Disaster recovery and very high availability suggests that at least one CAS server should be kept at a distance independent of the machine room, its power supply and support systems. So there is tension between performance considerations to keep servers close and recovery considerations to keep things distant.
CAS was designed with the ability to add a node identifier at the end of every generated ticketid. This capability is not widely used, because it has no particular purpose and is rather difficult to configure. CushyClusterConfiguration makes it easy to configure, and modern Front End programming or the CushyFrontEndFilter use this capability to improve CAS performance and increase reliability.
Ten years ago, when CAS was being designed, the Front End that distributed requests to members of the cluster was typically an ordinary computer running simple software. Today networks have become vastly more sophisticated, and Front End devices are specialized machines with powerful software. They are designed to detect and fend off Denial of Service Attacks. They improve application performance by offloading SSL/TLS processing. They can do "deep packet inspection" to understand the traffic passing through and route requests to the most appropriate server (called "Layer 5-7 Routing" because requests are routed based on higher level protocols rather than just IP address or TCP session). Although this new hardware is widely deployed, CAS clustering has not changed and has no explicit option to take advantage of it.
Programming the Front End to know that "/validate", "/serviceValidate", and two other strings in the URL path means that this is case 1, and "/proxy" means it is case 2, and everything else is case 3 is pretty simple.
Of course, finding the ticket is not helpful unless you use a feature that has always been part of CAS configuration but previously was previouslty not particularly useful. Each server can put a specific identifier on the end of every ticketid it creates. This is the "suffix" of the ticket in the configuration parameters, but typically it has been left as the default string "-CAS". If the suffix is configured meaningfully, and if it is set to a value the Front End can use to identify the node, then combined with the previous three steps the Front End can be configured to route ticket requests preferentially to the node that created the ticket and therefore holds it in memory without depending first on cluster replication.
Of course, tickets still have to be replicated for recovery purposes, but that means that tickets can be replicated in seconds instead of milliseconds, and they can be queued and replicated periodically instead of synchronously (while the request waits). This makes the clustering mechanism much easier and more reliable.
Of course, the Front End is owned by the Networking staff, and they are not always responsive to the needs of the CAS administrator. Although it is obviously more efficient to program the Front End, the CushyFrontEndFilter can be added to the Servlet configuration of the CAS server to do in Java the same thing the Front End should be doing, at least until your network administrators adopt a more enlightened point of view.
"Cushy" stands for "Clustering Using Serialization to disk and Https transmission of files between servers, written by Yale". This summarizes what it is and how it works.
For objects to be replicated from one node to another, programs use the Java writeObject statement to "Serialize" the object to a stream of bytes that can be transmitted over the network and then restored in the receiving JVM. Ehcache and the other ticket replication systems operate on individual tickets. However, writeObject can operate just as well on the entire contents of the TicketRegistry. This is very simple to code, it is guaranteed to work, but it might not be efficient enough to use. Still, once you have the idea the code starts to write itself.
Start with the DefaultTicketRegistry source that CAS uses to hold tickets in memory on a single CAS standalone server. Then add the writeObject statement (surrounded by the code to open and close the file) to create a checkpoint copy of all the tickets, and a corresponding readObject and surrounding code to restore the tickets to memory. The first thought was to do the writeObject to a network socket, because that was what all the other TicketRegistry implementations were doing. Then it became clear that it was simpler, and more generally useful, and a safer design, if the data was first written to a local disk file. The disk file could then optionally be transmitted over the network in a completely independent operation. Going first to disk created code that was useful for both standalone and clustered CAS servers, and it guaranteed that the network operations were completely separated from the Ticket objects and therefore the basic CAS function.
The first benchmarks turned out to be even better than had been expected, and that justified further work on the system.
CushyTicketRegistry and the Standalone Server
For a single CAS server, the standard choice is the DefaultTicketRegistry class which keeps the tickets in an in-memory Java table keyed by the ticket id string. Suppose you change the name of the Java class in the Spring ticketRegistry.xml file from DefaultTicketRegistry to CushyTicketRegistry (and add a few required parameters described later). Cushy was based on the DefaultTicketRegistry source code, so everything works the same as it did before, until you have to restart CAS for any reason. Since the DefaultTicketRegistry only has an in memory table, all the ticket objects are lost when CAS restarts and users all have to login again. Cushy detects the shutdown and using a single Java writeObject statement it saves all the ticket objects in the Registry to a file on disk (called the "checkpoint" file). When CAS restarts, Cushy reloads all the tickets from that file into memory and restores all the CAS state from before the shutdown. No user even notices that CAS restarted unless they tried to access CAS during the restart.
The number of tickets CAS holds grows during the day and shrinks over night. At Yale there are fewer than 20,000 ticket objects in CAS memory, and Cushy can write all those tickets to disk in less than a second generating a file around 3 megabytes in size. Other numbers of tickets scale proportionately (you can run a JUnit test and generate your own numbers). This is such a small amount of overhead that Cushy can be proactive.
So to take the next logical step, start with the previous ticketRegistry.xml configuration and duplicate the XML elements that currently call a function in the RegistryCleaner every few minutes. In the new copy of the XML elements, call the "timerDriven" function in the (Cushy)ticketRegistry bean every few minutes. Now Cushy will not wait for shutdown but will back up the ticket objects regularly just in case the CAS machine crashes without shutting down normally. When CAS restarts after a crash, it can load a fairly current copy of the ticket objects which will satisfy the 99.9% of the users who did not login in the last minutes before the crash.
The next step should be obvious. Can we turn "last few minutes" into "last few seconds". You could create a full checkpoint of all the tickets every few seconds, but now the overhead becomes significant. So go back to ticketRegistry.xml and set the parameters to call the "timerDriven" function every 10 seconds, but set the "checkpointInterval" parameter on the CushyTicketRegistry object to only create a new checkpoint file every 300 seconds. Now Cushy creates the checkpoint file, and then the next 29 times it is called by the timer it generates an "incremental" file containing only the changes since the checkpoint was written. Incremental files are cumulative, so there is only one file, not 29 separate files. If CAS crashes and restarts, Cushy reads the last checkpoint, then applies the changes in the last incremental, and now it has all the tickets up to the last 10 seconds before the crash. That satisfies 99.99% of the users and it is probably a good place to quit.
What about disaster recovery? The checkpoint and incremental files are ordinary sequential binary files on disk. When Cushy writes a new file it creates a temporary name, fills the file with new data, closes it, and then swaps the new for the old file, so other programs authorized to access the directory can safely open or copy the files while CAS is running. Feel free to write a shell script or Pearl or Python program to use SFTP or any other program or protocol to back up the data offsite or to the cloud.
Some people use JPATicketRegistry and store a copy of the tickets in a database to accomplish the same single server restart capability that Cushy provides. If you are happy with that solution, stick with it. Cushy doesn't require the database, it doesn't require JPA, and it may be easier to work with.
Before you configure a cluster, remember that today a server is typically a virtual machine that is not bound to any particular physical hardware. Ten years ago moving a service to a backup machine involved manual work that took time. Today there is VM infrastructure and automated monitoring and control tools. A failed server can be migrated and restarted automatically or with a few commands. If you can get the CAS server restarted fast enough that almost nobody notices, then you have solved the problem that clustering was originally designed to solve without adding a second running node.
You may still want a cluster.
If you use the JPATicketRegistry, then you configure CAS to know about the database in which tickets are stored. None of the nodes knows about the cluster as a whole. The "cluster" is simply one or more CAS servers all configured to backup tickets into the same database.
If you use Ehcache or one of the other object replication "cache" technologies, then there is typically an option to use an automatic node discovery mechanism based on multicast messages. That would be a good solution if you have only the one production CAS cluster, but it becomes harder to configure if you have separate Test and Development clusters that have to have their own multicast configuration.
It seems to be more reliable to configure each node to know the name and URL of all the other machines in the same cluster. However, a node specific configuration file on each machine is difficult to maintain and install. You do not want to change the CAS WAR file when you distribute it to each machine, and Production Services wants to churn out identical server VMs with minimal differences.
CushyClusterConfiguration (CCC) provides an alternative approach to cluster configuration, and while it was originally designed for CushyTicketRegistry it also works for Ehcache. Instead of defining the point of view of each individual machine, the administrator defines all of the CAS servers in all of the clusters in the organization. Production, Functional Test, Load Test, Integration Test, down to the developers desktop or laptop "Sandbox" machines.
CCC is a Spring Bean that is specified in the CAS Spring XML. It only has a function during initialization. It reads in the complete set of clusters, uses DNS (or the hosts file) to obtain information about each CAS machine referenced in the configuration, it uses Java to determine the IP addresses assigned to the current machine, and then it tries to match one of the configured machines to the current computer. When it finds a match, then that configuration defines this CAS, and the other machines in the same cluster definition can be used to manually configure Ehcache or CushyTicketRegistry.
CCC exports the information it has gathered and the decisions it has made by defining a number of properties that can be referenced using the "Spring EL" language in the configuration of properties and constructor arguments for other Beans. This obviously includes the TicketRegistry, but the ticketSuffix property can also be used to define a node specific value at the end of the unique ticketids generated by beans configured by the uniqueIdGenerators.xml file.
There is a separate page to explain the design and syntax of CCC.
Front End or CushyFrontEndFilter
If the Front End can be programmed to understand CAS protocol, to locate the ticketid, to extract the node identifying suffix from the ticketid, and to route requests to the CAS server that generated the ticket, then CAS does not have to wait for each Service Ticket ID to be replicated around the cluster. This is much simpler and more efficient, and the Cushy design started by assuming that everyone would see that this is an obviously better idea.
Unfortunately, it became clear that people in authority frequently had a narrow view of what the Front End should do, and that was frequently limited to the set of things the vendor pre-programmed into the device. Furthermore, there was some reluctance to depend on the correct functioning of something new no matter how simple it might be.
So with another couple of day's more programming (much spent understanding the multithreaded SSL session pooling support in the latest Apache HttpClient code), CushyFrontEndFilter was created. The idea here was to code in Java the exact same function that was better performed by an iRule in the BIG_IP F5 device, so that someone would be able to run all the Cushy programs even if he was not allowed to change his own F5.
CushyTicketRegistry and a CAS Cluster
Picking back up where we left off from the Standalone Server discussion, the names of each checkpoint and incremental files are created from the unique node names each server in the cluster, so they can all coexist in the same disk directory. The simplest Cushy communication option is "SharedDisk". When this is chosen, Cushy expects that the other nodes are writing their full backup and incremental files to the same disk directory it is using. If Cushy receives a request that the Front End should have sent to another node, then Cushy assumes some node or network failure has occurred, loads the other node's tickets into memory from its last checkpoint and incremental file in the shared directory, and then processes the request on behalf of the other node.
Of course you are free to implement SharedDisk with an actual file server or NAS, but technically Cushy doesn't know or care how the files got to the hard drive. So if you don't like real shared disk technology, you can write a shell script somewhere to wake up every 10 seconds copy the files between machines using SFTP or whatever file transfer mechanism you like to use. You could also put the 3 megabyte files on the Enterprise Service Bus if you prefer architecture to simplicity.
SharedDisk is not the preferred Cushy communication mechanism. Cushy is, after all, part of CAS where the obvious example of communication between computers is the Service Ticket validation request. Issue an HTTPS GET to /cas/serviceValidate with a ServiceTicket and get back a bunch of XML that describes the user. So with Cushy, one node can issue a HTTPS GET to /cas/cluster/getCheckpoint on another node and it gets back the current checkpoint file for that CAS server.
Obviously you need security for this important data. CAS security is based on short term securely generated Login and Service Tickets. So every time CAS generates a new checkpoint file it also generates a new "dummyServiceTicketId" that controls access to that checkpoint file and all the incrementals generated until there is a new checkpoint. So the full request is "/cas/cluster/getCheckpoint?ticket=..." where the dummyServiceTicketId is appended to the end.
How do the other nodes get the dummyServiceTicketId securely? Here we borrow a trick from the CAS Proxy Callback. Each CAS node is a Web server with an SSL Certificate to prove its identity. So when a node generates a new checkpoint file, and a new dummyServiceTicketId, If you cannot program your Front End, then CushyFrontEndFilter does the coding in Java, although this will occasionally add an extra network hop.
"Cushy" stands for "Clustering Using Serialization to disk and Https transmission of files between servers, written by Yale". This summarizes what it is and how it works.
For objects to be replicated from one node to another, programs use the Java writeObject statement to "Serialize" the object to a stream of bytes that can be transmitted over the network and then restored in the receiving JVM. Ehcache and the other ticket replication systems operate on individual tickets. However, writeObject can operate just as well on the entire contents of the TicketRegistry. This is very simple to code, it is guaranteed to work, but it might not be efficient enough to use. Still, once you have the idea the code starts to write itself.
Start with the DefaultTicketRegistry source that CAS uses to hold tickets in memory on a single CAS standalone server. Then add the writeObject statement (surrounded by the code to open and close the file) to create a checkpoint copy of all the tickets, and a corresponding readObject and surrounding code to restore the tickets to memory. The first thought was to do the writeObject to a network socket, because that was what all the other TicketRegistry implementations were doing. Then it became clear that it was simpler, and more generally useful, and a safer design, if the data was first written to a local disk file. The disk file could then optionally be transmitted over the network in a completely independent operation. Going first to disk created code that was useful for both standalone and clustered CAS servers, and it guaranteed that the network operations were completely separated from the Ticket objects and therefore the basic CAS function.
The first benchmarks turned out to be even better than had been expected, and that justified further work on the system.
CushyTicketRegistry and the Standalone Server
For a single CAS server, the standard choice is the DefaultTicketRegistry class which keeps the tickets in an in-memory Java table keyed by the ticket id string. Suppose you change the name of the Java class in the Spring ticketRegistry.xml file from DefaultTicketRegistry to CushyTicketRegistry (and add a few required parameters described later). Cushy was based on the DefaultTicketRegistry source code, so everything works the same as it did before, until you have to restart CAS for any reason. Since the DefaultTicketRegistry only has an in memory table, all the ticket objects are lost when CAS restarts and users all have to login again. Cushy detects the shutdown and using a single Java writeObject statement it saves all the ticket objects in the Registry to a file on disk (called the "checkpoint" file). When CAS restarts, Cushy reloads all the tickets from that file into memory and restores all the CAS state from before the shutdown. No user even notices that CAS restarted unless they tried to access CAS during the restart.
The number of tickets CAS holds grows during the day and shrinks over night. At Yale there are fewer than 20,000 ticket objects in CAS memory, and Cushy can write all those tickets to disk in less than a second generating a file around 3 megabytes in size. Other numbers of tickets scale proportionately (you can run a JUnit test and generate your own numbers). This is such a small amount of overhead that Cushy can be proactive.
So to take the next logical step, start with the previous ticketRegistry.xml configuration and duplicate the XML elements that currently call a function in the RegistryCleaner every few minutes. In the new copy of the XML elements, call the "timerDriven" function in the (Cushy)ticketRegistry bean every few minutes. Now Cushy will not wait for shutdown but will back up the ticket objects regularly just in case the CAS machine crashes without shutting down normally. When CAS restarts after a crash, it can load a fairly current copy of the ticket objects which will satisfy the 99.9% of the users who did not login in the last minutes before the crash.
The next step should be obvious. Can we turn "last few minutes" into "last few seconds". You could create a full checkpoint of all the tickets every few seconds, but now the overhead becomes significant. So go back to ticketRegistry.xml and set the parameters to call the "timerDriven" function every 10 seconds, but set the "checkpointInterval" parameter on the CushyTicketRegistry object to only create a new checkpoint file every 300 seconds. Now Cushy creates the checkpoint file, and then the next 29 times it is called by the timer it generates an "incremental" file containing only the changes since the checkpoint was written. Incremental files are cumulative, so there is only one file, not 29 separate files. If CAS crashes and restarts, Cushy reads the last checkpoint, then applies the changes in the last incremental, and now it has all the tickets up to the last 10 seconds before the crash. That satisfies 99.99% of the users and it is probably a good place to quit.
What about disaster recovery? The checkpoint and incremental files are ordinary sequential binary files on disk. When Cushy writes a new file it creates a temporary name, fills the file with new data, closes it, and then swaps the new for the old file, so other programs authorized to access the directory can safely open or copy the files while CAS is running. Feel free to write a shell script or Pearl or Python program to use SFTP or any other program or protocol to back up the data offsite or to the cloud.
Some people use JPATicketRegistry and store a copy of the tickets in a database to accomplish the same single server restart capability that Cushy provides. If you are happy with that solution, stick with it. Cushy doesn't require the database, it doesn't require JPA, and it may be easier to work with.
Before you configure a cluster, remember that today a server is typically a virtual machine that is not bound to any particular physical hardware. Ten years ago moving a service to a backup machine involved manual work that took time. Today there is VM infrastructure and automated monitoring and control tools. A failed server can be migrated and restarted automatically or with a few commands. If you can get the CAS server restarted fast enough that almost nobody notices, then you have solved the problem that clustering was originally designed to solve without adding a second running node.
You may still want a cluster.
If you use the JPATicketRegistry, then you configure CAS to know about the database in which tickets are stored. None of the nodes knows about the cluster as a whole. The "cluster" is simply one or more CAS servers all configured to backup tickets into the same database.
If you use Ehcache or one of the other object replication "cache" technologies, then there is typically an option to use an automatic node discovery mechanism based on multicast messages. That would be a good solution if you have only the one production CAS cluster, but it becomes harder to configure if you have separate Test and Development clusters that have to have their own multicast configuration.
It seems to be more reliable to configure each node to know the name and URL of all the other machines in the same cluster. However, a node specific configuration file on each machine is difficult to maintain and install. You do not want to change the CAS WAR file when you distribute it to each machine, and Production Services wants to churn out identical server VMs with minimal differences.
CushyClusterConfiguration (CCC) provides an alternative approach to cluster configuration, and while it was originally designed for CushyTicketRegistry it also works for Ehcache. Instead of defining the point of view of each individual machine, the administrator defines all of the CAS servers in all of the clusters in the organization. Production, Functional Test, Load Test, Integration Test, down to the developers desktop or laptop "Sandbox" machines.
CCC is a Spring Bean that is specified in the CAS Spring XML. It only has a function during initialization. It reads in the complete set of clusters, uses DNS (or the hosts file) to obtain information about each CAS machine referenced in the configuration, it uses Java to determine the IP addresses assigned to the current machine, and then it tries to match one of the configured machines to the current computer. When it finds a match, then that configuration defines this CAS, and the other machines in the same cluster definition can be used to manually configure Ehcache or CushyTicketRegistry.
CCC exports the information it has gathered and the decisions it has made by defining a number of properties that can be referenced using the "Spring EL" language in the configuration of properties and constructor arguments for other Beans. This obviously includes the TicketRegistry, but the ticketSuffix property can also be used to define a node specific value at the end of the unique ticketids generated by beans configured by the uniqueIdGenerators.xml file.
There is a separate page to explain the design and syntax of CCC.
Front End or CushyFrontEndFilter
If the Front End can be programmed to understand CAS protocol, to locate the ticketid, to extract the node identifying suffix from the ticketid, and to route requests to the CAS server that generated the ticket, then CAS does not have to wait for each Service Ticket ID to be replicated around the cluster. This is much simpler and more efficient, and the Cushy design started by assuming that everyone would see that this is an obviously better idea.
Unfortunately, it became clear that people in authority frequently had a narrow view of what the Front End should do, and that was frequently limited to the set of things the vendor pre-programmed into the device. Furthermore, there was some reluctance to depend on the correct functioning of something new no matter how simple it might be.
So with another couple of day's more programming (much spent understanding the multithreaded SSL session pooling support in the latest Apache HttpClient code), CushyFrontEndFilter was created. The idea here was to code in Java the exact same function that was better performed by an iRule in the BIG_IP F5 device, so that someone would be able to run all the Cushy programs even if he was not allowed to change his own F5.
CushyTicketRegistry and a CAS Cluster
Picking back up where we left off from the Standalone Server discussion, the names of each checkpoint and incremental files are created from the unique node names each server in the cluster, so they can all coexist in the same disk directory. The simplest Cushy communication option is "SharedDisk". When this is chosen, Cushy expects that the other nodes are writing their full backup and incremental files to the same disk directory it is using. If Cushy receives a request that the Front End should have sent to another node, then Cushy assumes some node or network failure has occurred, loads the other node's tickets into memory from its last checkpoint and incremental file in the shared directory, and then processes the request on behalf of the other node.
Of course you are free to implement SharedDisk with an actual file server or NAS, but technically Cushy doesn't know or care how the files got to the hard drive. So if you don't like real shared disk technology, you can write a shell script somewhere to wake up every 10 seconds copy the files between machines using SFTP or whatever file transfer mechanism you like to use. You could also put the 3 megabyte files on the Enterprise Service Bus if you prefer architecture to simplicity.
SharedDisk is not the preferred Cushy communication mechanism. Cushy is, after all, part of CAS where the obvious example of communication between computers is the Service Ticket validation request. Issue an HTTPS GET to /cas/serviceValidate with a ServiceTicket and get back a bunch of XML that describes the user. So with Cushy, one node can issue a HTTPS GET to /cas/cluster/getCheckpoint on another node and it gets back the current checkpoint file for that CAS server.
Obviously you need security for this important data. CAS security is based on short term securely generated Login and Service Tickets. So every time CAS generates a new checkpoint file it also generates a new "dummyServiceTicketId" that controls access to that checkpoint file and all the incrementals generated until there is a new checkpoint. So the full request is "/cas/cluster/getCheckpoint?ticket=..." where the dummyServiceTicketId is appended to the end.
How do the other nodes get the dummyServiceTicketId securely? Here we borrow a trick from the CAS Proxy Callback. Each CAS node is a Web server with an SSL Certificate to prove its identity. So when a node generates a new checkpoint file, and a new dummyServiceTicketId, it issues an HTTPS GET to all the other configured CAS nodes using URL
Ehcache appears to be the most commonly used CAS replication technology. It is fairly simple to configure, and it uses RMI calls to transmit tickets, a built in Java technology that is about as simple as Cushy HTTP. It can store tickets on local disk. It is the obvious alternative to CushyTicketRegistry and deserves special consideration.
Ehcache Compared to CushyTicketRegistry
CushyClusterConfiguration will configure either EhcacheTicketRegistry or CushyTicketRegistry, so it is certainly no easier to configure one or the other.
Although the default configuration of Ehcache uses synchronous replication for Service Tickets, if you program the Front End (or add the CushyFrontEndFilter) to a CAS using Ehcache in the same way described for CushyTicketRegistry, then ST validation requests will go to the CAS server that created the ST, so you can use the same lazy asynchronous replication for Service Tickets that normally Ehcache is configured to use for Logon Tickets (TGTs).
So the main difference between the two is that every 10 seconds or so Ehcache replicates all the tickets that have changed in the last 10 seconds, while Cushy transmits a file with all of the ticket changes since the last full checkpoint. Then every few minutes it generates a full checkpoint. So Ehcache transmits a lot less data. However, the cost of transmitting the extra data is so low that this may not matter if Cushy provides extra function.
Ehcache is a closed system that operates inside the CAS servers and exposes no external features. Cushy generates checkpoint and incremental files that are regular files on disk that can be accessed using any standard commands, scripts, or utilities. This provides new disaster recovery options.
Ehcache is designed to be a "cache". That is, it is designed to be a high speed, in memory or local disk, copy of some data that has a persistent copy off on some server. That is why it has a lot of configuration for "LRU" and object eviction, because it assumes that lost objects are reloaded from persistent storage. You can use it as a replicated in memory table, but you have to understand if you read the documentation that that is not its original design. Cushy is specifically designed to be a CAS TicketRegistry. That is the only thing it does, and it is very carefully designed to do that job correctly.
Cushy models its design on two 40 year old concepts. A common strategy for backing disks up to tape was to do a full backup of all the files once a week, and then during the week to do an incremental backup of the files changed since the last backup. The term "checkpoint" derives from a disk file into which an application saved all its important data periodically so it could restore that data an pick up where it left off after a system crash. These strategies work because they are too simple to fail. More sophisticated algorithms may accomplish the same result with less processing and I/O, but the more complex the logic the more vulnerable you become if the software, or hardware, or network failure occurs in a way that the complex sophisticated software did not anticipate.
Ehcache is a large library of complex code designed to merge changes to shared data across multiple hosts. Cushy is a single source file of pure Java written to be easily understood.
Basic Principles
- CAS is very important, but it is also small and cheap to run.
- Emphasize simplicity over efficiency as long as the cost remains trivial.
- The Front End gets the request first and it can be told what to do to keep the rest of the work simple. Let it do its job.
- Hardware failure doesn't have to be completely transparent. We can allow one or two users to get a bad message if everything works for the other 99.9% of the users. Trying to do better than this is the source of most 100% system failures.
Ticket Chains (and Test Cases)
A TGT represents a logged on user. It is called a Ticket Granting Ticket because it is used to create Service and Proxy tickets. It has no parent and stands alone.
When a user requests it, CAS uses the TGT to create a Service Ticket. The ST points to the TGT that created it, so when the application validates the ST id string, CAS can follow the chain from the ST to the TGT to get the Netid and attributes to return to the application. Then the ST is discarded.
However, when a middleware application like a Portal supports CAS Proxy protocol, the CAS Business Logic layer trades an ST (pointing to a TGT) in and turns it into a second type of TGT (the Proxy Granting Ticket or PGT). The term "PGT" exists only in documents like this. Internally CAS just creates a second TGT that points to the login TGT.
If the Proxy application accesses a backend application, it calls the /proxy service passing the TGT ID and gets back a Service Ticket ID. That ST points to the PGT that points to the TGT from which CAS can find the Netid.
So when you are thinking about Ticket Registries, or when you are designing JUnit test cases, there are four basic arrangements to consider:
- a TGT
- a ST pointing to a TGT
- a PGT pointing to a TGT
- a ST pointing to a PGT pointing to a TGT
This becomes an outline for various cluster node failure tests. Whenever one ticket points to a parent there is a model where the ticket pointed to was created on a node that failed and the new ticket has to be created on the backup server acting on behalf of that node. So you want to test the creation and validation of a Service Ticket on node B when the TGT was created on node A, or the creation of a PGT on node B when the TGT was created on node A, and so on.
Front End Programming
Any cluster of Web Servers requires some sort of Front End device to screen and forward network traffic. Ten years ago this was a simple computer that normally assigned traffic to servers on a round robin basis. Today the primary function of many Front Ends is to protect the servers from Denial of Service attacks, attempts to brute force passwords, and other security problems. To do this, the device understands many common network protocols so it can do "deep packet" inspection. HTTP is probably the simplest of the protocols. A Front End will examine the URL, remove certain headers regarded as dangerous, and add headers of its own. It can select a specific server from the pool based on data in the request, although this is most commonly used to maintain "sessions" between a particular client and server.
Users at Yale know that CAS is "https://secure.its.yale.edu/cas". In reality, DNS resolves secure.its.yale.edu to and that is a Virtual IP address (a VIP) on the BIG-IP F5. The VIP requires configuration, because the F5 has to hold the SSL Certificate for "secure.its.yale.edu" and manage the SSL protocol.
Yale decided to make it appear that other security applications appear to run on the secure.its.yale.edu machine, even though each application has its own pool of VMs. So the F5 has to examine the URL to determine if it begins with "/cas" and therefore goes to the pool of CAS VMs, or if it begins with /idp and therefore goes to the Shibboleth pool. The F5 has to inspect and generate HTTP Headers if the real client IP address is passed on to a Web Server for processing.
This means that if CAS is going to use X.509 User Certificates as a non-interactive form of authentication, then all the configuration that would in a standalone server be managed by the X509 optional component of CAS has to be configured in the F5. This is required by SSL protocol, it is not CAS specific. There has to be a special list of "Trusted" Certificate Authorities from which User Certificates will be accepted. The browser has to be told that certificates are required, permitted, or not allowed. The signature in the submitted Certificate has to be validated against the Trusted CA list. The Certificate has to be ASN.1 decoded, and then the DN and/or one or more subjectAltNames has to be extracted, and they have to be turned into HTTP headers that can be forwarded to the application. The F5 has most of this programming built in, although the last step of creating headers has to be manually coded. By comparison, routing requests based on CAS ticketids is simple.
Routing requests to particular servers based on the content of request line and the headers is part of what generic Front End devices (not just the F5) call "Layer 4-7 routing". The internet routes messages between computers using Layer 3 routing (IP) but Front End devices select the last hop to the specific VM based on data and and understanding of the higher level protocols. In the previous example the F5 obtained the User X.509 Certificate from the browser and decoded it. The full "DN" name in the certificate provides not only the users identity but also the organizational unit to which he is assigned and the geographical location of his home campus or office. An F5 running on one campus of a large statewide university might use this information to route a CAS login request to a server on the specific home campus where the user has his specific local account and data.
In an eCommerce application, an F5 may be programmed to route the user's first request to a server chosen at random, but then to send all subsequent requests back to the same server. This can be done based on the client IP address or, for Java servers, based on the value of a parameter named "JSESSIONID" commonly used by Java servers to manage sessions. Of course, Java servers also have complex clustering technologies to exchange session information between requests, but it is better to avoid that problem all together.
First, however, we need to understand the format of CAS ticketids because that is where the routing information comes from:
type - num - random - suffix
where type is "TGT" or "ST", num is a ticket sequence number, random is a large random string like "dmKAsulC6kggRBLyKgVnLcGfyDhNc5DdGKT", and the suffix at the end is configured in the uniqueIdGenerators.xml file.
A typical XML configuration for a particular type of ticket (when you use Cushy) looks like this:
<bean id="ticketGrantingTicketUniqueIdGenerator" class="org.jasig.cas.util.DefaultUniqueTicketIdGenerator">
<constructor-arg index="0" type="int" value="50" />
<constructor-arg index="1" value="#{clusterConfiguration.getTicketSuffix()}" />
The suffix value, which is the index="1" argument to the Java object constructor, is obtained using a Spring "EL" expression to be the TicketSuffix property of the bean named clusterConfiguration. This is the CushyClusterConfiguration object that scans the configured cluster definitions to determine which cluster the server is running in and what name and IP address it uses. By directly feeding the output of clusterConfiguration into the input of the Ticket ID Generator, this approach makes configuration simple and ensures that all the machines come up configured properly. There is special logic in Cushy for an F5 which, for some reason, likes to identify hosts by the MD5 hash of the character representation of their IP address.
Every CAS request except the initial login comes with one or more tickets located in different places in the request. There is a sequence of tests and you stop at the first match:
- If the Path part of the URL is a validate request (/cas/validate, /cas/serviceValidate, /cas/proxyValidate, or /cas/samlValidate) then look at the ticket= parameter in the query string part of the URL
- Otherwise, if the Path part of the URL is a /cas/proxy request, then look at the pgt= parameter in the query string.
- Otherwise, if the request has a CASTGC cookie, then look at the cookie value.
- Otherwise, use the built in support if the request has a JSESSIONID.
- Otherwise, or if the node selected by 1-4 is down, choose any CAS node from the pool.
That is the code, now here is the explanation:
- After receiving a Service Ticket ID from the browser, an application opens its own HTTPS session to CAS, presents the ticket id in a "validate" request. If the id is valid CAS passes back the Netid, and in certain requests can pass back additional attributes. This request is best handled by the server that issued the Service Ticket.
- When a middleware server like a Portal has obtained a CAS Proxy Granting Ticket, it requests CAS to issue a Service Ticket by opening its own HTTPS connection to CAS to make a /proxy call. Since the middleware is not a browser, it does not have a Cookie to hold the PGT. So it passes that ticketid explicitly in the pgt= parameter. This request is best handled by the server that created the Proxy Granting Ticket.
- After a user logs in, CAS creates a Login TGT that points to the Netid and attributes and writes the ticket id of the TGT to the browser as a Cookie. The Cookie is sent back from the browser in any request to "https://secure.its.yale.edu/cas". After initial login, all requests with cookies are requests to issue a Service Ticket for a new application using the existing CAS login. This is best handled by the server that created the TGT.
- If there is no existing ticket, then the user is logging into CAS. This may be the GET that returns the login form, or the POST that submits the Userid and Password. Vanilla CAS code works only if the POST goes back to the same server than handled the GET. This is the only part of CAS that actually has an HttpSession.
- Otherwise, if there is no JSESSIONID then this is the initial GET for the login form. Assign it to any server.
Except for Case 4 during login, neither the browser, JBoss, CAS, or the F5 is maintaining a "session" as that term is commonly used, where requests from the same client always go to the same server and the server maintains an HttpSession object. Since the entire CAS function is based on creating and updating Ticket objects, each CAS request except the initial browser logon references a specific Ticket ID. By storing in the Ticket ID a field that easily identifies to the F5 the CAS server that created and owns the Ticket, CAS protocol now provides a relatively simple algorithm for routing requests to the best server. It is vastly simpler than other protocols that the F5 has built in because of their wide use.
The F5 understands HTTP requests and already has both expressions and logic to locate "the Path part of the URL", "the ticket= parameter in the query string", and "the CASTGC Cookie value". All that has to be coded is the comparison of these predefined items to test values, and an expression to extract the string that follows the third "-" character in a given ticket value.
CAS does not require the F5 to create any new table. The pool of servers associated with /cas is already part of the F5 configuration. The logic depends on the CAS protocol, which has been updated only three times since CAS was created, rather than the characteristics of any particular CAS release.
Although HTTP is a "stateless" protocol, an SSL connection is frequently optimized to be a longer term thing that keeps a session alive between requests. The SSL connects the browser or application to the Front End, and there is probably a separate SSL connection from the Front End to the CAS VM. A common option for Front Ends is to notice any long running SSL connection and use it to route requests to the same backend VM node. You must be sure that you do not select this option with Cushy and CAS. For Service Ticket validation requests to work, the routing decision has to be made separately for each request because different tickets have to be routed to different CAS VMs even though they came from the same application.
If you cannot convince your network administrators to do the programming in the Front End where it belongs, you can get the same result slightly less efficiently using the CushyFrontEndFilter. Just add it as a Servlet Filter to the WEB-INF/web.xml file and it examines incoming requests and executes the same logic described above, just coded in Java instead of F5 iRule syntaxas Cushy HTTP. It can store tickets on local disk. It is the obvious alternative to CushyTicketRegistry and deserves special consideration.
Ehcache Compared to CushyTicketRegistry
CushyClusterConfiguration will configure either EhcacheTicketRegistry or CushyTicketRegistry, so it is certainly no easier to configure one or the other.
Although the default configuration of Ehcache uses synchronous replication for Service Tickets, if you program the Front End (or add the CushyFrontEndFilter) to a CAS using Ehcache in the same way described for CushyTicketRegistry, then ST validation requests will go to the CAS server that created the ST, so you can use the same lazy asynchronous replication for Service Tickets that normally Ehcache is configured to use for Logon Tickets (TGTs).
So the main difference between the two is that every 10 seconds or so Ehcache replicates all the tickets that have changed in the last 10 seconds, while Cushy transmits a file with all of the ticket changes since the last full checkpoint. Then every few minutes it generates a full checkpoint. So Ehcache transmits a lot less data. However, the cost of transmitting the extra data is so low that this may not matter if Cushy provides extra function.
Ehcache is a closed system that operates inside the CAS servers and exposes no external features. Cushy generates checkpoint and incremental files that are regular files on disk that can be accessed using any standard commands, scripts, or utilities. This provides new disaster recovery options.
Ehcache is designed to be a "cache". That is, it is designed to be a high speed, in memory or local disk, copy of some data that has a persistent copy off on some server. That is why it has a lot of configuration for "LRU" and object eviction, because it assumes that lost objects are reloaded from persistent storage. You can use it as a replicated in memory table, but you have to understand if you read the documentation that that is not its original design. Cushy is specifically designed to be a CAS TicketRegistry. That is the only thing it does, and it is very carefully designed to do that job correctly.
Cushy models its design on two 40 year old concepts. A common strategy for backing disks up to tape was to do a full backup of all the files once a week, and then during the week to do an incremental backup of the files changed since the last backup. The term "checkpoint" derives from a disk file into which an application saved all its important data periodically so it could restore that data an pick up where it left off after a system crash. These strategies work because they are too simple to fail. More sophisticated algorithms may accomplish the same result with less processing and I/O, but the more complex the logic the more vulnerable you become if the software, or hardware, or network failure occurs in a way that the complex sophisticated software did not anticipate.
Ehcache is a large library of complex code designed to merge changes to shared data across multiple hosts. Cushy is a single source file of pure Java written to be easily understood.
Basic Principles
- CAS is very important, but it is also small and cheap to run.
- Emphasize simplicity over efficiency as long as the cost remains trivial.
- The Front End gets the request first and it can be told what to do to keep the rest of the work simple. Let it do its job.
- Hardware failure doesn't have to be completely transparent. We can allow one or two users to get a bad message if everything works for the other 99.9% of the users. Trying to do better than this is the source of most 100% system failures.
Ticket Chains (and Test Cases)
A TGT represents a logged on user. It is called a Ticket Granting Ticket because it is used to create Service and Proxy tickets. It has no parent and stands alone.
When a user requests it, CAS uses the TGT to create a Service Ticket. The ST points to the TGT that created it, so when the application validates the ST id string, CAS can follow the chain from the ST to the TGT to get the Netid and attributes to return to the application. Then the ST is discarded.
However, when a middleware application like a Portal supports CAS Proxy protocol, the CAS Business Logic layer trades an ST (pointing to a TGT) in and turns it into a second type of TGT (the Proxy Granting Ticket or PGT). The term "PGT" exists only in documents like this. Internally CAS just creates a second TGT that points to the login TGT.
If the Proxy application accesses a backend application, it calls the /proxy service passing the TGT ID and gets back a Service Ticket ID. That ST points to the PGT that points to the TGT from which CAS can find the Netid.
So when you are thinking about Ticket Registries, or when you are designing JUnit test cases, there are four basic arrangements to consider:
- a TGT
- a ST pointing to a TGT
- a PGT pointing to a TGT
- a ST pointing to a PGT pointing to a TGT
This becomes an outline for various cluster node failure tests. Whenever one ticket points to a parent there is a model where the ticket pointed to was created on a node that failed and the new ticket has to be created on the backup server acting on behalf of that node. So you want to test the creation and validation of a Service Ticket on node B when the TGT was created on node A, or the creation of a PGT on node B when the TGT was created on node A, and so on.
What Cushy Does at Failure
It is not necessary to explain how Cushy runs normally. It is based on DefaultTicketRegistry. It stores the tickets in a table in memory. If you have a cluster, each node in the cluster operates as if it was a standalone server and depends on the Front End to route requests to the node that can handle them.