Now for the important point. Login configuration files are merged, they don't replace each other. Furthermore, there is no rule that allows a named bundle of parameters to be overridden by another source. The name the application or container is looking for ("myauth" in these examples) must be found in only one configuration file or JAAS will simply throw an exception.
Name the Service or the Application?
JAAS configuration offers enormous flexibility, but this leaves an ambiguity that should be resolved by institutional policy. If it is not given some global thought, you leave room for inconsistency and confusion.
Alternately, an institution could specify a small number of bundle names representing the generic type of authentication (an authentication design pattern) that an application might select (SingleSignOn, SingleSignOnWithProxy, SharedAuthentication). Note that these names do not reflect a particular protocol or server, but neither are they limited to a particular application. Unfortunately, these design patterns have not be assigned industry standard names, so this preferred approach will probably vary from institution to institution.
The JAAS Subject and Principal Objects
An application using JAAS creates a LoginContext object associated with the name of a bundle of configuration data. Up to this point each example has shown the configuration of a single fully qualified classname and its parameters. However, JAAS allows a named bundle to configure more than one plug-in module, allowing the user to make a single call and log into either the first system that accepts him or more than one back end system (Kerberos and LDAP for example).
The JAAS client application calls the login() method of the LoginContext object. After a sucessful login, the LoginContext has acquired a javax.security.auth.Subject object and one or more javax.security.auth.Principal objects (there will be one Principal for every sucessful login to a different plug-in LoginModule class in the named configuration bundle).
Actually examining the generated objects may provide a bit of interesting but probably useless information. For example, after a successful LDAP login to Active Directory by userid "gilbert" (which in the previous configuration example above searches for an LDAP User object with sAMAccountName=gilbert), one might be mildly interested that the Distinguished Name of the LDAP User object was , if the parameter bundle name tells JAAS to use both the Krb5LoginModule and the LdapLoginModule, then two successful logins of the name "gilbert" will generate two Principal objects with ID names "gilbert@YU.YALE.EDU" (Krb5 with the realm name appended) and "CN=gilbert, CN=Users, DC=yu, DC=yale, DC=edu" , but this is hardly an unexpected result(LDAP to the Active Directory).
The JAAS Objects when you use Krb5LoginModule
In the special case where Active Directory provides the Kerberos service, Microsoft allows a standard SPN to be "mapped" to a dummy User object also in AD. For example, one can create a dummy user named "s_cas" in Active Directory and give it a normal password. Then, one can use administrator tools in AD setspn.exe to map the "HTTP/secure.its.yale.edu" SPN ID to the "s_cas" userid. Now instead of using the keytab=... form of login, the service (corresponding to URL "https://secure.its.yale.edu/cas") can login using the standard userid/password API of JAAS with the userid "s_cas" and the password assigned to that dummy user account.