This page will explain how to make a jboss container provide CAS authentication at a container level. This client uses a Catalina Valve which makes some intelligent decisions based on the cas context config. The CAS Context is the configuration of the CAS client for the container. This context is used for both the Valve on the front end, as well as the JAAS login modules on the authentication actions made by the container.
1. Download jars...
Note |
Please check for the current version... |
Code Block |
cd ${jboss.home}/server/${server}/lib curl http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/org/jasig/cas/cas-client-core/3.1.10/cas-client-core-3.1.10.jar > cas-client-core-3.1.10.jar curl http://repository.its.yale.edu/maven2/repo/org/jasig/cas/cas-client-jboss/1.0.3/cas-client-jboss-1.0.3.jar > cas-client-jboss-1.0.3.jar |