The Sandbox system allows to to edit, compile, and debug the program. After debugging, the Sandbox commits source changes back to Subversion. To move those changes even into DEV requires a Jenkins Build job that checks the source out of Subversion, reruns the compile, and stores the JAR or WAR on the Artifactory server. So the only external consequences of the Sandbox development are the source changes in Subversion. Except for that, everything that happens in the Sandbox is private and doesn't matter.
Development doesn't care about which virtual machine host you use, but we have to choose something. VirtualBox is free, open source, quite easy to use, and available for all the host operating systems we use. Normally you install whatever is the current version of VirtualBox. Normally you use the lastest version available from virtualbox.org. VirtualBox is an open source project, but Oracle also provides some proprietary extensions that you are prompted to install immediately after you install the base software.
You can decide to use your native desktop or laptop operating system and bypass the VM entirelylater on to mount the SandboxData files natively on your Windows or Linux laptop. This should not be your an initial choice . It because you may have to change some configuration parameters, and it is better to start with VirtualBox and the VMs, get used to the Sandbox development, and then later on if you do a lot of work with IIQ or CAS, you can promote that development to your native host OS.
You will need admin privileges on your machine to get the mount points, symlinks, and the network configuration just right. Using VMs provides a layer of security because the VMs and their virtual network can be hidden inside your machine entirely separate from the real network that you share with others.
VirtualBox is an open source project, but Oracle also provides some proprietary extensions that you are prompted to install immediately after you install the base softwareVM before you attempt an advanced configuration process.
The user named "casdev" is defined to each VM image. OK, so the Sandbox was originally created to develop CAS, but there is no reason to change the userid if you are working on IIQ instead.
If you launch the VirtualBox application you will see a management console. It displays the Virtual Machines (VMs) that you already have and provides a Wizard for creating new VMs, typically by running the OS installer CD image for Windows or a Linux distribution. If you ask it to start an existing VM, VirtualBox creates a simulation of a full personal computer and even runs a power up BIOS. It then boots from the virtual hard disk image or from the virtual CD image.