- The Virtual Machines appear to be real computers connected to a real network that they share with a LAN adapter on the host computer. This network is private with 192.168.137.* addresses and generally the outside world cannot see it or the two VMs connected to it.
- On the host computer, you can see the two VMs as if they were real machines. Since it is frequently more convenient to access these machines by name, at this point you should probably edit your "hosts" file (C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts on windows, /etc/hosts on other machines) to include the IP addresses and fully qualified names and nicknames for the machines. Generally speaking, the VMs will have the same /etc/hosts configuration. Then everyone knows how to get to machine "vm-ssoboxapp-01.web.yale.internal" (a name just like the DEV, TEST, and PROD VMs in the Yale machine room). You can access them with a browser, or SSH, or any other tool just like they were real machines.
- However, the two VMs are invisible to anyone who is not on the host computer. No other machine can logon to them, or access their Web pages, or hack them.
- Because the host computer is serving as a NAT router, the VMs can access the Yale network and Internet as clients. They can access the SVN server to commit changes or update source. They can download software updates from vendor sites
- The network configuration is essentially the same on every developer desktop, yet nothing that one developer is doing is visible to or interferes with another developer even though everyone is using the same "IP addresses" for their private virtual network. It also works if you take your development laptop home, or use it outside of Yale, just as long as you don't try to connect it to a network whose native addresses are 192.168.137.*, in which case you are hosed. However, since Yale CAS requires AD or some other LDAP server to validate passwords, you need to be connected to Yale AD from the host computer or else install an appropriate LDAP server on your host computer, or temporarily reconfigure CAS to use a different password authentication source.
If you use a Mac or Linux as your native laptop OS, you are going to have to set up NAT routing yourself, although you might Google for "mac nat router" and start at http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-configure-macosx-as-nat-router/.
Elsewhere on the toolbar there are JBoss Run and Debug icons (a green arrow pointing right and a bug with an arrow under it). They can be used to start JBoss normally or with interactive debugging using Eclipse.