Versions Compared


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  • In Window - Preferences - Java - Installed JREs you can configure more than one instance of Java installed on your machine. By default Oracle Java tends to run the highest version number, but CAS is distributed to run on 1.6 and at Yale it runs on 1.7. If you happen to have 1.8 installed on your machine for other purposes that is the version Eclipse will discover when you first install it and you should configure other versions that you are going to use to test applications. Install and configure a full JDK because Maven needs it to run.
  • Eclipse comes with a current version of Maven 3 built in. Unfortunately, the Yale Jenkins Install jobs run on Maven 2.2.1 and that is not fully compatible with current Maven 3. So you need to unzip a copy of Maven 2.2.1 somewhere on your system and add the location of this directory to Eclipse through Window - Preferences - Maven - Installations.
  • Eclipse needs to know where your JBoss server is to start it. This gets to be a bit tricky because the original Eclipse for J2EE code from that you started with has some support for JBoss servers, but the JBoss Tools that you just added has better support. It turns out to be better to let JBoss Tools "discover" the JBoss directory and autoconfigure everything for you. Go to Windows - Preferences - JBoss Tools - JBoss Runtime Detection. Click Add and type the directory one up from the root of the JBoss Server (if JBoss is in c:\appservers\jboss-eap-6.2 then "Add" c:\appservers). Then click Search ... and all the application servers in that directory will be found. If you do not already have JBoss downloaded and installed, "Add" the directory where you want to install it and click Download ... Select the version of JBoss from the list.

Check Out


the Maven Project

If you are working with the current CAS release, you check it out from the Yale SVN server. If you are going to start work on a new CAS release you still have to check out the old release, but then you have to also import the new CAS release distribution from Apereo and merge the two.

Open the SVN Repository Exploring "perspective" (page) of Eclipse and define the repository url This directory contains various cas clients and servers. Find the trunk of the current cas-server project and check it out .

The cas-server project is a Maven "parent" project with subprojects to build JARs and WARs in subdirectories. The Check Out As ... wizard normally assumes you are checking out a single project with a single result, so it will no configure this project properly on its own. Just check it out as a directory with no particular type, or you can try to configure it as a Maven project.

Return to the J2EE perspective, right click the new cas-server project directory, and choose Import - Maven - Existing Maven Projects. This is the point where the M2E Eclipse support for Maven discovers the parent and subdirectory structure. It reads through the parent POM to find the "modules", then scans the subdirectories for POM files that configure the subprojects. Then it presents a new dialog listing the projects it has found. Generally it has already found and configured the parent project, so only the subprojects will be checked.

If you are working on a CAS release that has already been configured, you will only see the subprojects that some previous Yale programmer decided were of interest at Yale. If you are working on a new release of CAS with a vanilla POM you may see a list of all the projects, and this may be a good time to deselect the CAS optional projects that Yale does not use.

Now sit back while the M2E logic tries to scan the POMs of all the subprojects and downloads the dependency JAR files from the internet. If you get a missing dependency for a Yale JAR file, then the $HOME/.m2/settings.xml file does not point to the Artifactory server where Yale stores its JAR files. You can ignore error messages about XML file syntax errors. In the Luna version of Eclipse, the M2E support discovers that CAS uses AspectJ and offers to install support for AspectJ in Eclipse.

A Maven project has standard source directories (src/main/java) used to build the output JAR or WAR artifact. A Maven POM has "dependency" declarations it uses to download JAR files (to your local Maven repository) and build a "classpath" used to find referenced classes at compile time. Eclipse has a "Build Path"  (physically the .classpath file) that defines source directories, the location where the ouput class files are stored, and the libraries that have to be used to compile the source. M2E runs through the POM files in each subproject and creates a Eclipse project with a Eclipse Build Path that tells Eclipse to do exactly the same thing Maven would do to the same project. Eclipse will compile the same source in the same source directory and produce the same output to the same output directory using the same JAR libraries to run the compiler. It is important (because it answers questions later on) that you understand that Eclipse is being configured to do MOSTLY the same thing that Maven would do, but Eclipse does it without running Maven itself. The MOSTLY qualification is that M2E sets default values for the enormous number of options that an Eclipse project has (what error message to display or hide, syntax coloring, everything else you can set if you right click the project and choose Preferences from the menu). After M2E creates an initial default batch of project setting, you are free to change them and ask Eclipse to do things slightly different without breaking the development process.

At the end there should be several types of error messages that don't really matter:

  • JSP, HTML, XML, XHTML, and JavaScript files may report errors because Eclipse is trying to validate syntax without having everything it needs to do the validation properly, or because some files are fragmentary and have to be assembled from pieces before they are well formed.
  • The M2E default is to configure the Eclipse project to use Java 1.6 both as a language level for the compiler and as a JRE library default. If you are running on a machine with 1.7 or 1.8, you will get warning messages that the project is set up for 1.6 but there is no actual 1.6 known to Eclipse. You can ignore this message, or correct the default project settings.

Before the import, there was only the "cas-server" project (and the installer). The import creates an Eclipse "shadow project" (my name) for every subdirectory under cas-server that is needed. These shadow projects are Eclipse entities built from the Maven POM files. They contain Eclipse configuration and option elements (what Eclipse thinks of as the project and Build Path). What these shadow projects don't have are real source files. They contain configuration pointers the real source files in the subdirectories of the cas-server project. As you open and look at these projects, they will appear to have source. However, this source will be structured as Java Packages and Java Classes and Java Resources. This is a logical representation in Java and WAR terms of the actual source files that remain as subdirectories of the cas-source directory.

In a few cases, such as the Search option on the menu, you may look for files with certain text or attributes and the results of the search will display the same file twice, once as a physical text file in the cas-server directory tree and once as a Java Class source in the corresponding Eclipse project. Just realize that these are two different views of the same file, and changes you make to either view are also changes to the other view.

Interactive and Batch Modes

Eclipse tries to make J2EE development simpler than is reasonably possible. Eclipse is almost successful, close enough so that it is quite usable as long as you realize what cannot possibly be made to work exactly right and solve that problem with another tool.

The Maven POM contains declarations that drive a Java compiler running under Maven to compile all the source, and then it builds JAR, WAR, and EAR files. The M2E support for Maven inside Eclipse tries to understand the POM file and to create a set of Eclipse project configurations, including Build Path references to dependent libraries in the Maven local repository, to compile the source in the same way. This part works, so Eclipse can be a good source editor including autocomplete hints and the ability to find the source of classes you are using or all references to a method you are coding.

It is in the running and debugging of applications under JBoss or Tomcat that Eclipse may attempt to be too simple.

J2EE servers have a "deployment" directory where you put the WAR file that contains the Java classes and HTML/XML/JSP/CSS files. You can deploy the application as a single ZIP file, or you can deploy it as a directory of files.

Most Java application servers have a Hot Deploy capability that allows you to replace a single HTML or CSS file in the (non-ZIP, directory of files) application and the server will notice the new file with its new change date and immediately start to use it. This can ever work for some individual class files. However, Hot Deploy behavior is random and error prone if you attempt to change a number of files at the same time because the application server can notice some changes in the middle of the update and start to act on an incomplete set of updates.

Eclipse likes the idea of a simple change to a single HTML, CSS, or even a simple Java source file taking effect immediately after you save the file in the editor. However, since it knows that Hot Deploy doesn't actually work if you physically copy a batch of files over to the Tomcat or JBoss deploy directory, the Eclipse J2EE runtime support has traditionally attempted to do something much more sophisticated. It "hacks" the normal Tomcat configuration file to insert a special Eclipse module that creates (to Tomcat) a "virtual" WAR file that does not actually exist in the Tomcat deploy directory but which is synthetically emulated by Eclipse using the source and class files that it has in the projects in its workspace.

This is a little better than Hot Deploy, because Eclipse can simulate swapping the entire set of changed files in a single transaction, but in the long run it doesn't work either. CAS, for example, is a big Spring application with a bunch of preloaded Spring Beans created in memory when the application starts up. The only way to change any of these beans is to bring the entire application down and restart it.

So successful CAS development requires you, even if all you want to do is change the wording on an HTML file, to stop the application server, run a real "mvn install" on the cas-server project to build a new WAR file, run a "mvn install" on the Installer project to copy it over to the application server deploy directory, and then restart the application server. The Eclipse capability to make some changes take effect immediately on a running server is simply too unreliable, and because of that we cannot use the entire "interactive" Eclipse application build strategy but must instead switch to a Maven "batch" artifact building and deployment process.

The advantage of the "batch" approach is that you are guaranteed to get a 100% exact duplicate behavior as you will get later on when you run the Yale Jenkins jobs to compile and install the application onto the test or production servers. Eclipse does a pretty good job of doing almost exactly the same thing that Maven will do, but it is not worth several days of debugging to finally discover that almost the same thing is not quite as good as exactly the same thing.

Since the Eclipse project was created from the Maven POM, it is configured to compile all the same source that Maven would compile and to put the resulting class files in the same output directory. Because Eclipse compiles the source when the project is first built, and then recompiles source after every edit, whenever you run the "mvn install" job Maven finds that the class files are up to date and does not recompile the source. If it is important to have Maven recompile source itself, then you have to do a "mvn clean install" step. Also, neither Maven nor Eclipse does a good job cleaning up class files after a source file is deleted, so when you make such a change you should "clean" the project to force a recompile of the remaining files.

Running Maven Jobs Under Eclipse

At any time you can right click a POM file and choose "Run as ..." and select a goal (clean, compile, install). Rather than taking all the default configuration parameters, or entering them each time you run Maven, you can build a Run Configuration. Basically, this is a simple job with one step that runs Maven. The Run Configuration panel allows you to select every possible option, including the Java Runtime you want to use to run Maven, and a specific Maven installation so you can run some things under Maven 2 and some under Maven 3, plus the standard Maven options to not run tests or to print verbose messages. Since the Jenkins jobs each run one Maven POM, in the Sandbox you can build two Maven Run Configurations that duplicate the function of each Jenkins job.

First, lets review what the Jenkins jobs do.

  • The "Trunk Build" job checks the source project out of subversion. In this case, it is a "parent" project with subdirectories that all get checked out. It then runs a "mvn install" on the parent. The parent POM contains "module" XML elements indicating which subdirectory projects are to be run. Each subdirectory project generates a JAR or WAR artifact. The Jenkins Trunk Build installs these artifacts on the Artifactory server replacing any prior artifact with the same name and version number.
  • The Jenkins Install job checks the source of the Install project out of SVN. By Yale convention, each Install project is an Ant build.xml script and a package of parameters in an file created from the Parameters entered or defaulted by the person running the Jenkins job. Minimally the Install job downloads the artifact from Artifactory and copies it to the JBoss deploy directory, although typically the artifact will be unzipped, variables will be located and replaced by the values in the properties file, and then the file will be rezipped and deployed.

In the Sandbox you already have a copy of the CAS source files checked out in your Eclipse project in your workspace, and you can also check out a copy of the Installer project. So there is no need to access SVN. Similarly, in the Sandbox we do not want to mess up Artifactory, so the local Maven repository (which defaults to a subdirectory tree under the .m2 directory in your HOME folder) holds the generated artifacts.

With these changes, a Build project compiles the source (in the Eclipse workspace) and generates artifacts in the .m2 Maven local repostory. The Install project runs the Ant script with a special Sandbox version of the to copy the artifact from the .m2 local repository to the Sandbox JBoss Deploy directory (with property edits).

There is one last step. The Jenkins install job stops and starts JBoss. In the Sandbox you will manually start and stop the JBoss server using the JBoss AS Eclipse plugin. This plugin generates icons in the Eclipse toolbar to Start, Stop, and Debug JBoss under Eclipse. You Stop JBoss before running the Install job and then start it (typically using the Debug version of start) after the Install completes.

Now to the mechanics of defining a Run Configuration. You can view them by selecting the Run - Run Configurations menu option. Normally you think of using Run configurations to run an application, but once you install M2E there is also a Maven Build section. Here you can choose a particular Maven runtime directory, a set of goals ("clean install" for example), and some options to run Maven in a project directory. The recommendation is that on your sandbox machine you create two Maven Run Configurations. The configuration labelled "CAS Build" runs a Maven "install" or "clean install" goal on the parent POM of the CAS source project. The configuration labelled "CAS Install" runs Maven on the POM of the Installer project (and it has to run Maven 2 because this is still the standard for Installer jobs).

CAS Source Project Structure

In Maven, a POM with a packaging type of "pom" contains only documentation, parameters, and dependency configuration info. It is used to configure other projects, but generates no artifact. The parent "cas-server" directory is a "pom" project. All the subdirectories point to this parent project, so when the parent sets the Log4J version to 1.2.15 then all the subprojects inherit that version number from the parent and every part of CAS uses the same Log4J library to compile and at runtime.

A "jar" Maven project compiles Java source and combines the resulting *.class files and any resource data files into a zip file with an extension of ".jar". This is an artifact that is stored in the repository and is used by other projects. The most important CAS subproject is "cas-server-core", which compiles most of the CAS source and puts it in a very large JAR file. The other CAS subprojects compile optional JAR files that you may or may not need depending on which configuration options you use. Any JAR file created by one of these subprojects will end up in the WEB-INF/lib directory of the CAS WAR file.

A type "war" Maven project builds a WAR file from three sources:

  1. It can have some Java source in src/main/java, which is compiled and the resulting class files are stored in the WEB-INF/classes directory of the WAR.
  2. The files in the src/main/webapp resource directory contain the HTML, JSP, XML, CSS, and other Web data files.They are simply copied to the WAR.
  3. Any JAR files that are listed as a runtime dependency not provided by the container in the WAR project POM are copied from the Maven repository to the WEB-INF/lib directory.

Then the resulting files are zipped up to create a WAR artifact which is stored in the Maven repository under the version number specified in the POM.

The "cas-server-webapp" project is a standard JASIG project that builds a WAR file, but that is not the WAR file we deploy.

WAR Overlay

Maven has a second mechanism for building WAR files. This is called a "WAR Overlay". It is triggered when the POM indicates that the project builds a WAR artifact, but the project also contains a WAR artifact as its first dependency. A WAR cannot contain a second WAR file, so when Maven sees this it decides that the current project is intended to update the contents of the WAR-dependency rather than building a new WAR from scratch.

A WAR Overlay project can have Java source in src/main/java, in which case the source will be compiled and will be added to or replace identically named *.class files in the old WAR-dependency.

Mostly, the WAR Overlay replaces or adds files from src/main/webapp. This allows Yale to customize the CSS files or create special wording in the JSP and HTML pages.

JAR files listed as a runtime dependency of the Web Overlay project are added to the WEB-INF/lib directory along with all the other JAR files in the original WAR. In this case, however, replacing doesn't make any sense. A JAR file with the same name has the same Version number, so it will be a copy of the exact same file that is already there. Because WAR Overlay only replaces identically named files, you really do not want to have an artifact with one Version number in the WAR Overlay project and a different Version number in the old WAR because they cannot be merged and the result will be garbage.

The JASIG recommends using the WAR Overlay mechanism, and the Yale CAS customizations follow that rule. In the JASIG distributed source the WAR Overlay project subdirectory is named cas-server-uber-webapp, but Yale's version of this project is named cas-server-yale-webapp. This project produces the artifact named edu.yale.its.cas.cas-server-war with the version number that we track in Jenkins and Subversion as the actual CAS Server executable.

CAS has traditionally been created using the "WAR Overlay" technique of Maven. First, the cas-server-webapp directory builds a conventional WAR from its own files and dependencies. This is a generic starting point WAR file with all the basic JAR files and XML configuration. Then a second type "war" project is run that (in the standard JASIG CAS distribution) is called cas-server-uber-webapp. What makes it different from a standard type "war" Maven project is that the first dependency in this project is the cas-server-webapp.war file build by the previous step.

A "WAR Overlay" project depends on an initial vanilla prototype WAR file as its starting point. Everything in that WAR will be copied to a new WAR file with a new name and version, unless a replacement file with the same name is found in the WAR Overlay. When Yale or any other CAS customer is building their own configuration of CAS, the WAR Overlay project directory provides a convenient place to store the Yale configuration changes that replace the prototype files of the same name in the previously run generic cas-server-webapp type "war" project.

If you made no changes at all to JASIG code, the WAR Overlay project is actually the only thing you would need to check out and edit. Yale would never need to locally compile any CAS source, because the JASIG repository version of the cas-server-webapp.war artifact for that release version number would be perfectly good input to the WAR Overlay process. However, at this time we include all the JASIG source and recompile the JASIG code every time we build the CAS source trunk. If that is a small waste of time, it prepares the structure so we can fix JASIG bugs if they become a problem.

The "cas-server-yale-webapp" project is the WAR Overlay that builds the artifact we actually deploy into productionas a simple directory. Do not use the Eclipse Wizard to create a particular type of Eclipse project. Just create a new generic Eclipse project.

CAS is stored in SVN as a Maven project. This means it has a pom.xml file in its top level directory.

Eclipse has its own project structure. An Eclipse project has a .project and .classpath file and a .settings directory in its top level directory.

M2E is the name of the Eclipse support for Maven. M2E is able to read through the pom.xml file and to generate the .project and .classpath files and the .settings directory that contains what Eclipse needs in order to correctly display and build the Maven project. If in Eclipse Project Explorer you right click on a project and choose Configure from the menu, you can configure that single project to be a Maven project. However, since CAS is a parent project with subprojects, you need to use Import to get all of them.

Return to the J2EE perspective, right click the new cas-server project directory, and choose Import - Maven - Existing Maven Projects. This is the point where the M2E Eclipse support for Maven discovers the parent and subdirectory structure. It reads through the parent POM to find the "modules", then scans the subdirectories for POM files that configure the subprojects. Then it presents a new dialog listing the projects it has found. Generally it has already found and configured the parent project, so only the subprojects need to be checked.

M2E will only display subprojects that were mentioned in a <module> statement of the top level parent pom.xml file. However, you do not need to click the checkboxes to select all of them to be turned into Eclipse projects. You only need to select the projects you are working on. If you leave some out, you can always repeat the Import Existing Maven Projects step and add more.

Now M2E does some serious work, and you have to give it time to do everything. It processes the pom.xml file in a subproject to decide if it builds a JAR or a WAR. It configures the project to compile the Java source. It reads through the dependency list in the POM and downloads to your local .m2 repository file all the JAR libraries on which the CAS project depends. Then it compiles all the source. When it encounters AspectJ stuff it will invite you to add AJDT support to Eclipse.

If you have not properly configured the Yale Artifactory server in your .m2/settings file, then you may get a message about a missing Yale dependency JAR file. Ignore error messages about bad XML syntax. You may also be told that the project is configured for Java 1.6 but there is only a 1.7 runtime available. These are all unimportant issues.

M2E understands Maven projects, but is is distinct from real Maven. Real Maven (lets call it "Batch Maven" because you run it from the command line) is an extensible system of optional plugin modules that can be expanded to provide all sorts of special processing. M2E is an Eclipse component that can read pom.xml files and configure Eclipse to to approximately the same thing that Maven would do to compile the source and build the artifact.

Eclipse can compile Java and AspectJ source. It can resolve references at compile time to JAR files downloaded and stored in the Maven local (.m2) repository. It can merge compiled *.class files with XML and properties files to build the JAR or WAR.

There are some things that M2E and Eclipse cannot do on their own, like compiling WSDL files to generate Java proxy source for remote Web Services. To get those extra steps you have to run Real batch Maven. M2E can run real Maven in batch mode under Eclipse, but you have to do this manually yourself. During the automatic project import step M2E mostly gets the Java and WAR parts right, and fortunately that is all that CAS requires.

M2E knows what it knows, and it knows what it doesn't understand. It reports as an unresolved problem any configuration in any pom.xml file of a Maven plugin that it doesn't fully support. Mostly these are messages like "Plugin execution is not covered by lifecycle configuration ..." This is M2E noting that there is some sort of extra processing that Maven does in batch but that the M2E support cannot exactly duplicate in its Eclipse configuration. For CAS this does not matter, because we will be using Real Batch Maven to generate all the JAR and WAR files that go into JBoss. We only need Eclipse to be configured properly so that the Java IDE functions like autocomplete and autofix and Open Declaration and Open Type Hierarchy work, and M2E gets that part right.

When M2E has completed its Import function, there are now two distinct types of projects for every project directory.

  1. There is still a Real Batch Maven project represented by the pom.xml. This will run and generate the 100% exactly correct result when you run a "mvn clean install" either at the command line or from within Eclipse.
  2. There is also an Eclipse project represented by the .project, .classpath, and .settings generated by M2E. This is good enough to compile all the Java source, but it is not able to do all the optional or special processing that was configured in the pom.xml. It produces perfectly acceptable *.class files and puts them in the correct working directory, and there is no reason why Maven would have to recompile that source and create new *.class files of its own. However, Eclipse would not be a reliable source if you tried to use it to build a JAR or WAR file because it would leave out some of the special processing. For that you need to run batch mvn.

Interactive and Batch Modes

We have already discussed why it is important to run the batch "mvn clean install" command to build artifacts. However, there is a second subtle interactive v batch distinction that you need to understand for testing and debugging.

Eclipse has special support to make very simple J2EE development as simple as possible. This is useful for simple applications where the developer spends a long time editing JSP, HTML and CSS files or simple Java source.

Since the start of J2EE, application servers have a "hot deploy" mode of operation where they will notice when the timestamp of a HTML or CSS file changes and they will use the new version of the file as soon as it is stored in the application server deploy directory. However, Eclipse is an IDE and when you save a new copy of an HTML or CSS file, you are putting it in the Eclipse workspace and not over on the c:\appservers\jboss-eap-6.2\standalone\deployments\cas.war directory. It could have an option to immediately copy changed files over to the deployment directory, but it tries instead to do something much more clever.

The J2EE support in Eclipse has a trick for bringing up widely known Java application servers (Tomcat, JBoss) in a special Eclipse managed configuration mode. These servers have always had the ability (required by Linux convention) to put their configuration files over in one directory tree, their libraries in another tree, their log files somewhere else, and their applications wherever the system administrator wants to configure them. Eclipse can run one of these servers overriding its normal configuration directory with one that Eclipse has hacked.

The Eclipse trick is to configure the application server to believe that the WAR file it is dealing with is the Eclipse project in the Eclipse workspace. In some cases Eclipse configures a special Eclipse-Tomcat JAR library with a replacement for the usual Tomcat classes that read files from normal WAR files. Eclipse creates a "virtual" WAR that comes from its workspace. If you are running the application server in this mode, then when you save an HTML file in the Eclipse workspace, it doesn't have to be copied anywhere its. It has been hot deployed to the application server automatically.

This trick cannot work if your application requires any special Maven processing to build the WAR file. The CAS WAR has to be built by Real Batch Maven, and Yale conventions further require last minute parameter substitution with the Install job Ant script. So CAS in general and particularly CAS at Yale cannot use the oversimplified application debugging provided by Eclipse.

You have to run Real Batch Maven under Eclipse to do the same work as the Jenkins Build job, then you need to run it again to do the same work as the Jenkins Install job. That produces a cas.war directory in the JBoss deploy directory on the sandbox machine. Then you want to start JBoss. This is where the JBoss Tools add-on to Eclipse is helpful. It can start and stop, with or without debugging, an ordinary JBoss server installed outside Eclipse. The server runs with its normal configuration from its normal configuration directory. The only change is that you manage it from Eclipse instead of from the command line, and you can set breakpoints with Eclipse debugging without the extra step of attaching Eclipse to a running process.

Running Maven Jobs Under Eclipse

At any time you can right click a POM file and choose "Run as ..." and select a goal (clean, compile, install). Rather than taking all the default configuration parameters, or entering them each time you run Maven, you can build a Run Configuration. Basically, this is a simple job with one step that runs Maven. The Run Configuration panel allows you to select every possible option, including the Java Runtime you want to use to run Maven, and a specific Maven installation so you can run some things under Maven 2 and some under Maven 3, plus the standard Maven options to not run tests or to print verbose messages. Since the Jenkins jobs each run one Maven POM, in the Sandbox you can build two Maven Run Configurations that duplicate the function of each Jenkins job.

First, lets review what the Jenkins jobs do.

  • The "Trunk Build" job checks the source project out of subversion. In this case, it is a "parent" project with subdirectories that all get checked out. It then runs a "mvn install" on the parent. The parent POM contains "module" XML elements indicating which subdirectory projects are to be run. Each subdirectory project generates a JAR or WAR artifact. The Jenkins Trunk Build installs these artifacts on the Artifactory server replacing any prior artifact with the same name and version number.
  • The Jenkins Install job checks the source of the Install project out of SVN. By Yale convention, each Install project is an Ant build.xml script and a package of parameters in an file created from the Parameters entered or defaulted by the person running the Jenkins job. Minimally the Install job downloads the artifact from Artifactory and copies it to the JBoss deploy directory, although typically the artifact will be unzipped, variables will be located and replaced by the values in the properties file, and then the file will be rezipped and deployed.

In the sandbox you already have a copy of the CAS source files checked out in your Eclipse project in your workspace, and you can also check out a copy of the Installer project. So there is no need to access SVN. Similarly, in the Sandbox we do not want to mess up Artifactory, so the local Maven repository (which defaults to a subdirectory tree under the .m2 directory in your HOME folder) holds the generated artifacts.

With these changes, a Build project compiles the source (in the Eclipse workspace) and generates artifacts in the .m2 Maven local repostory. The Install project runs the Ant script with a special Sandbox version of the to copy the artifact from the .m2 local repository to the Sandbox JBoss Deploy directory (with property edits).

There is one last step. The Jenkins install job stops and starts JBoss. In the Sandbox you will manually start and stop the JBoss server using the JBoss AS Eclipse plugin. This plugin generates icons in the Eclipse toolbar to Start, Stop, and Debug JBoss under Eclipse. You Stop JBoss before running the Install job and then start it (typically using the Debug version of start) after the Install completes.

Now to the mechanics of defining a Run Configuration. You can view them by selecting the Run - Run Configurations menu option. Normally you think of using Run configurations to run an application, but once you install M2E there is also a Maven Build section. Here you can choose a particular Maven runtime directory, a set of goals ("clean install" for example), and some options to run Maven in a project directory. The recommendation is that on your sandbox machine you create two Maven Run Configurations. The configuration labelled "CAS Build" runs a Maven "install" or "clean install" goal on the parent POM of the CAS source project. The configuration labelled "CAS Install" runs Maven on the POM of the Installer project (and it has to run Maven 2 because this is still the standard for Installer jobs).

Source Build

CAS is distributed as a cas-server directory with a bunch of subdirectories and a POM file. The subdirectories are JAR and WAR projects. The POM file contains a certain amount of boilerplate for JASIG and the CAS project, plus two things that are important. The parameters and dependency management section ensure that all elements of CAS are compiled or built with the same version of library modules (quartz for timer scheduling, hibernate for object to database mapping, etc.). Then a list of <module> statements indicate which subdirectory projects are to be run, and the order in which they are run, when Maven processes the parent POM. The possible modules include:
