have been corrected and the workflow approval should mark it as approved now. | |
Requirement 561 - Change: Risk Assessment should warn earlier about required fields
| |
,CSIaaS: Change target url in itsmcoach ui page | |
Requirement 423 - change field accessibility redux (x3)
| |
Requirement 561 - Change: Risk Assessment should warn earlier about required fields
| |
Requirement 423 - change field accessibility redux (again)
| |
Requirement 564 - Change: add a 'CAB Approval Required' boolean field
| |
Requirement 423 - change field accessibility redux; requirement changed:
| |
Requirement RfR - FRU0012350 - Request: RITM Stage - Approval Does Not Change in Workflow "New Service Request"
| |
Requirement 423 - change field accessibility redux; requirement changed: | |
,Requirement 546 - Change: change manager needs the ability to roll changes back | |
,Requirement 376 - Change: When submitting the risk calculation clicking on the 'submit' button should calculate (and also re-calcualte when redoing the risk calculation) the risk assessment. Should not have to click on the 'execute risk calculation' to recalculate. Marked as a higher priority requirement by Change Process team. | |
,Requirement 376 - FRU0012199 - Change: BR Fix | |
CSIaaS: Explicitly list all fields required on each record within the ""csi export"" views. | |
Requirement 518 - 'Create Standard Change'
| |
Requirement 575 - Change: make actual start/end dates mandatory prior to change closure.
| |
Requirement 518 - FRU0012193 - 'Create Standard Change'
| |
Requirement 562 - Change: planning information should be required in the CAB approval phase
| |
Requirement 575 - Change: make actual start/end dates mandatory prior to change closure.
| |
,Requirement RfR - FRU0011980 - Request: 'Request for Request' | |
Requirement 423 - FRU0012195 - Change: prevent changes to fields after change is in implementation phase
| |
Requirement 423 - FRU0012195 - Change: prevent changes to fields after change has been approved (and moved to implmentation stage)
| |
Requirement 377 - Change: replace CI on Change Task screen w/ Affected Component
| |
Requirement 377 - Change: replace CI on Change Task screen w/ Affected Component
| |
,Requirement 376 - FRU0012199 - Change: Force the Risk Assessment calculation | |
,CSIaaS: role and ACLs for csi API access | |
CSIaaS: role and ACLs for csi API access
| |
,CSIaaS: role and ACLs for csi API access | |
,Requirement 574 - FRU0012197 - Change: Reset workflow when assignment_group changed. | |
,Requirement 561 - FRU0012201 - Change: Risk Assessment should warn earlier about required fie | |
,Requirement 563 - FRU0012202 - Change: modify approval requirements | |
,Requirement 518 - FRU0012193 - 'Create Standard Change' | |
,Requirement 541 - FRU0012194 - Change:BP Workflow CAB/Unit Manager by change type post implementation task | |
,Requirement 423 - FRU0012195 - Change: prevent changes to fields after change has been approved (and moved to implmentation stage) | |
Requirement 553 - Change, Reports: CAB Calendar View - add a highlight by change type
| |
Requirement 434 - Change: display the approval type in the related list of approvals in change_request
Requirement 575 - Change: make actual start/end dates mandatory prior to change closure.
Requirement 573 - Change: add ""Application Change for Release"" functionality
Requirement 377 - Change: replace CI on Change Task screen w/ Affected Component
Requirement 565 - Change: remove Assessment Conditions Code drop-down
Requirement 536 - Change: add new Change Task type of ""Review" |
- this requirement as originally stated was looking for ad hoc approvals, which might have caused problems for Configuration/Change process in the future. Now people will be able to create/assign change tasks to have people review changes, but approval ultimately resides with the CI owner. |
Requirement 564 - Change: add a 'CAB Approval Required' boolean field
- add u_cab_approval_required (not sure if this is redundant w/ u_advisory)
- add u_cab_approval to Change form as 'CAB Approval Required'
- add a Data Policy 'CAB Approval Required' which sets that field to read-only if type is significant or major
- add a Client Script 'Update CAB Approval Required' to recalculate that field if the type field changes |
Requirement 556 - Change: schedule end dates must be after start dates
- add business rule 'Validate Schedule Dates' to change_request table
- fires before insert/update |