Each Action Bean is called when the end of a request URL contains a string mapped to the Bean (again in cas-servlet.xml):
Code Block |
<prop key="/serviceValidate"> serviceValidateController </prop> |
The "/login" function is mapped to an entirely separate API called Spring WebFlow. WebFlow is a common computer design pattern called a "State Machine" coded as a sequence of XML elements in the WEB-INF/login-webflow.xml file. In some sense, a WebFlow demonstrates how to replace a dozen lines of Java with a hundred lines of considerably more complex XML (but at least you are not coding).
Code Block |
<bean class="org.jasig.cas.adaptors.ldap.BindLdapAuthenticationHandler">
<property name="filter" value="sAMAccountName=%u" />
<property name="searchBase" value="dc=yu,dc=yale,dc=edu" />
<property name="contextSource" ref="ldapContextSource" />
<property name="ignorePartialResultException" value="yes" /> <!-- fix because of how AD returns results -->