The SAML Single SignOn protocols exchange data between the Application and Shibboleth through the Browser. We do not use the protocols where the Application talks to Shibboleth directly. Therefore, a test environment can be built completely on the desktop computer of the tester. Data can be traced as it passes through the Browser, and traffic can be trapped on the desktop and redirected to the test Shibboleth server.
In order for Shibboleth to generate and for the Service Provider to accept the SAML Response, it has to pass a long list of checks:
- The EntityID of the Service Provider has to be matched in one of the Metadata files configure to Shibboleth
- The Metadata file has to provide an AssertionConsumerService (ACS) URL to which the Response can be sent.
- The Digital Signature generated by Shibboleth has to be validated by the Public Key or Certificate configured for Yale in the Service Provider application and the EntityID name that Shibboleth uses to identify itself also has to match. In practice, this means that a Service Provider configure with PROD Shib has to get a message from a server configured with the private key credentials and EntityID of PROD Shib, while a SP that expects a message from TEST needs a message signed with the TEST key and sent with the TEST EntityID.
- The message will contain the EntityID and ACS URL of the Service Provider. SAML messages have an implied "eyes only" rule, so these two strings have to exactly match the EntityID and ACS URL that the Service Provider expects. Since these two values came from a Metadata file the SP sent us, this check is usually never a problem.
- The message does not contain any information about the network address or server name of the Shibboleth server. So it is not important that Shibboleth run on any particular machine.
- The SAML Response must contain any attributes that the Service Provider has told us are required. Generally speaking, across any change to Shibboleth the value of each attribute should not change. If the user changes their name or email address, then Shibboleth will start sending the new attributes, but the attributes should not change if Shibboleth switches to a new database or we put in a new version of Shibboleth.
- Each SAML message contains a Subject. In most cases the Subject is ignored, but there are a few special cases that also turn out to be really important cases (Google for EliApps, Service-Now) where the Subject is the only field and it is special and must have the same value each time.
The most common Shibboleth testing occurs when we have a new Service Provider to support. They will provide us with Metadata and a list of attributes they need us to supply.
If the attributes are already defined for someone else, all we need to do is to add the Metadata and to add or modify an entry in the attribute-filter.xml to release the attributes to this EntityID. Generally we can set this up in Sandbox or DEV testing, use the IdP Initiated Login URL with this EntityID, and then capture the Response. Correct behavior can be determined by an inspection of the Response. Then the code can move to PREPROD and a real login to the application becomes possible.
Occasionally someone asks for something new, or for a new version of something we are already generating. The Law School asks, "send us the list of groups in the Law School OU that contain this user as a member." We may have previously generated a list of all group membership, but now we need to filter it for just Law School groups and that is new. So now you create the new attribute, release it to this partner, and again manually check the generated SAML message to see if the right values were generated.
Attributes have a formal unique name, a friendlyName (short nickname), and a single value or occasionally a list of values. A simple example (removing all the XML boilerplate) would be:
FirstName: John
LastName: Doe
Email: John.Doe@yale.edu
eduPersonPrincipalName: jd345@yale.edu
Different partners can ask for the same attribute with different names. So "John" can be a FirstName, First_Name, givenName, and so on. So you have to generate both the right name and the right value for each item.
When a new Service Provider appears, it is convenient to initially ask them to configure the EntityID and Public Key Certificate of ourTEST Shibboleth. Then we can verify the attribute list, attribute names, and values and verify a login to the application. When it is all working, then we promote the changes to Production Shibboleth and ask the Service Provider to change EntityID and Certificate configuration to point to PROD. After a few days, we lose our contacts with the person at Yale coordinating the installation and the contact at the Service Provider who is making any changes.
Very few Service Providers bother to have a permanent configuration for our TEST Shibboleth. InCommon doesn't even have a concept of configuring TEST Identity Providers to anyone. So if after a few years we need to upgrade Shibboleth and test the new release, we have to do it with all of our Service Providers configured to use only auth.yale.edu and the production Shibboleth credentials. This explains the need for a PREPROD Shibboleth.
PREPROD is a Shibboleth IdP server on a VM that has the same /credentials subdirectory (and therefore the same private key) as PROD Shibboleth. If it generates a SAML Response, all of our Service Providers will accept it as genuine. It uses the production databases. It has been installed passing a property with the production EntityID. The only difference is that it is not actually at the IP address that the DNS server reports to be "auth.yale.edu" and if a message goes through the F5 to get to it, then it will use a separate (but hopefully equivalent) configuration so it is handled the same as production.
If we can arrange that on one computer in one Browser, all traffic addressed to production Shibboleth goes instead to PREPROD, and all messages back from PREPROD are sent on to the Service Provider, then we can verify that the new code running on PREPROD works before the same code is installed on PROD.
PREPROD is necessary for final testing where it is not good enough to simply "eyeball" the SAML XML, but you really need to go all the way to login to the Service Provider and verify that you get the right account contents. This isn't necessary for ordinary day to day testing of the configuration of Service Providers, but it is necessary if someone makes a change to Shibboleth itself or do a database like IDR that provides a lot of Shibboleth data.
IdP Initiated Logon
About 95% of the applications that use Shibboleth support "IdP Initiated" logon, where the Browser starts with a URL that points to Shibboleth and Shibboleth sends a SAML Response unsolicited to the Application. The starting URL is of the form: