Discover a DC subnet w/o credentials, see what you get with out of the box settings. (
Nothing, as it turns out.
Basic SSH Unix Discovery
Discover a linux server with a non-privileged shell (i.e. adduser testuser, no sudo rights), see what you get.
You get quite a bit, although it also gets a lot wrong or misses stuff entirely.
- OS (but revision is for kernel, not OS)
- cpu brand/type/speed/count
- RAM amount
- net interfaces/IP/DNS
- filesystems & sizes
- installed software (RPMs)
- running processes (do we really want/need this in DB?)
Misses: - OS rev
- "is a VM" flag not flipped
- logical and physical disks
- serial number
- most of the relationships you might expect:
Privileged SSH Unix Discovery
Discover a linux server with a privileged shell (i.e. prescribed sudo rights), see what you get
Proof of Concept