- Maven support (M2E) which appears to be standard in the latest releases.
- Subversion support (Subversive) which is not automatically included because there were several competing projects. The first time you run a Subversive window you will get a popup to install a third party (Polarion) connector from a list and you should choose the latest version of SVNKit).
- JBoss Tools (at least the JBossAS manager) which is listed in Marketplace because it comes from Red Hat.
- AJDT, the Eclipse support for AspectJ which the JASIG CAS source uses.
- Ideally you would add the M2E-AspectJ support by adding the update URL http://dist.springsource.org/release/AJDT/configurator/ to the Install New Software menu, but as of March, 2014 this Eclipse plugin does not work (it generates a null pointer exception editing the Maven Run Configurations. Until this is fixed, do not install it. This will mean, however, that when M2E imports the POM files it will complain that the Maven AspectJ plugin function is not support by Eclipse M2E. Ignore these messages as they have no effect on this development process.
- The standard Maven support comes with a version of Maven 3 built into Eclipse. That is exactly right for building the CAS executable, but it is a Yale convention that the Install job that copies the WAR file over to JBoss has to run under Maven 2. So you need to download the last Maven 2.2.1 from apache.org and unzip it to a directory somewhere on your disk. Later on you will define this directory to Eclipse as a optional "Maven Installation" it can use to run jobs configured to use Maven 2 instead of the default 3.