So you see that a Ticket Registry is overwhelmingly a place to keep logon TGTs (in this statistic TGTs and PGTs are combined).
Translated to Cushy, the cost of the full checkpoint and the size of the checkpoint file grow over time along with the number of active tickets, and then the file shrinks over night. During any period of intense login activity the incremental file may be unusually large. If you had a long time between checkpoints, then around the daily minimum (8 AM) you could get an incremental file bigger than the checkpoint.
Some Metrics
At Yale there are typically more than 10,000 and fewer than 20,000 Login tickets. Because Service Tickets expire when validated and after a short timeout, there are only several dozen unexpired Service Tickets at any given time.
Java can serialize a collection of 20,000 Login tickets to disk in less than a second (one core of a Sandy Bridge processor).Cushy has to block normal CAS processing just long enough to get a list of references to all the tickets, and the all the rest of the work occurs under a separate thread unrelated to any CAS operation that does not interfere with CAS processing.
Of course, Cushy also has to deserialize tickets from the other nodes. However, remember that if you are currently using any other Ticket Registry the number of tickets reported out in the statistics page is the total number combined across all nodes, while Cushy serializes only the tickets that the current node owns and it deserializes the tickets for the other nodes. So generally you can apply the 20K tickets = 1 second rule of thumb. Serializing 200,000 tickets has been measured to take 9 seconds (so it scales as expected) and if you convert the 20K common pool of tickets to Cushy, then each node will serialize 10K of tickets it owns and deserialize 10K of tickets from the other node (load balanced) or else in a master-backup configuration the master will serialize 20K tickets and deserialize 0, while the backup will serialize 0 and deserialize 20K. You come to the same number no matter how you slice it.
Incrementals are trivial (.1 to .2 seconds)any period of intense login activity the incremental file may be unusually large. If you had a long time between checkpoints, then around the daily minimum (8 AM) you could get an incremental file bigger than the checkpoint.
In CAS the TicketRegisty is configured using the WEB-INF/spring-configuration/ticketRegistry.xml file. It has two sections.First
In the standard file, a bean with id="ticketRegistry" is configured selecting the class name of one of the optional TicketRegistry implementations (JBoss Cache, Ehcache, ...). To use Cushy you configure the CushyTicketRegistry class . The rest of the bean definition provides property values that configure that particular type of registryand its particular parameters.
Then at the end there are a group of bean definitions that set up periodic timer driven operations using the Spring support for the Quartz timer library. Normally these beans set up the RegistryCleaner to wake up periodically and remove all the expired tickets from the Registry.
Cushy adds a new bean at the beginning. This is an optional bean for class CushyClusterConfiguration that uses some static configuration information and runtime Java logic to find the IP addresses and hostname of the current computer to select a specific cluster configuration and generate property values that can be passed on to the CushyTicketRegistry bean. If this class does not do what you want, you can alter it, replace it, or just generate static configuration for the CushyTicketRegistry bean.
Then add a second timer driven operation to the end of the file to call the "timerDriven" method of the CushyTicketRegistry object on a regular basis (say once every 10 seconds) to trigger writing the checkpoint and incremental files.
The Cluster
We prefer a single "cas.war" artifact that works everywhere. It has to work on standalone or clustered environments, in a desktop sandbox with or without virtual machines, but also in official DEV (development), TEST, and PROD (production) servers.